Well today is Thanksgiving! ...yay. I really don't think there is anything special about thanksgiving. When we started to eat dinner my mom was all like "let's say grace!" And I was confused, she picks today to say grace? Why don't we say grace everyday? Why is it only on Thanksgiving we say grace? Then my dad goes "okay let's go around the table and say something we are grateful for, Karsyn, you go first." I said no that I will go later and then my bro went. My bro is so fake around my parents, it's so annoying. I don't remember what he said but being as myself, I said "I am grateful that the pilgrims and natives got along and now because of them we are eating this huge turkey, yum." Then we had to go around again -.- While my bro said he was grateful for the wonderful family he has -gags- I said I was grateful for no school....So I got bored and decided to bring up the topic of me getting a nose piercing, like a stud. And my mom freaked out and my dad said if mom says no then I can't. He thinks it's fine only when I 16 but they were going on about it scarring and me having a whole in my nose for life and me not caring. Then they started talking about other piercings...then I brought up hair colors ^^ I want my hair to have a cool color but my dad doesn't like it. We compromised though, hopefully!