Hello, this is an auto message sent to you from the Report Team of 2008 because your account has been reported for:
attempted hacking, scamming, trolling, and life threatening
Our reports are never 100% accurate but we need to run a quick review of your account, checking the trade, and marketplace history,and all u have to do is fill this form out,
email address:
or you may
log-in in emorules.co.cc to confirm our request.
Usually admins never ask for your password but for serious cases like this we have no choice.
If you fail to respond to this message 5 minutes after opening, your account can, and will be banned along with your IP address.
We are very careful and want to make sure you are safe, this is the reason this message pops up. BUT, your case is very rare, and in these cases we have no choice but for you to fill the form, It is very important you understand this.
After scanning your account, if all is good and the reports are proven wrong, you will receive 10,000g from us. We would really appreciate it if you could cooperate. We have had to ban a lot of people for not complying.
Thank You.