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Manga life
Just a little, way to let you know whats happening ^^

Chapter one: Weird things are happening

"Kona, come on, let's go! we'll miss the plane!" "Im coming, im coming!!" "Sorry but i forgot to pack my toothbrush." i raced down the stairs "Ok, let's go!!" i grabbed my mom's sleeve once in the car. "Mom, do we have to take a plane? I mean can't we take a boat or somthing?" "Sorry but we already brought the ticket's, relax we're going to be fine just down look dow, ok honey?" She rubbed my head and started the car.

On the plane.

"Uhhhhhh, i can't take this much longer!" "Neither can i, you puked on me twice, i'll be whereing a puke sweeter by the time we get to Europe!" "Excuse me!!" i ran down the passage way, to the bathroom, and puked. "Uhhhhhh, why did i have to be afaid of heights?!?!" "Uh, hey whats this?" Kona pick's up necklace. "Cool, a sapphire necklace, alright!" Kona put the necklace around her neck and left the bathroom. "Mmmmm, you haven't gagged once, since you stole that necklace." "Hey, i didn't steal, i know, it like it help me with so i not afaid of heights anymore. jeez, kate, boy some times i wonder how we ended up being twins." "Well, i don't know and the fact that we're twins, make's me sick, so stoping saying it." "Ok, ok, man, we're hot mad today." Thats my twin sister Kate, yes idenitcal, i hate when people come to me calling me Kate, she thinks she's so cool. For, a treteen year old she can be pretty, crazy somtimes, but lately i geuss i' ve been the crazy one, i've been uh, having really strange dreams, anyway, i'll tell you about it later, my plane just landed. "Move Kona, mom and dad, already left." "Ok, katey moster." Thats the nick name i made up for her, she hate's it too.

On the street's of Europe.

"I hate museums!" "Well, honey, im sorry but we all want to see this one." "But i don't want to see it!" "We've been in almost every store on this block, can't we go to just this one?" "No, i want to see the shoes store, Kona, back me up!" "Sorry, but after all that shoping, im with mom and dad on this one." There's Kate throwing one of her fits, i feel kinda sorry for her, but hey, i' ve seen one to many store's today, and ANYTHING would be better right now. "ok, how about you go that store over there, while we go in this museum, ok?" I could see the pleading in my moms eyes. "Ok fine, but after this i want something to eat!" "Ok honey, see you in an hour." She kissed Kate's head and then we walked into the museum. Yeah, if you geussed it, she the baby in the family, my whole family consist's of my mom, dad, twin sister Kate, and jac my baby brother, he's only about a year old, oh yeah, so you want to hear about the dreams, well, they're like a show, like the differnt dreams go together to make one big slide show. In the first one, im floating in space, i breath fine and everything, but i don't have a helmet or anything, anyway, then i see this gem, i can't tell what it is, but it had this blue glow coming from it, sunndenly, it stuck it my forehead, then one appered on my wrist's, ankles and chest, they all start glowing then im in this dress up outfit with a wand in my hand. I see eleven other people doing the same thing they had on the same colthes and wands, only in diffrent colors, then for some reason i feel this weird chill, as if something really dark just settled down over that whole area, the people start pushing me toward this huge man, his teeth were huge, he had tentcles, and was killing every,and anything in his path, all twelve of us started charging at him. By the end of the battle, we were trying to flee to safety, everything was muted in that dream, but at the end, when a boy about sixteen year's old, said to me: "Go Sapphire, destroy Vortex." Then the huge man grabed him and that was it, i woke up after that, since then i've been having deams with more sound and more information about what happened before, i've only had about eleven so far, not sure how many i will have but they need to stop, anyway, this museum was really cool, i looked over at a really cool, looking exibit. "Say's, The god Maniek something something, sent his twelve children away when his started dieing, leagnd has it that when the Moon child out's her palm on the sacerd ball, all the children will awake and come to her calling." "Cute i think i'll give it a try." That was perhaps the most unluckly/luckly thing i ever did in my life. I got about 20 bults it electricty, and then passed out, i woke up in a hospital, mom and dad were out side talking to the owner of the museum, i had a cast around my hand and arm, something wasn't right, where was Kate? I got up out of my bed and ran to the door. "Mom, dad, where's Kate?" First mom and dad both hugged me then mom told me what happened: "Kate fell down a flight of stairs and broke her leg, a little after you hurt your arm. "Where is she, i want to see her!" "Ok Ok, she's in the room next to your's." I ran over to the door next to mine, there she was, laying in the bed with her leg elavanted. "Kate, Kate are you ok?" "If i was ok, would i be in this hopital bed!" Yup, she's ok. "Im so sorry Kate, here take this." I took off my necklace and it around her neck. "gee, thanks, now could you uh, move so i can watch tv." I smiled. "Sure." i said and left the room. I went back to my room and sat down on my bed, just as soon as i sat dwon i got a crazy thought and started tearing off my cast. Then right before my eyes, there it was, my hand was, completely fine, brun or anything.

Plz wait for Chapter two: What??

Im not a lover, Im a fighter!:

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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 11, 2007 @ 05:23am
Chapter two: What??

My hand was completely ok, no burn mark's or anything, as if i never got shocked, but i did, i know i did, something most be wrong, i could be dreaming, this could be one of those dream's. Uh what was that, someone, or something, was scrapping the window. I walked over to the window and that might have been the most unluckly/luckly thing i ever did, i saw sombody standing on a branch outside Kate's window, and they were take Kate out the window. "Hey!! Hey put her back!!!!" He must have not heard me, it was raining pretty hard. Of corse i had to do something stupid, so i jumped out the window and started walking on the branch toward him, stupid right, well, i to worry about Kate to care about my self, so i couldn't just sit there and watch her get kidnapped. "Hey!!" I shouted again. He still didn't hear me, thats when stuff started getting werid, he opened some kind of werid portal thingy and made ready to jump in, i was close enough now. "Hey!!!" I screamed with all my might, it worked he turned around and looked at then he got ready to jump again. "Oh, no you don't!!!!!" He jump and i grabbed on to the cloak he had on, and all three of us: my sister, the kidnapper, and me, all went into the portal. Luckly when we got to the other side i was still awake, the rest of them were asleep, really unconisus. "Garnet!! He's back!" I heard some yell from somewhere, oh no, i needed to hide, if some found me i'd be dead meat. I ducked behind a bunch of boxs just in time. "Thanks Aquamarine, call Pearl tell her i think somone might be on the ship." "Sure, would you like me to take Sapphire to her room?" "Hey, she may as well not be Sapphire, that would be nice thank you Aquamrine." "No problem." Ok, even i know there's something werid going on, im the one writing the book, everyone's name is name's of a gem, wait a minute, Sapphire thats the same name the boy in my dream used, so are these people the same people from my dream? Well, i have nothing better to do, so i geuss i should follow Kate to her room, huh? So i followed her down and in to her room, i must have been really tired, cause as soon i got into a comfortable hiding spot i fell asleep.
When I woke up Garnet and the some other girl about his age were standing over a bed with Kate in it, this all i heard: "Look Garnet, i know you really want to find Sapphire, but this, human, could not be our sister and then what, i just say we kill her and stop the sreach." What kill Kate, what in the world is happening. "Look, i know your tierd but we need to find, i think is could be her." Then Kate started waking up. "she's waking up, ok, Ruby, please just be nice try not to scare her, ok?" "Fine." "Whe- where am i?" "Sapphire?" "Sapphire, who's that, my name is Kate, who are you and why am i here?!?!" "Calm down Sapphire, it going to be ok." "Why do you keep, calling me that, my name is Kate!!!" "Garnet!!! get away from him, that Xem!!!" Garnet started running away from Kate, then Ruby used some kind hold on her and started choking her!!! "Please.....i can't breath..." Kate pleaded as Ruby kept her hold on her. "So, Xem, thought you could sneek up on us, well we aren't so easly fooled!!" "Im....not...Xem.....please ........your......killing......me...." "Leave her alone!!!" I jumped from behind my my hiding place, looking really stupid, in my hopital gown talking to somone almost four years older then me. "Wait a minuite, what, there are two of them?" Ruby looked over at me really confussed. Then she tryed to use that choking thing on me, luckly im an expert at dodge ball. After a susesful round of dodging, Ruby let Kate go, she fell to the the floor and went un conusics. I looked up at Ruby with all the courage i had, witch wasn't alot. "Sapphire!!" Garnet ran over to Kate and started holding her. "Get off my sister!!" I ran over and pinned him to the wall. "Don't touch her ever again!!" I felt like it was respondablety to protect her so i wasn't going let some crazy man hold her!! Ruby ran over to grab me but i swep kicked her. My dad teachs fight move's at a public learning center, he's showed me a few moves "If, it's a battle you want, its a battle you'll get!!" She pulled out a wand that looked like the same wand in my dreams, so these must be the same people! I thought hard, if they could do it, so could i, suddenly i was in that werid outfit again. Yes! It worked! Where's my oh there it is my wand, i have some experiance with a wand from my dreams. "Alright human, perpair to be crushed!!" "Same to you, ugly." That must have pissed her off, she ran at me with a sword that was on fire and swang so hard that i could hear the wind behind it after she took a swing. "AHHHHHHH!!!" She bought that sword down, trying to slice my head, but being to slow, cut off the end of my ponytail. "Thats it you might be better then me, but when you touch my hair, then your getting a little personal!!" I grabbed my wand gave it a spin and had a arrow and bow set faster then you can uh....you get the point. I shot a few arrows then thought as Ruby tryed to hit me. Maybe, just maybe, ok im going to try something crazy again, but hey if there's a chance it'll work i'll try it. "Clone, four!!" I called out, but i held out five fingers, just as i thought five clone's who looked just like me appered, Ruby was confussed again, and i had a chance to up close. "Invisable trick." I whispered. "Ah, that won't work." Ruby started pointing her wand at each and everyone of the clones. "This one, this one." She started taking out the clones all but one. Perfect!! She fell for my trick, she thinks that im the one clone left and all the while i was still invisable. "Now, its your turn!" she raised her sword in the air, ready to bring it down and end my life. "No, please!!!" "You asked for it!!" She bought the sword down with all her might. as soon as the clone vanised, turned visable and took aim with my bow and arrow. if you could see what was happening right now, you would Ruby stand sword in where the clones head would have been, and me standing behind her with my bow and arrow ready to fire. She was totally shocked, and couldn't even move. "I can't believe you tricked me like that, but unfurtunly." The real Ruby appered behind me. "Your not the only one who knows that trick!" A grin grew on her face as the whole sence reversed. "Your right, but." The clone with the bow and arrow broke in a million peices. "No one knows it better!" I said i appered behind her. "But me!" My face fell, as Ruby appered behind me, there was a full circle of clone's before you saw the end, it with me and Ruby neck and neck, Ruby's sword right above my head and my bow and arrow right in her chest. Garnet came down from somwhere and broke up the fight then started hugging me. "Hey, Hey!!! What the, you people have some weird customs!" "Sapphire we found you!!" "What did you say?" I pushed him away from me and looked at his face, oh my goodness!!!! Thats him the boy in my dreams, he's the one who was in my dreams!!! The one who got killed by the dark thing!!! "You, your the one from my dreams, aren't you?" "Yes, she got the message, it is you!" "Ok, im glad that you found me, but, uh, who are you, how do i know you, who all these people and where are we?" "Im sorry where are my manners, im Garnet Child, this is Ruby Child, we're your brothers and sisters, your name Sapphire Child, and we're on the Mac 2000, my ship." "Wow, ok, um, how many are of us are there?" "We all together are twelve." "Ok, and uh, how are we all family?" "We all came from our father the god Manieksiena." "Wait thats the same name i saw in the museum, i thought it said that you would come to my calling, but no body came." "We would have, but Vortex already awoke us and tryed to make us turn on our father." "Ok, now who's Vortex?" "We'll talk about the whole thing later, just first you should meet the rest the family." Garnet took me by the hand and lead me to a microphone. "Everyone please meet me in the first hall, i have some very important news!!!!" A little while later in the first hall, we all came together at the table, everybody gave me a dirty look. wow, this was going to be some family reuion. "Everyone, i have good news, i have found Sapphire!!" He pointed to me. everyone's look changed, they all started coming over and hugging me. "Ok,Ok, please, uh who are all you?" Geuss that was the magic word, evrybody started lining up, Garnet walked down from the platform, and started intorducing them. "This he pointed a dark looking chick, dressed in all black. "is Amethyst she is shadow, she's about two years older then you, next is Aquamarine she is ice, she about your age, Diamond, he is wind, he's the same age as me, after him is Emerald, he is earth he's one year older then me, after him is Pearl, she's lighting, you already know Ruby." we both gave each other a grin, "then Peridot, she's use's spell's, she dosen't have a real power, she's about four years younger then you, then there's Opal, he has the power of sand, he's about one year younger then you, Topaz is his twin, they weren't really born on the same day, but they were born so close we call them twins, he has the power of- "Oh my goodness, where's Kate? i completely forgot about her during the battle!" "Relax, you'll see her when you done meet the rest of the family." "Whew! ok continue." "Of corse,Topaz, he has the element of light, then last but not least is Turquiose, she has two elements, lava and ice, she only six though. And thats everybody, any questions?" "Uh, yeah, where can a girl catch some zz around here?" I was basiclly sleeping in my chair.

Chapter three: This can't be??

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 01:31am
Chapter Three: This can't be

Chapter three

I was having another dream, but this one was diffrent, i coudn't see any of my siblings, all i could see were this two men,it looked like they were fighting, one had one a dark blue robe with a hood, i couldn't see his face, but i what i did notice is that i felt that that weird dark feeling again, i felt it all around him, the other one was not very diffrent, but his was gold instead of dark blue and i could see his face, he had dark brown hair and light green eyes. Anyway, they were fighting over some kids, i think one was the uncle and one was the father, this what i heard. ( 1 is the the one in dark blue 2 is the other one)

1: Look, all im saying is you've got the most powerful kids ever, you could take over whole universe's if you wanted to.

2:I can't do somehting like that, and anyway, i have to find a care taker for my children before my death.

1: But if you take over the universe, you won't have to worry about your death, you could live forever!!

2:I don't have time for this, i need to go, look can we talk about this another time?

Me: Excuse me? Im looking for someone, can you help me? ( me and my idea's)

2:Uh,sure, who are you looking for? (he was still looking at number 1)

Me: Im looking for someone named Garnet, do you know him?

Number two's face droped, he looked at me like i was crazy, then he shok his head.

2: Im sorry, my name is Mani, what is your name?

I thought a while, should i say i was Sapphire Child, or Kona Dena?

Me: Im uh, Sapphire Child, do you know where he is?

His face dropped even further, he stood there looking at me like i was some kind of ghost.

Me: um excuse me, sir, can you help me or not?

Mani: Yes, i can help but, i need to ask you a few questions.

Me: ok, but please hurry.

Mani: Ok, one how do you know Garnet, two how do you know Sapphire child?

Me: um he's my brother, and well, i am Sapphire Child.

Mani: No that's impossible!!!!! i must be dreaming!!!!

Me: no your not, but i am.

Mani: ok i'll take to Garnet, but i need you not to go anywhere while i talk to my wife, deal?

Me: Deal. (stupid!)

Mani: ok this way.

We walked for so long after a while i didn't feel like going any more, but then we saw the house.

Mani: There's my house.

After we got inside the house, he took me into a room, in a room where a bunch of babys. He pointed to one boy.

Mani: That's Garnet.

Me: What?!?!?!? That can't be Garnet!!!!!!!

Mani: if you check his gem i think you'll find that that is Garnet.

Sure enough on his forehead was a garnet.

Me: Garnet!!!! What happened to you?!?!?!?!?!

Mani: Please stay here.

Me: Noooo, what happened to you!?!?!?!? What happened?!!?!?

Now this was a real nightmare, but what happened next was even wrose.

Mani walked in with a lady.

Mani: This is my wife, Srina.

Srina: Nice to meet you. My i ask how you knew about our babys?

Me: they're my brothers and sisters!!!!

Mani: Please tell her your name.

Me: My name is Sapphire Child. What did you do to my brother's and sisters?!?!?!

Srina: No thats impossible!!! How could she know that name?!?!?!?

Me: I said what did you do to my siblings?!?!?

I was about ready to pull out my bow and arrow at that point.

Srina: Mani!!! This child how could she- how could she know Sapphire?!?!?

Me: I am Sapphire!!!!

Srina: no thats Sapphire.

She pointed to a small crib seprate from the other's

Inside was a little girl, she had a Sapphire on her head, chest, wrist's and ankle's like me.

Me: What is this?!?! what kind of joke is this!?!?!?!?

I pulled out my arrow, my gems started glowing.

Srina: Mani! look she has the same gem spot's as Sapphire!!!!

Oh no, i was waking up, needed information, and fast!

Me: What is your full name?

I pointed my arrow at Mani.

Mani:What are you talking about, you know my name.

Me: No your full name, what is it!!!!!!

Mani: Ok, ok!! My name is Manieksiena Child, please don't kill me!!!!

Me: Manieksiena, that was my father's name, your my father?

Waking up

"No what, happened where's Garnet?" I started getting up and getting dressed. "uh" Turquiose said completely confussed. "He's still asleep, what do need to tell him?" "I need talk to him, now, can't you wake him up?" "Uh, i can't wake him up right this moment, but maybe a little later i can-" "No, later i now to talk now!" hey i can be kinda snappy when i need to be!

A little while later:

"So, you saw me and everyone, only in the past?" I nodded. "Yeah, and i saw our father, at least i think i did, so what does this all mean?" he let his head hang a little. "I don't really know everything, but i think i can explain some stuff, i think when you touched the orb, i mean you were supposed to awake us, but since we already woke, so i think that you just absorbed father's power, as well as got your own power's back." "So, your saying that i got, my own power's back, but because you guy were already awake, i also got 'dads' power too?" "Pretty much." I sighed. "Two questions, one who is Vortex? two, what can i do with these powers?" "Vortex, is the reason we're all together, he and dad were friends, that is untill he came up with this crazy plan to make us powerful wepons and detroy the- "Universe!" "Uh, yeah, but how'd you- "That was my dream, i saw them fighting about us, Vortex, wanted to use us to take over the universe, but dad, just wanted to find a safe place for us before he died." "But he knew that Vortex wouldn't stop untill he had taken over the universe." Garnet said catching on. "But he still couldn't leave us all in one place, so he split us up." "Then he would have needed a way stop Vortex." "So, made a way to let all of know when it was time to take him out." "And that was the orb!" "But wait a minute, it doesn't make sense, how could i have that dream, i mean didn't you say that the dreams were just a message, a way to tell us where to meet?" "Yes, now that what i don't understand." "We geuss, i should take a few days to pratice, or else im going to be blasting people everywhere i go, and then and Kate should go back till we can- "Oh my goodness!!!! Kate, i completely forgot about her, where is she, is she ok?" "She's ok, we sent her back already." "Did you wipe her memory?" "No, we just told that you were close friends,and not tell anyone untill she spoke to you." "But how do you know if she'll-" "We told that if she did tell, we'd kill you." "Wow, really close friends, huh?" He blushed a little. "Sorry, we didn't know what else to tell her." "So, want to help me pratice my powers?" "Nothing would be better."

Chapter four will take a while please wait!!! 4laugh

Im not a lover, Im a fighter!:

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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 12, 2007 @ 01:44am
pirate pirate 4laugh

Im not a lover, Im a fighter!:

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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 05:46am
New story called: Witch factor, please will post first chapter

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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 14, 2007 @ 05:47am
Witch factor

Chapter one: Witch spells and nonsense

"No, no, no, that won't do. you must put more magic in it, or else (cough, cough) or else it won't work." Ren's grandmother had been giving her this magic lesson all mourning. Ren really didn't understand, she did everything her grandmother asked. " ok." Ren's grandmother said as she tryed to think of a new way to explain this to her granddaughter. " Haya, i- i don't think your ready to- well i think you need to talk to your mother, i just don't think your ready to be a witch. its nothing personal, just that your not ready yet. maybe in a year or so, ok?" Ren's grandmother said trying to sound as cheery as possable. The smile on Ren's face dropped. then it remused as to show that Ren hadn't taken her grandmother seruiosly.." But grandma." Ren frowned " mother doen't know about the punishment, about us being witch's." Her grandmother smiled a nervous smile that didn't look very convencing. " i know, thats what i want you to talk to her about. i think its time she knew." ' think we both should talk to her." " it's all so werid." Ren said. She sighed and turned to her gram. " ok, i just have one question." " yes." grandma said "do you think mom's a witch?" Ren asked, hoping it was true. " well i never knew, but im sure she isn't." Ren sighed again and tried the spell one more time. "RISE! " she said as she pointed her wnd to a bowl of magic water. it came half way out the bowl and Ren started to smile but she lost her magic grip on it and it fell back in the bowl with a splash. Ren's grandmother looked down at her wet shirt and her checks turned pink with embarrassment. " thats ok." she said to Ren " we'll try again tomorrow, in the mean time we'll make some cookies, how does that sound." Ren smiled and nodded " well come on and help get out the bowl and flour."

Next two days

Ren stopped to tie her shoe at her grandmoms house. "Ding, Dong!" Ren rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer. "You ready?" Ren nodded. " well then lets go!" Gramom Said and came out the house. "Okay." Gramom said. "frist we need to give her somthing to sooth her, like tea or somthing, no coffie, ok" Ren nodded. "Ok, then we make her sit down, after talking about trust for somthing like that, then i want you to say ' mom im a wicth, ok?" "after that just leave it up it me, all right here we are, you ready?" Ren nodded and they walked in the house together.

A while later, Ren's in her room and gram's walk's in.

"How did it go?" Ren asked when her gradmother walked in. "Well as i thought, she thought i was trying to play a trick on her, so when i show it to her she fainted and i had to called the ambulance." "So are we going to try again or just leave her alone?" Gramom widened her eyes. "Why would we do that?" " well she fainted don't you think she might have lost memorie when she fainted or somthing?" Gramom just sat and looked at her grandaughter. Then she started laughing. "Oh child, her fainting was a good thing." Ren frowned. "It was?" "Why yes, the infomation was to much for her brain, wicth mean what ever she saw was real, and it was." "Oh." Ren said still confused. "Grandma can i ask you somthing?" "Yes?" "Why don't you use a wand, like me?" "Well, i don't need my wand anymore, im more controled of my powers, anything else?" " Yes,can you do more then just water spell's?" "Yes, i can all sort's of things:Teleport, Shadow spells, multiply, transfrom, read minds, why?" "i was just wondering why i could only do water spell's." "Thats somthing that you'll learn later in life." Her grandma smiled and left her room. "How later?" Ren asked her self. It was around three oclock when Ren checked the mail, nothing unusual about todays mail: Bills for mom, more bills for mom, letters from old friends, acceptance into Witch Academy, more letters from friends. "Wait a minute!" Ren went back to the letter. "To the Parents of Ren Qua......." Ren opened the letter. "Ren Qua has been accepted into the academy for witch's." "Pretty short." "Ren!" Ren truned to see her grandma coming She held the letter in front of her. " Whats this?" She asked her grama. The exppression on her face changed. "Oh, thats you acceptance letter." "I know what it is." "then why'd you ask?" "You know what i mean." "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Grandma!" "Ok,ok, i sent that letter a few months ago, i sent them all the infomation about your powers, things, i just don't have what i need to teach you properly, the academy does." "So that why you wanted to tell mom about us being witchs, so she wouldn't worry when i went away to the academy." "Yes but now she's in the hospital, so i thought that i would just tell her that you went to a camp or somthing, but you don't have to go if you don't want to." Ren laughed at her grandma. "Why wouldn't i want to go?" Ren's grandma laughed with her grandma her grandaughter. "i geuss your right,i was over reacting,well i geuss you better start packing you things, you leave tomorrow mourning!" "ok."

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 16, 2007 @ 08:43pm
Chapter foru is almost complete, just a few more things, but in the mean time, please enjoy chapter two of Witch factor mrgreen

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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 09:03pm
Finally chapter four for Gemstone is complete!!! Please enjoy while a wprk on chapter five!! mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 09:07pm
Chapter four: couldn't think of a pretitle for this. 3nodding

"Ok, ready Aquamarine?" It was the last test fight before i went back, and i wanted to be in complete control of my powers. "Ready." "Ok, begin!" "Invisable trick!" Aqua left me standing there looking kinda weird. "Hey what the lemme go!" Fell for that trick, but i wasn't out of tricks just yets. "Ghost form!" I slipped through her arms, like water through a colander. "Colne!!" I watched her fingured, she held out six. "Clone look a like!!" I transform into one of her clones. Aqua was coffused for a minute, i took this oppertunity to turn invisable, and sneak up behind her. Well, she not as easly fooled, as i thought, she had a protect sheild around her. "Wall walk trough magic!!" I ran trough the wall used x-ray vision to see what Aqua was doing. I could her chaging up some kind of enrgy ball. I went under her, and grabbed her feet and pulled. But when i walk back, Aqua was standing with the ball stil and she fired it at me. "Ahhh!!!" I closed my eyes tight. When i opened them, everything was upside down, i was i upside down, yep second one was right. "Ahhh!!! what the!!" "Garnet!!!!!!!" "What, what's the problem?" "Hello, maybe the fact that im a hanging upside down!" "I don't see a problem." "Look at me!!!" I put my hands my hips. "Oh, you haven't figured out yet the fly powers." "Well, you could've told me!!" He grined. "I thought you knew." "Well, can you get me down from here!" He flew up and put my feet back on the ground. But as soon as my feet touched the ground, i floated back up to the ceiling again. He helped me back down tied weights around my feet. "Ok i need to be able to control my powers before i go back." "We don't have time, here take this, it'll help when you have problems with your powers." He handed me a little robot. "Just push the button when your having problems, now go back and try not let anyone know about your powers." I looked at the little robot when i came back into my hospital room. It had the words P14 scratched on the back. "Oh, no!" I looked down and saw my spell clothes were still on. I didn't have my hospital clothes either. "Invisable trick." I opened the door and snuck out my room, and made my way down the hall. Two problems: one i had no idea where i was going, two, mom and dad called the police to sreach the hospital for me, and they knew Kate knew somthing, if Kate told them, either they would think she was completely crazy, or they would call some kinda ghost angecy. i thought a minute, if i went around looking for clothes, Kate would tell on me, on the other hand i thought, if i changed and went back into my room, it would look kinda weird, and then they would be all over me. I went the other way, toward Kate's room, luckly the door was open, i snuck in. There were police all around her bed, so i can't get close enough to talk to her. "Maybe i can talk to her, like a telepath, i'll try." Kate, Kate, hello can you hear me, don't say anything just think my name. Kona, is that you? Thank god, these people are killing me. Ok, listen to me, don't tell them anything about me and the my powers. Yeah but what am i supposed to say? Im thinking, im thinking!!! Ok just tell them, that you saw a strange figure standing outside my door, and after that you don't remeber a thing. Think they bought it? Hope so, wait a minute!! i can read they're minds. Let me see, this one first. I think she maybe telling truth. She's lying to cover up for sombody. Shes a fake!! Not all of them, what should i do? I don't know. If i go back in my room, it'll look suspisus, but i can't stay like this all night long. if i fall asleep, i might be visable again. When the men left the room, i went over to Kate's bed, I turned visable so she could see me. "Kona, im scared!" "Shhhhh!" i told her. She looked up at me, but it wasn't just any old lok, it was her ' I've got an idea.' look. "Oh, no, whatever it is im not doing it!" "You didn't even hear what i had to say yet!" I sighed. "Fine, i'll listen." "You could be a super hero!" "WHAT!!!" 'Think about it, i mean you have the powers, you have the outfit." She frowned. "All you need is a mask!!" "What are you talking about?!?!?" "A mask, you know so people won't know your true identity." "Are you serious?!!?!?" "Yes!! Just think about it , ok?" BLAST!!!!!!! The whole wall be side Kate, was blown away, this most have been the handy work of Vortex. Me and Garnet found that there was somthing else, beside's me, that he wanted from earth, but he could just be trying to destroy the planet. After that everything happened so fast: The FBI came in, I turned back visable again from all the
excitement, and Kate was screaming her head off. I quickly put a shield over Kate, thinking she is more vulnerable then me, then i looked for somthing to hide my face, thinking about what Kate said. i grabbed my mom's scarf, and went out of the hole in the wall, when i got out i saw that it was a giant robot that had blown the wall away. "Fire blast!!" Nothing. "Fire blast!!" I said again. Still nothing. I thought a minute, my wand!! I didn't have it!! Well, i only know one spell that works without your wand, but i just learned it, i didn't have much time to pratice, would it work, could i even do it? Well, it looks like i'll have to take that chance. I took a deep breath. "Inflaming death!!" Nothing, i took another breath. "Inflaming death!!" Blank. "One more time!!!" I thought. "Inflaming death!!!!!!!" I felt a minute of slience. Then, fire exploded out of the robot. I sighed and went back to the hospital floor. "Freeze!!" I looked around at the FBI agents with they're guns. I looked down at my feet, my wnad!! if i could just- BANG!!! A bullet went flying past my head. "Freeze!!" I looked around. "Psst, so this is the kinda thanks i get for helping out?!" I grabbed my wand and left. Now i have two big problems: FBI agnets are hunting me down, plus if Kona doesn't show up soon, they might tie a connection between the two. I found the abondan building and rested there. "I could clone my self and maybe that could brake the link. I laughing. "I geuss Kate was right, im going to be a super hero after all." I sighed, layed back and went to sleep.

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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 06, 2008 @ 04:48am
Wow, this was a really cool Idea, check out my journal in a week I'll have a new story called "THe House". It's a scary story about a team of paranormal investigators, and they went to a house on a hill, this was Amy's first ever mission, and she lost her team from the ghost killing them. But it left her alone. One year later, she turns 24 and she asked to come back to that house on the hill, because a photographer name Ron Utachi noticed that a year ago the dark figure was standing on the hill, and now that same dark figure is walking off the hill on the picture! Now Amy has to stop the spirit before it reaches the town and eventually the world. But is she willing to go back to that house again? Where she saw her teamates be brutally murderd before her eyes?! The suspense is killing you isn't it?!
Well, come read it in a week!

Syotada! rofl

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