Some of my friends, some being Kaylei, Kenzie, Hope, Kenzie's brother Brandon, and April have decided to start a cosplay group^^ I am the main costume designer and I am currently working my butt off getting out our 50 million diffrent designs (hehe hyperbole)
We are going to be cosplaying the following series (I'll add more if we find one we just have to do)
Naruto-shippuden and original Loveless Kingdom Hearts-video game I know Skip Beat Final Fantasy 7 Adavent Children-the movie Vampire Knight Pretear
The following people have been assigned the following characters:
Jocy-chan (hehe me) Shikamaru Natsuo Moko-chan Sakura Kairi Riku Kaname Axel Tiffa Hayate
Kiki-chan (Kaylei) Temari Youji- loveless Kyoko- skip beat Ino Namine Zero-vamp. knight Cloud-final fantasy Himeno-pretear
Munky-chan (Kenzie) Sasuke (if you don't want to do shippy we won't make you) Ritsuka Roxas Yuki-vamp. knight Yuffie-final fantasy Go-pretear Hinata
Hope-chan Naruto Tenten Yayoi-loveless Sora Reno-final fantasy Sasame- pretear
Bubba-kun (hehe I just love calling him that) Itachi Soubi Xemnas- KH2 Vincent Valentine-final fantasy Pervy Sage
April has decided not to cosplay but to film our shannanagins =^.^= I have decided to work with Kiki-chan on the sewing, and wig making. Bubba-kun and Munky-chan could work on props (is that ok?) Hope-chan can help with anything if we're crunched for time with our sewing or I need help with a wig I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO ABOUT MAKE-UP BECAUSE NONE OF US WEAR IT.
If you have any problems with the decissions made please just comment me on it and i will fix it right away.^^
"Love who you want...because you can."
-AD (AntiquityDreams) and DG (DemonicGaara): 1 of the many ppl who love no matter what-
so please...take note.
twistedtwistability · Thu Jan 01, 2009 @ 07:26pm · 1 Comments |