Character time!! whee
Liana- nervous wreck with an cutter side
Kyle- Major cutie 4laugh who is also a cutter
Michael- AWESOME!! blaugh
Angel- Michael's boyfriend
JD- Nerdy Model emo
Corey- Twin very bold and eager
Max- Twin very shy and quiet
Demitri- Big brother type of guy
Peter- Cute skater with a disturbing tendancy eek
Kim- Max's girl, pole-vaulter extrodinare, and fierce redhead
Roxanne- Colorful bold and short xd
Anna- Liana's crazy mom
That's all for now but I put in a scene here...
Sneek peek:
Set up-Kim is waiting for Liana after class to swoon over Max whee
"Max is something isn't he?" Kim said. "What?" I asked. "Come on! You havent's noticed those chocolate eyes or his long soft hair?" Kim said eyes glowing. "Not really," I confessed. Kim nodded in understanding, 3nodding "You're all for Corey aren't you?" I held back a laugh and answered calmly, "I don't think so." Kim rolled her eyes, rolleyes "Right, well gotta go, algebra's calling."
The next entry will have an intimate scene between who I won't say whee
"Love who you want...because you can."
-AD (AntiquityDreams) and DG (DemonicGaara): 1 of the many ppl who love no matter what-
so please...take note.
twistedtwistability · Fri Oct 17, 2008 @ 10:23pm · 0 Comments |