SUMMARY: An intelligent conversation takes a turn to the unexpected...and little does Light know of how it will come back to "haunt" him.
NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Inspired by mydevildante's suggestion...
Defining Justice
“There is something to be said about the rule of propinquity,” L says, continuing their conversation once again on the topic of justice. Light rolls his eyes at the ceiling and swiftly interjects, “Just because a decision is made among the choice or even random few in a room at the moment of discussion doesn’t mean that the consensus on the topic is sound and globally acceptable. Someone can’t just declare himself the winner in a debate and then go out into the world expecting that to be the right answer. In such a case, there is the risk that the wrong people make the wrong decisions. It’s easily corruptible. You can’t possibly be saying that such a system is fair?”
“But it exists.”
“Yes, but that’s beside the point.”
“Is it? The way I see it, you are actually debating the viability of the status quo regarding justice, meaning its current definition. Not only does that sound suspiciously like Kira, but it also means that the justice you are proposing does not, in fact, exist.”
“So it’s an ideal. What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing. It just doesn’t exist. I’m not arguing for or against it. But now we’ve gone off on a tangent…you were saying that it isn’t right for some people to decide the fate of others as does happen sometimes under ‘propinquitous’ circumstances or sometimes under other conditions such as when government officials make law, but you see, Kira is no different. What makes Kira’s order worse than any other world order is that he kills in order to achieve his end quicker. Even death row inmates are allowed their time.”
“In that case, Kira is only speeding up the process...”
“...while cutting out all human rights to do so.”
At this point, Light knows that there was no way to sway the stubborn detective and he could practically feel a 100% stamped on his forehead.
“And so you believe that by protecting the status quo, no matter the corruption it may harbor, you are choosing to protect what you believe is the lesser of two evils,” Light says flatly. He had already predicted this conclusion, but wanted to try to at least change L’s mind before sealing his fate.
Steering the conversation to try and avoid his own death sentence, Light casually says, “Well, ultimately it will be up to the masses to accept whatever form of justice they see as the correct one.” He knows it’s not always true, but says it anyways to throw the conversation. At this point it doesn’t matter what he says. He can feel those deep, dark eyes weighing his comment before getting a calculated response.
“Would you bet on it?”
“What?” Light raises his eyebrows, very much caught off-guard.
“Would you bet that in the end the masses will accept a new form of justice?”
What nonsense…that would never happen in the condition the world is in right now, but in my New World Order, there will only be people who want my kind of justice left alive. There is no advantage for me to bet with L, even with his demise so close… He thinks back to what Rem agreed the day before. What the hell, it’s not like it matters at this point. Deciding to placate the detective in his final hours, Light replies, “What are we betting?”
L takes another moment to ruminate. Light, too, takes this time to think of what he could make his opponent do as punishment for losing…taking off those baggy jeans for one thing...
...And replacing them with a better-fitting, more stylish pair, of course…
And so, before L could answer, Light goes ahead and shares this thought. “If I win, then I get to tell you what to wear from then on.” L considers this, with his thumb in his mouth and his eyes on the ceiling fan.
“Very well. As for me, I would have to say that…” He is interrupted by his cell phone, which he immediately picks up, saying “Yes, Watari?” Light goes back to his work and forgets the whole conversation, imagining all that’s in store for him once L is out of his way.
Several years later in the land of Mu…
A figure appears in the distance. As it approaches L, it takes shape and becomes more defined. L speaks first.
“I’ve been expecting you.”
“Can I assume the conclusion from your presence?”
"..." The figure folds his arms and takes a defiant pose. L nods knowingly.
“Of course. I win the bet, then.” Looking him up and down, L has merely to imagine it and Light is in his choice outfit.
“...!!” Unfolding his arms and looking over himself, a look of shock spreads on his normally calm face. He accepts his fate, nonetheless, and proceeds to brood.
“Yes, that fits you quite nicely. Come along, now. Mello and I have prepared a chocolate bath. Perhaps Matt will join us today. You see, it’s like a mud bath, only more enjoyable because...”
“I won’t have anything to do with you,” Light interrupts in a huffy voice, “Besides, the bet was to dress the other to your liking, nothing more.” With that, Light attempts to walk away, but there is nowhere else to be.
“Not at all, Raito-kun. The rules, as you may have learned by now, are defined by the winner, as is justice. You may have only intended to redress me to your own liking, but I have other plans. I have a feeling we are going to be here a while, and I’m glad you’ve finally arrived. This is only the beginning.”
“...” Light stands his ground in a silent and angry sulk.
“Come along,” coaxes the smiling detective.
“There is no justice,” he spits back acidly.
“Don’t be such a sore loser, Raito-kun.”
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