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I will let you guys read my poems stories and songs.
Chapter 6

One day while Shayasha was hunting for food to feed her pack and village she saw a young lady looking up at a tree branch as if she were talking to someone that was in the tree, Shayasha trancefered her gaze from the lady to the tree branch the lady was looking at and saw Inuyasha sitting there looking down at this strange person. Inuyasha said in a rather mean voice "Kikyou why do you help thoes humans when all they ever do is scorn us deamons?" Kikyou replied "because it's the job of a priestess to help thoese in need even if it means to kill other deamons in the process.." Shayasha growled softly causing Inuyashas ears to twitch he turned his attion to the bush that she happend to be hiding in as a slight grin crossed Inuyashas lips knowing that she had found him once again, Kikyou looked at him in confusion not sure as to why he was looking so contently at that perticular bush.
Inuyasha called out "Why don't you show yourself you know I know you're there so come out of hidding and let Kikyou see you as well Shayasha." Shayasha sighed and slowly emarged from the bush her tail swaying slowly as she walked to the pair, she bowed slightly never letting her eyes leave Kikyou for she did not trust her, Shayasha snarled slightly as Kikyou approchred her both katana she carried sheathed but her claws at ready just in case this stranger tried to harm her Shayashas hair standing on end as Kikyou got ever closer to her. Inuyasha jumped from the branch and landed between the 2 not wanting Shayasha to try to harm Kikyou and same went the other way round he stood between them to keep them far enough from eachother so there would be no unwanted blood shead.
Shayasha narrowed her eyes for a moment still wanting to strike this strange smelling wench to the ground not liking the fact she was even 5 feet from her Shayasha stood down when Inuyasha turned and faced her, he was still wearing the pack necklace she gave him she was happy to see that he liked it enough not to take it off after he put it on. Kikyou scowled at the fact he turned his back on her and even looked at the half deamon wench that stood before them, Inuyasha shook his head and said "Kikyou you have no right to be up set at the fact I'm not looking at you, it would be disrespcetful of me not to icnolage the leader of the pack that made me a member of it she may only be 9 but she is wiser then you will ever be." Inuyasha never once turned to face Kikyou while he was talking to her instead he just continued looking at Shayasha with a slight grin on his face because he was happy to see her none the less.
Kikyou scowled once more to the fact he was not even trying to make eye contact with her instead he was looking at this half deamon wench that showed up out of nowhere and she hated the fact he was not paying attion to her and wanted his attation back so she decedied to draw her bow once more bringing her arrow to the bow string and pulling it back to her cheek. In less then a blink of an eye Shayasha was behind Kikyou her claws against the neck of the woman Inuyasha spun around only to see Shayasha ready to bury her posion claws deep into the neck of Kikyou for she was in full deamon form her ears looking like all full deamon ears, he was taken aback by the beauty of Shayasha even though she was 9 she looked so much older as a full deamon he nearly forgot about Kikyou as his golden yellow eyes met Shayashas icey blue crystal like eyes. He felt his heart racing within his chest only being able to smell the full deamon blood coursing through Shayashas body he found himself becoming aroused by the thoughts racing through his mind he snaped back to reality when he heard Kikyou screams in pain as Shayashas first claw puncuthered her soft skin tears streaming down Kikyous face as she felt the second claw slowly diving into her neck. Inuyasha ran over to the 2 women and steped behind Shayasha placing his hand against hers and moving her hair from her neck he bit down on Shayashas neck whitch caused her to drop Kikyou, Kikyou fell to her knees against the ground turning to see what made the deamon let her go to see Inuyasha standing behind Shayasha with his fangs barried in her neck right above where the matching necklace she wore rested against both Shayashas neck and Inuyashas cheek he looked down at Kikyou with a somewhat amused look in his eyes never letting go of Shayashas neck as his arms wraped around her waist drawing her closer to him.
Inuyasha finally released Shayashas neck slowly lapping at the blood while he continued holding her in his arms, he had completely forgoten about Kikyou being a victum to Shayashas poison claws for he was too cought up in the smell, sight, and age of this full demoness that was in his arms. Shayasha turned in his arms and wraped her arms around Inuyashas neck smiling at him while she looked deep into his golden eyes, her ice blue eyes shimering in the light of the sun making them look as if they were ture sapphire jewels. His attion was drawen to the Aqua blue markings on her right muscle left wrist and her forhead he gave a low growl of aproval not realizing he was doing so, Shayasha giggled softly hearing his low growl and shifted her tails slowly causing the last two birth marks to show one being on her left thigh and the other on her right ankle.

Chapter 7

Shayasha slowly brought her right hand to Inuyashas cheek running her index claw softly down his cheek to his chin letting her finger wrap around his chin and pulled his lips to hers as she gave him a tender kiss she felt a shiver run down his back when her lips touched his, his heart skiped a beat as he embrased her tender kiss. Inuyasha returned the kiss drawing Shayasha into a deeper kiss as he slowly got lost in the kiss she had started Inuyasha drew Shayasha ever closer to him as he ran his claws gently over her back and threw her hair he had completely forgotten that she was only a nine year old half deamon, Kikyou watched in discust as Inuyasha continued to kiss Shayasha being jealious Kikyou stood up her knees wanting to give out on her from Shayashas poison flowing threw her blood Kikyou managed to muster enought strength to grab Shayashas arm and pull her from Inuyasha before her knees gave out and she fell to the ground once more. Kikyou sat there looking up at Inuyasha as he watched Shayasha turn and walk off after being so rudely pulled from his embrace all he did was give Kikyou a cold icy stare not even offering to help her to her feet and hold her in his arms any longer. Kikyou scrowled at the fact that Inuyasha got so cought up in the kiss that he was not sharing with her that all she was able to feel was hate and anger towards Shayasha for she had stolden the one thing that he had never given her, she knew that he would never forgive her for the actions she made towards Shayasha but she was unable to bare to watch him enjoying the kiss from the leader of the Wolf/Fox pack even though she was only a pup yet she saw that he was unable to keep from enjoying what was going on.
Inuyasha growled slightly at the fact that Kikyou would even go so far as to pull Shayasha from him when it was he who was intensifying the kiss and wanting the kiss to continue and not be haulted till he wished to bring it to a tender end he looked down at the once again fallen Kikyou and shoke his head being disgusted that she even did such a thing, for to him to be kissed by Shayasha ment more then any mortal woman could ever pervide the kiss was so pure so serine that he felt at peace with all that he was deamon, human and something else that he was not able to figure out as if Shayasha was allowing him to feel what it would be like for him to be able to take the form of a full deamon and for Kikyou to snuff that feeling made him very mad. Inuyasha just jumped over the fallen woman and gave chase hoping to be able to catch Shayasha before she got to far ahead of him for he knew that with her being in her full deamon form ment she was faster then he was, he tried his hardest to catch up with her only wanting to be able to embrace her in his arms once more and once again start the kiss they were sharing for he had finaly came to truth with the fact that he truely had feelings for this young pup he knew that when she was half deamon that she was only 9 but he could not hide the fact that the feelings for Shayasha were already in his heart from the first day he saved her from the wild boar he felt them within his heart even though he did his best to ignore and hide them from everyone even his own mind but now was unable to keep them surpressed any longer.
Shayasha made it back to the river that flowed from the mountin, she stood with her tails flowing in the water as she fished using her poison claws to paralyze the fish to make them a little easyer to catch even though she did not like to eat fish she knew the villagers and the pack members liked fish even if she did not and was not going to make it so they would not be able to have what they liked. Inuyasha came up on her while she stood in the flowing water his eyes widened as his lower jaw droped to see her standing there with nothing covering her lower body, his heart raced in his chest as he found himself becoming overly aroused to the sigth of Shayasha standing there fishing. Shayasha turned around to see him standing there unable to take his gaze from her, she giggled softly and picked the basket of fish up carrying them to a small brook to keep them fresh the fish still paralyzed from her poison claws Shayasha slowly walked to Inuyasha and stood infront of him placing her finger under his chin she slowly pushed his jaw closed whitch made him come back to his sences he blushed slightly seeing that she had seen him gocking at her although he really could not help it because he had never seen a more beautiful creature in the world.

Chapter 8

One day while Kikyou was picking herbs to make medicine she came apon an injured person, so Kikyou had his body carried to a cave near her village and started to treat the mans massive burns, she made her herbal medicines and wraped him in bandages leaving him in the cave while she went to gather more herbs to make more medicine Kikyou asked her little sister to help by tending to him while she was gathering herbs so her sister did as she was told and kept an eye on the injured man. Kaede took a jar of water to Onigumo, Kaede poured a little water into his mouth so he could wet his throat Onigumo then asked her "where is the young lady that has been helping me at?" Kaede answered "My sister is out gathering hurbs to make more medicine for your burns." Onigumo said in a raspy voice "Thank you child for bringing me some water I needed a drink." Kaede just nodded and stood turning and slowly making her way from the cave he was in she went back to the village and helped tend to the gardens.

Chapter 9
As Kikyou's arrow hit it's mark sending Inuyasha back and sealing to the tree outside her village Kikyou fell to the ground and told Kaede to burn the jewel with her body. As Inuyasha fell into a deep sleep causing the memories of Shayasha and the village where human and deamon lived side by side leaving only the pack collar/necklace that he wore round his neck the last link to the WOLF/FOX pack that he was excepted into and of the young halfdeamon he had come to love. Meanwhile in the village she called home Shayasha had fallen to the ground holding her head in pain as she felt her memories being toren from her mind her eyes bloodred from the intense pain she was feeling as the memories of Inuyasha faded from her mind she screamed out in pain as her arms wraped around herself trying to easy the pain that felt as if her heart was being split in two she lied there as her very soul was split any and all memorie she had of Inuyasha was no longer there. The villagers and pack members all rushed to her aid they all got to the feild as Shayasha was sitting up still in pain from her mind heart and very soul being split in two all he village gathered round her as one of the pack members said "I really wish Inuyasha was here Shayasha has been so sad ever sence he left" one of the villagers added "What happens if he never comes back I know she said he would but what happens if he does not?" Shayasha just looked at the both of them and tilted her head saying softly "Who is this Inuyasha person you both are talking about I know no one by that name... Do I?" she asked half confused and half dazed.

Chapter 10

One day while Shayasha was hunting for a hog, she happened apon a deamon camp she stopped a few feet from the camp and proceeded to listen to what the deamons were talking about, her ears twitched when she heard her fathers name mintchined within the convosation between the deamons. She managed to catch a glimsce of the leader of the deamons that were talking and identefied him to be a wolf demon he went on about how her father "Yakoru" was a fool to help in the 20 year war and lose his life and leave his wife and child alone. Shayasha did not like how the wolf deamon was putting her fathers name to shame and ended up leaping from the bushes she was hiding in, in an instant the other deamons whitch were mixed between fox, wolf, and dog demons countered her actions by attacking her. She ended up with many gashes from their weapons, but one major wound made by the leaders blade that went from the right half of her stomach compleately through he then proceeded to drag his blade from where it punctured all the way through and out her side. She growled and screamed in intense pain as she fell to the ground holding her side, the pack of deamons left her for dead and started on there way to find a new place to live as she lay there bleeding with a big gash on the right side of her body. She passed out from loss of blood, she laied there unconsious for a few minents untill. Inuyasha cought the sent of her blood in the air he raced to see what was wrong and found her laying there in a pool of her own blood, he took his rat hair shirt off then took his under shirt off and used it to cover Shayasha's wound. Inuyasha then put his over shirt back on and picked Shayasha up, he started running for Kaedes village as fast as he could while holding Shayasha against him frimly having the side of her body that was cut open pressed against his chest trying to slow the flow of blood. Inuyasha got half way to Kaedes village, when Shayasha wakes and pushes from Inuyasha's arms landing on her feet shaking still weak. She draws her Howling Blood Wolf katana from its sheath and holds it at ready, Inuyasha sees that she is having trouble standing and walks over to Shayasha taking her katana from her hand and resheathing it as she falls against him. Inuyasha catches her holding her up and softly says "Are you ready to stop fighting and let me help you?" she says not a word as she passes out once more, he picked her up once more and started running for Kaedes village once more.
Inuyasha gets 5 paces from where she had tried to lanch an attack and Shayasha wakes once more, this time she does not fight the fact that he is carrying her instead she asks him to take her to her house, Inuyasha relecnicly does even though he thinks she should let Kaede help her but he also understands that she is probily not used to being helped. He finds his way to her house right before Shayasha passes out once again, she lies in his arms with her head against his shoulder as he feels himself go through a barrier. Inuyasha realizes the reason for Shayasha wanting to return to her home when he sees feilds apon feilds of medisinal herbs, he takes her to her house holding Shayasha with one hand as he opened the door he looked into her house and saw that it seemed to be really clean but yet he could tell she spent alot of time within her house. He slowly made his way through her house untill he found what looked to be her bedroom, he opened that door the same way her opened the front door he walked into her room and laied Shayasha on her bed. Inuyasha found a peice of paper that held medissinal herb potions and remidies on it he then made his way to the herb gardens and proceeded to pick the herbs he needed to make the medicine Shayasha needed for her wounds. Inuyasha walked back into the house and back to her room to find Shayasha laying there with her eyes open looking out the window she turned her attion to him when she heard his foot steps approching the bed side, Inuyasha kneeled down beside Shayashas bed side and getnly ran a cool cloth over her forhead then went back to tending her wonds, Inuyasha slowly and gently rewraped Shyashas wound after dressing them with medicine. He looked up at her his golden yellow eyes meeting her ice blue eyes, she smiled slightly and said "thank you" to him not sure why he was helping her to begain with. Inuyasha said in a soft voice "Hello my name is Inuyasha" and smiled after he interduced himself, Shayasha replied by saying "Hewwo my name is Shayasha" she blinked and blushed when she realized what she said. Shayasha looked at Inuyasha being imbaressed that she said hewwo to him her cheeks turning bright red, she laied down barrying her face in her pillow, Shayasha purred as she felt Inuyashas hand on her shoulder she turned around facing him as he gently pulled her onto her back, he looked down at her running his finger through her black bangs moving them from her eyes she looked into his eyes blushing more not understanding why he was being so nice and kind to her.
Inuyasha brought his hand up and gently scratched behind Shayasas ear then ran his fingers through her hair then slowly over her cheek Inuyasha continued running his fingers through Shayasha soft silver hair while she laied in her bed, Shayasha brought her hand up touching Inuyashas cheek softly letting her finger tips run though the lock of hair that hung against his shoulder. Her finger tips played with the end of the lock of his hair while she laied there smiling up at him, twiling Inuyashas hair around her finger playfuly as he looked down at her, he saw that Shayashas wound had started bleeding again he placed his hand on her side to stop the bleeding or try to stop her wound from reopening fully. He said softly "Try not to move too much Shayasha" she noded slightly being sure not to move her body to much, she smiled softly and said "I will try not to move to much Inuyasha" she blushed a little more and laied there as still as she could. Shayasha relaxed knowing he was there and drifted to sleep, Inuyasha slowly put a silk cloth over her body to cover her up and sat with his back against the wall watching over Shayasha untill he to drifted to sleep a few hours after she had fallen asleep, Shayasha turned onto her unharmed side facing the wall she curled into a ball letting her tail cover her wound while she slept with the cool air dancing over her silk covered body, she slept with one hand under her pillow while her other hand laied atop her pillow against her ear, her raven colored bangs falling over her eyes, while she was sleeping. Inuyasha awoke and looked over at her making sure her wound was not bleeding to badly he thought to himself how did Shayasha get such a nastey wound he sat there watching her trying to figure out what had happened to her before he came across her, Inuyasha rubed his head while he poundered what could have happened to Shayasha, for her to be so badly injured would mean she had been in a fight with either a skilled deamon or a fight that pitted many against her, he scratched his head while trying to figure this mistery out not knowing all the details or most of the story because she would not share it with him he figured she did not trust him enough to share that with him and he respected the fact that he had to earn her trust to be able to get the full story and every last detail of what went on.
Shayasha whimpered in her sleep remebering the pain from the katana that sliced through her stomach, Inuyasha heard her whimpers and slowly got up making sure not to wake her as he slinetly walked to her bed side once again he checked her wound seeing that the bandage needed to be changed again, Inuyasha placed his hand on Shayashas shoulder and gently shoke to wake her up, Shayasha opened her eyes and sat up she turned and faced him. Inuyasha slowly started to untie the bandage and changed the old bloody bandage for a clean new one after reapplying the medicine, after he finished with that he gently pushed Shayasha back to her bed making her lay back down. A week passed and Shayashas wounds had fully healed as she wondered why he stayed there to help her the whole time, not being used to others being around her she found herself getting used to him being there not sure why she felt the way she did. Shayasha saw Inuyasha training through the window and just sat onher bed watching him while he did so.

Chapter 11

Shyasha looked over at her katana sighing softly not sure if she would ever be able to fight again, she stood from her bed amd slowly walked to the table her katana were on and placed her hand on the hilt of her Blood Moon Katana, she sighed once more then placed her other hand on her Howling Moon Katana taking both into her hands she walked out sheathing both blades behind her, both sheathes touching the base of her tail where they crossed she exited her house and walked to the near by tree she sat down silently. She closed her eyes relaxing with her back against the tree as she tried to figure out how to concer the slight fear she had within her, Inuyasha saw her sitting under the tree and walked to her sheathing tetsusaiga he sits in front of Shayasha looking at her his golden yellow eyes gazing into her ice blue eyes. Inuyasha asked "whats wrong Shayasha? Are you alright because you seem a little afraid of something." she looked at Inuyasha in shock that he could guess that she had fear within her. Shayasha lowered her head in shame not knowing how to say she was afraid to even try to fight again, Inuyasha placed his finger under her chin bringing her gaze back to his he could tell that she seemed to want to not talk about it so he changed the subject, Inuyasha said "It's such a nice day what would you like to do Shayasha?" she smiled and nodded to him she softly said "How about just sitting here" she giggled and pulled Inuyasha to her laying her head in his lap looking up at him smiling happily.
Shayasha raised her hand to Inuyashas cheek running her claw slowly and gently over his cheek her tail laying against her right thigh, she started playing with the tip of the lock of hair hanging over his right shoulder relaxing with her head in his lap her fingers twriling his hair around her fingers and hands while she giggled softly being happy that she found someone to trust and even more so because Inuyasha was just like her so he knew how she has been treated her whole life. Shayasha smiled more while she continued to play with his hair a soft purrish growl escaping her throat while she thought about the past and all the pain she had endured to protect her father Yakoru and her mother Sinaru names over the years, she sighed softly and closed her eyes her finger tips continuing to play with Inuyashas hair while she lie there silently her eyes closed tears streaming down her face while she remembered the past she only wished to forget about her past. But all she could do was recall it not understanding why it was cursing her so, Inuyasha gently wiped the tears from her cheeks wondering what brought them on but wasnt going to prey, he just watched her whlie she lay there with her eyes closed wiping the tears from her face when he saw them roll down her cheeks he began to play with one of the locks that hung over her shoulders he ran his fingers through her hair slowly loving the feel of her soft hair against his fingers, Shayasha stoped playing with his hair and brought her hand to his placing her hand on his pulling his hand to her face she nuzzled into his hand tears streaming down her face and onto his hand while she nuzzled him. "I have been alone for so long I have all but forgoten what it ment to be close to anyone. I guess your heart grows cold when you have no one to be around or hold close. All I remember about my parents is that my father died when I was 2 and my mother died when I was 6 I have been alone for so long that I have forgotten what it means to have someone care, fending for myself and spending life trying to survive when everything and everyone is out to kill you is so hard to do I have been doing it for so long that I figured no one would ever show kidness to me... I got so badly injured because I came apon a pack of deamons that were trying to say my father was wrong for fighting in the 20 year war while he tried to protect his family and his friends, I know he ment well but I don't understand why he had to leave me and my mother..." she said pausing not sure why she was telling him about her past. Shayasha sat up once more her eyes still shut tightly as she just broke down crying, Inuyasha places his hands on her shoulders gently drawing her close he wraped his arms around her waist running his hand slowly through her soft silver hair and gently over her back, she wraped her arms around Inuyasha barrying her face in his chest and just continued crying.
Having kept her feelings of pain traped within her began to just pour freely as she continued talking about her past she said in a muffled voice "I know it's not good to hold my feelings in but at times I find myself fighting harder with every bit of pain that seems to get traped within my heart, in the past I could tell when I was about to crack and break down but I guess I am getting tired of everything life death pain sorrow." She paused once more still not really understanding why she was sharing this infomation with him but at this point in time she really did not care all she knew is that he was there and he was trying to comfort her while she was in pain and the fact he took care of her while she was wounded, all Shayasha knew is that it seemed like Inuyasha cared enough to understand that she has been through alot. Shayasha sat up at the sound of foot steps coming near and decied to check to see who was at the border of her barrier a slight growl escaping her throat as she slowly made her way threw the thick over growen part of land that lay within her barrier she silently walked through the brush being sure not to make a sound not knowing what to expect from this thing. The hair at tail tip stood on end as she saw one of the old clan members standing there trying to punch his way into her barrier, Shayasha heard him mummbling as he punched trying to work one area of the barrier as he tried to get through it his mummbled words cutting into her heart as he spoke harshly about her father and mother. Shayashas eyes flashed from normal to blood red as her blood boiled deep within her from the words of the deamon ran through her mind the full deamon in her wanting to be released and wanting to tear this one apart, Inuyasha slowly walked up behind Shayasha and placed his hands on her shoulders softly pulling her back against his chest for he saw she was about to leap at this deamon for some reason that he did not understand because she had not told him about her childhood.

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