My poor poor computer crying i think i broke the keyboard the other day because i had a bad case of writers block...i banged my head on the keyboard to cure it...needless to say didn't work. sweatdrop
sneek peek: btw none of these are in order they're just everywhere sweatdrop
I leaned back my head to look into his eyes, i tilted closer to him slowly, cautiously. I was interupted by Adelaide who entered the hallway and gasped, "NARI AND MITCH HOW CUTE!!!" she skipped out of the hallway to spread her discovery to the rest of my team mates. Tech looked worried as he entered the hallway and said, "nari we have a problem." i followed tech to his bathroom where i noticed for the firts time that he was missing both his glasses and his shirt. His bare chest was strong but held many scars from our battles. "There's no hot water," Tech said pointing to the shower head. sweatdrop
stare i rolled my eyes before grabbing the shower head and heating the water in the water heater with my powers. "thanks," tech said smiling warmly.
"Love who you want...because you can."
-AD (AntiquityDreams) and DG (DemonicGaara): 1 of the many ppl who love no matter what-
so please...take note.
twistedtwistability · Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 07:23pm · 0 Comments |