Urg, I cried tonight! I had come back from doing the play Oliver and I started doing my homework. My dad came in my room because he needed to plug in this one Halloween light he put in my window. I was minding my own business, he was minding his. when he got done he just randomly said, "here let me take 5 minutes of your time." I was like...ok. He starts talking, which I could tell it was gonna be longer than 5 minutes. He started talking about the conversation we had last night which was about us moving. Ok, I did not want to talk about this! He was talking about how I will make friends and all that stuff they all say. Sure I'll make friends, but I am tired of it. I want to stay where I live already with the friends I love. We've moved eight times and trust me it gets old! I was already starting to get really annoyed and emotional, I was looking away from him and putting my eyes up which looked like I was rolling my eyes but really I was trying not to cry. I don't want to go through the same thing again. I had lived somewhere and made great friends, they would have been life long friends too. But we moved which did not go well. My parents were happy, they hated that place, but I loved it. I was seriously traumatized or something. Because for a whole year I was depressed, well not really depressed but every week I probably cried. I'm not emo or anything like that but every time I looked at there pictures I just got sad at how everything was going, I wasn't happy. It's been a year since then and I am perfectly fine, everything is great again and now I'm going to have to move and do the same thing over again. It really hurts thought have to leave all of my best friends and all the people I love.