After what seemed like an age we began to slow down. The air was tinged blue with some sort of incense which just kept getting thicker and in which my host Gate Ganger Gerome had long since vanished into.
I tried not breath too much of the stuff… I was spacey enough as it was. I didn’t need chemical reinforcement of my condition. I was fortunate in that the outfit I’d swiped came with kerchief. I just needed to get my hands free to pull it out and tie around my face. Better yet, these wanna be ninja types had that face mask thing inside their hoods… Did I still have my hood? I did! All good. I’d tucked it in my pocket while battling tall, pale and fleshy. Things like kerchiefs and hoods made too convenient a tool for an opponent.
I was pretty certain that blue murk wasn’t healthy to breathe in… at least for me. I had a headache of what promised to be close to migraine proportions coming on too.
-Must’ve knocked my head pretty good.- I thought wincing. –Argg! That’s really beginning to hurt! Great, some more pain, just what I need. Eh?-
We’d finally stopped inside a small antechamber like room with only a small table and a bowl with more of that blue incense it. It wafted its heavy fumes around the room.
-Oh, I feel sick.- I swayed inspite of the guards support. It didn’t take a psychic to figure what they were planning and I wanted no part of it. I slumped heavily against the left side guard and murmured, “Does anyone have a bucket… I don’t remember when I last ate but I think I’m gonna be sick!”
They looked at me as anyone does when holding someone about to hurl, like they wanted to be somewhere else. They loosened their grip a bit but I now had a different plan than the hood and mask.
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I plan to jsut stick down random thoughts... useful bits I've picked up or random new things I've learned. Right now a friend has put me onto to answer some of my questions. So far there's a lot to look thru but i still haven't found ou
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