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The Issac Frost Journal
RPCs and other stuff. Enjoy.
Cyber Zombie
Real Name: Unknown
Alias: Triple 9 or 999
Age: Unknown

"I once was a man. Some time ago. It is rather hard to remember when. I had goals and ambitions. I was a top grade student and decided to join the military at one time. I was trained to become a killing 'machine' in name of the country of course. Afterward I got a honorable discharge. Somewhere along the road I figured I did not want my skills to go to waste and so I decided I would become a Runner and use the skills I picked up in the military. Of course if I was a one trick pony I would have not lasted that long in the shadows...

Running is where the money is at. You get paid very well for doing Runs. I became what is known as a Street Samurai. Street Samurai's are quite feared and rightly so. They are something in between the lines of man and machine. It is quite hard to tell where a Street Samurai's meat ends and his warez begins. Whether chrome, bio, nano or gene tech Street Samurai use these, all or some of them to enhance their deadly skills. They are usually tough, fast, strong, durable... the perfect killing machine so to speak.

As a Street Samurai, and one of the deadliest ones out there, I was a man who employed his skills for a high price. My talents where in high demand; many a Mr Johnson hired me for Runs on corporate rivals. Some people think of us Runners as mercenaries. Maybe they aren't too far from the truth...

Now no matter how good a Runner is by himself he will not amount to much. Thus I formed part of a good team of Runners, considered among the very best. Not that we trusted each other blindly mind you, in our line of work trusting blindly can earn you a bullet or a blade in your back. But some trust is required for the team to function properly. You see a Runner no matter how good they are they still need to be in a team. By themselves they aren't all powerful but in a team they become rightly dangerous: the hacker who can navigate the matrix and kill the security system, the rigger who can use his drones, the covert ops specialist who goes in and out like a ghost and retrieves what is necessary. There are all kinds of Runners and they usually complement each other. So when a team runs the shadows the chances are they will succeed as a team.

I had two situations however that changed my life. The first one was gotten rat out for an illegal Run, one I did not commit particularly. Of course once the government has a hold of you that is irrelevant. So I did some time in prison. The term reduced by some good lawyers from the 50 years to 6 months. Once I came out I resumed my career as a Runner but I was extra careful who I had dealings with and used fake SINs frequently, constantly changing them. From the angle of the government I was a ghost.

But then one occasion we had a pretty rough Run. I had returned to work with my previous team because they where damn good at what they did and had need of my services. But we made the big mistake of trusting one of our old Mr Johnson's who apparently had sold us out. So to speak the Run was not only a failure, it was a massacre...

Most of my teammates died. Some of us survived: me and two other. If that is the correct term for it. In my case thanks to my extensive warez I managed to survive in a much better position then the others; I was not missing leg or limb. Once I recovered I decided to lay low and used Fake SINs even more and switched cities, not staying in one place and using what contacts I had to know what was going on. However I was soon informed my other two teammates where killed. And it daunted on me they where out to get us. They would not rest until we where 6 feet under. I resolved I would get them first. So I began my war against someone I knew very little.

To cut the details shorter I was on the losing side. Until I was approached by a particular man. This man was knowledgeable in the mystic arts. He stated his group had some knowledge of my activities. And that he could give me the 'edge' I needed to win my personal war. He said that if I took his offer those that wronged my team and me would pay dearly. At first I scoffed. I was after all one of the best Street Samurai's out there. But then I realized I was only human. There was only a limit of what I could reach. And so I took him on his offer...

Perhaps I should have given his offer more thought. But hey he promised I would get what I needed to avenge my teammates and those who wronged me, right? So I was guessing a new team of Runners, maybe some armament. Those kind of things. Turns out he has the capacity to provide me with Delta grade warez. Those are the best of the best. Hard to come by to and very expensive. But him and his group where providing them at no cost. And I took the line and sinker because there was indeed a cost to pay.

So after everything is said and done I end up in sterile operating room. I am guessing I am just going to get myself more warez. They told me pick from this list the warez that you most find interesting and a list of the sets you would like to have. So I pick this and that and end up with a nice rather large list. But hey I am thinking these people know everything about how warez affects ones essence. They are surely going to implant the best of the best s**t that I ordered.

So I am thinking they know what they are doing. But the first thing I notice is that there are a lot of people in the room. Usually only a few people are needed. The person doing the surgery and some basic people to help. But this room had way over 20 people. And most of them did not look like an augmentation surgeon at all.

Turns out I got each and every warez I had put in that damned list. But you see that is impossible. At least it is supposed to be impossible. You see every being has a sort of essence to them. A holistic integrity, soul, spirit whatever mumbo jumbo you want to call it. Replace too much of the body and you inevitably destroy that. Replace over the limit and you are as good as dead. Of course no one really told me what I had signed up for. So there I was in the table. And those people who did not look like surgeons I figure by now I know what they are. They are magicians. They prepare some sort of magical formula for me and I am prepared as some sort of 'vessel'. At that moment there was little I could do sedated as I was and I started to figure things when my mind was starting to fade from the heave sedatives...  After that I have no recollection except I woke up from a deep stasis after two weeks.

The truth is I signed up for a sort of experiment. I was a top grade candidate in their list. My rate to succeed their little endeavor was way over the usual 50/50 chance. I had signed up for a forbidden art known as Cybermancy. By the time I 'awoke' I was no longer a man. I was an aberration of nature. A mistake, an abortive, something that exists but should not... Something that should be dead yet lives! A phenomenon that taints the very fabrics of nature, astral space and wherever I tread due to the powerful dark arts used to bind my soul to this body you see before you!"

What Triple 9 however is that he had never been 'setup': from the very first Run his team had been on it had always been for the shadowy organization The Forefathers. Thus Triple 9's team, also known as Bestial Chamber, in reality had always worked for this organization. The Run they where 'sold out' was in reality a Catch-22, one the Forefathers where aware of. If they suceeded a vital opposition of The Forefathers would be heavily crippled while the Forefathers would gain a considerate ample database of their rival's advancements. If they failed there was a likelyhood some would survive and those that did would be prime material candidates for the Forefathers experiments, thud in one way or the other Bestial Chamber would furher the Forefathers goals. 

Cybermancy was one such experiment. Considered to be an extremely diffcult procedure as it had a 50% of failure and a 75% of mental inestability so horryfying that the candidate was pratically cofined to a mental vegetative state heavily fragmented. Candidates, also called The Genes, therefore had to be optimum and no stranger to heavy augmentation, thus Street Samurais where the cream of the crop for such an undertaking. Triple 9, who at a time held the mantle of the Aizakku Furosto, a name that only the top of the existing Street Samurai could earn at the expense of killing the former Aizakku Furosto, was chosen from the very beginning when he joined Bestial Chamber in their Runs as the Forefathers where aware of his status as the current Aizakku Furosto. Therefore he had been on their sights for quite some time but they needed to wait until Bestial Chamber, and consequently Aizakku Furosto,  could no longer further their goals.  

Once Bestial Chamber failed they where deemed disposble and Aizakku Furosto, who without a team could no longer be of service, was then to become the Gene. All that was needed was to orchestrate everything so as to put the current Aizakku Furosto in a position where he would accept the offer and by the time he realized everything it would be too late.

Race: Human
Bod 12[13] (Metahuman) +1 Suprathyroid
Agi 12[17] (Superhuman) +4 Toner, +1 Suprathyroid
Rea 12[18] (Herald) +6 Move-By-Wires, +1 Suprathyroid, +3 R. Enhancers
Str 12[17] (Superhuman) +4 Augmentation, +1 Suprathyroid
Cha 12 (Metahuman)
Int 12 (Metahuman)
Log 12 (Metahuman)
Wil 12 (Metahuman)

Special Attributes:
Magic 1
Essence -6
Ini 24[30] 
Ini Pass 1[4] +3 Move-By-Wires
Edge 6[7]

Active Skills:
Pistols (Heavy Pistol+2) [Legendary]
Automatic (SMG+2) [Legendary]
Blades (Sword+2) [Legendary]
Exotic Weaponry [Legendary]
Heavy Weapons [Legendary]
Unarmed Combat [Legendary] 
Dodge (Move-by-Wires +3) [Legendary]
Athletics Skill Group [Legendary]
Stealth Skill Group [Expert] 
Perception [Veteran]
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) [Veteran]

Knowledge Skills:
Firearms Design
Blade Design
Zen Meditation
Safe Houses
Stimulants Knowledge


-Magic Resistance
A person with Magic Resistance can shrug off magic casted on them with better ease. A magically resistant person cannot choose to lower his magical resistance; it affects all spells and magical effects, good or bad. A person with Magic Resistance is never a willing subject for spells that require a voluntary subject; such spells automatically fail when used on a magic resistant person.

A person with the Toughness quality shrug off damage more easily than others.

-Biocompatability (Cyberware)
Something about the person’s body is exceptionally accepting of cyberware implants. Not only are the implants not rejected, but they seamlessly fit within the body, having less impact on its holistic integrity.

-High Pain Tolerance
High Pain Tolerance enables a person to better shrug off the distraction of pain from his concentration.

-Astral Hazing
In effect, the cyberzombie becomes a domain in his own right, tainting astral space around him wherever he goes. This astral haze affects all attempts to cast magic on, at, or in the vicinity of the cyberzombie and constantly depletes magic to the point of nullification. It extends a number of meters from his body equal to his total negative Essence. This Astral Haze unravels magic and metaphysical attacks. 

-Unnatural Vigor
Once a body has been pushed beyond death, pushing its metahuman limits is comparatively simple. This superhuman power increases all attributes by the amount of negative Essence.

-Immunity to Normal Weapons
A cyberzombie is inhumanly resilient and possesses Immunity to Normal Weapons: This immunity applies to all weapons that are not magical.

-Addiction (Alcohol, Moderate)
-Addiction (Stimulants, Moderate)
-Allergies (Sunlight, Mild) 
-SINner (Ex-Convict)
-Incompetent Hacking
-Incompetent Cybercombat
-Chronic Dissociation Syndrome
-Dual Personality Dissorder
-Chronic Depressive Mood Disorder

Gear and Lifestyle:
Transys Avalon
Novatech Navi OS
Sim Module (Modified for BTL/hot sin) (Forbidden)
AR Gloves
Vibro Blade (Knife) (Restricted)
Vibro Blade (Sword) (Forbidden)
Ares Predator IV (Restricted) (Smartgun)
Ruger Super Warhawk (Restricted)
Ingram Smartgun X (Restricted) (Smartgun)
HK XM30 (All Modes) (Smartgun)
Ceska Black Scorpion
Ares S-III Super Squirt
Fichetti Pain Inducer
*Grenade Launcher with grenade link
*Underbarrel shotgun
*Compact carbine
*sniper rifle with imaging scope
*Light Machine Gun (LMG)
Stoner-Ares M202 (Forbidden)
Panther XXL (Forbidden)
Regular Ammo
Explosive Rounds Ammo
EX Explosive Rounds
Assault Cannon Ammo
DMSO Rounds
Neural Stun 
Low Lifestyle (3 months)
DocWagon Contract Super Platinum
Armor (18/13)
*Camouflage Suit
*Form Fitting Body Armor
 *SecureTech PPP System
*Ballistic Mask (Full Dead Skull Design)
Hammer Space Device (Forbidden)
Fake SIN (Rating 3) (Civilian) (Restricted)
Suzuki Mirage (Dark Crimson)
Unknown quantity of special drugs such as Neural Stun or Arsenic

Cyberware: -5.35 essence [-4.28]
Auto Injector (Anti Psychotic-Depressant Cocktail- Reusable 6 shots) (Delta) [-0.05]
- Auto-injectors are implanted devices that dispense medication or chemicals into the implantee’s bloodstream. Auto-injectors are used in variety of fields, with medical utilization being the most common. Governments and corporations have also found diverse uses for auto-injectors: to ensure compliance, maintain control within prisons, or even enhance the combat effectiveness of soldiers. Doses the user with an anti psychotic-depressant cocktail to keep it in 'good spirits'.

Reaction Enhancers (R3) (Delta) [-0.45Es]
- By replacing part of the spinal column with superconducting material, a character’s reaction time can be increased. Increases Reaction.

Move-By-Wires (R3) (Delta) [-2.5Es]
- Move-by-wire-systems are the cutting-edge in motion control and reaction augmentation. They operate by putting the user’s body in a constant state of seizure, so that it wishes to move in all directions simultaneously. An implanted expert system monitors the seizure and counteracts its effects until the user wishes to act. At that point, it channels the effects of the seizure along the desired path of motion, enabling the user to act with amazing speed and move with unnatural smoothness. Increases Reaction, evasion and actions in combat.

Invoked Memory Simulator (Preprogrammed for CDS) (Delta) [-0.1]
- This implant combines a dedicated microprocessor with nano-neurological stimulators placed in various key memory centers of the brain. When triggered (voluntarily or to preprogrammed physiological cue) the IMS triggers random emotionally-charged memories and recollections (both good or bad) of personal significance and formative to the person’s personality. The resulting memory flashes are so vivid the person may momentarily confuse memory with reality. An IMS is instrumental in sustaining individuals who have undergone cybermancy, by keeping the metahuman part of the cyberzombie from dissipating and bound to the world. A cyberzombie whose IMS is disabled, damaged, removed, or absent risks amnesia, depression, and insanity.

Bone Lacing (Titanium) (Delta) [-0.75]
- The cellular structure of the user’s bones is augmented with lattice chains of reinforcing plastics and metals to improve the bones’ integrity and tensile strength, but the augmentation also adds extra weight.

Cybereyes (R3) (Delta) [-0.7Es]
- This system offers 20/20 vision for both eyes and includes an image link and an eye recording unit, as well as capacity for various enhancement systems.

*Protective Covers (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- These can protect both cyber and normal eyes, and confer both Ballistic and Impact armor. Available in transparent or one-way reflective versions.

*Eye Recording Unit (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- The eye recording unit connects to the user’s optical nerves and records all data directly into attached storage (accessible by the user’s PAN). Data accesible only via personal SIM Module.

*Flare Compensation (Cybereyes Enhancement)
-This protects the user from blinding flashes of light as well as simple glare. Flare compensation also protects users with thermographic vision from heat flashes and glare from infrared lighting.

*Image Link (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- The image link either displays visual information (text, pictures, movies) in the field of vision or projects it onto the user’s retina with a laser. Visual data is typically AR data received by the user’s PAN, but other input is also accepted.

*Low-Light Vision (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This accessory allows the user to see normally in light levels as low as starlight. Total darkness still renders the user as blind as an unmodified person.

*Smartlink (Restricted) (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This accessory interacts with a smartgun system to project the weapon’s angle of fire into the user’s vision, centering red cross hairs where the user is pointing and highlighting perceived targets. The smartgun’s laser rangefinder also calculates and displays the distance to the target. Additional data from the weapon, such as the ammunition level, heat buildup, and stress can also be displayed. Requires an image link.

*Thermographic Vision (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This enhancement enables vision in the infrared portion of the spectrum, enabling the user to see heat patterns. Thermographic vision is a very practical way to spot living beings in areas of total darkness (even though it’s difficult to fully determine their type and appearance), to check if a motor or machine has been running lately, and to track heat footprints.

*Vision Ehancement (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- Vision enhancement gives the user sharper vision.

*Vision Magnification (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This zoom function magnifies vision by up to 50 times, allowing distant targets to be seen clearly. It is available as both an optical (ideal for spell casting at distant targets) or electronic (with real-time image correction) enhancement.

Cyberears (R4) (Delta) [-0.6Es]
- These implants usually just replace the inner ear (though sometimes the auricle as well, if the user desires), and offer perfect hearing within normal ranges.

*Audio Enhancement (R3) (Cyberears Enhancement)
- Audio enhancement allows the user to receive a broader spectrum of audio frequencies (including those outside the user’s normal audible spectrum, like high and low frequencies) while experiencing finer discrimination of nuances and blocking out distracting background noise.

*Balance Augmenter (Cyberears Enhancement)
- The balance augmenter enhances the inner ear’s natural balance mechanism.

*Damper (Cyberears Enhancement)
- This implant protects the user from sudden increases in sound as well as damaging sound levels.

*Ear Recording Unit (Cyberears Enhancement)
- The ear recording unit connects to the user’s auditory nerves and records all data directly into unlimited data storage that can be accessed by the user’s PAN. Data accesible only via personal SIM module.

*Select Sound Filter (R6) (Cyberears Enhancement)
- This filter allows the user to block out background noise and focus on specific sounds or patterns of sounds (including sound, word, or speech pattern recognition). Each rating point allows the user to select a single sound group (such as a conversation or the breathing of a guard dog) and focus on it. The user can only actively listen to one group at a time, but she may choose to record the others for later playback or set them to triggered monitoring (such as sounding an alert if there is a variation in the breathing pattern of the dog, or if the conversation brings up a certain topic).

*Sound Link (Cyberears Enhancement)
- The sound link plays audio (recordings, movie soundtracks, music, etc. ) from linked sources (PAN, datajack, etc.) directly into the user’s (cyber)ears. Commonly used for AR sound.

*Spatial Recognizer (Cyberears Enhancement)
- This accessory pinpoints the direction from which a sound is coming.

Biomonitor (Delta) [-0.15Es]
- This implant acts as a compact device that measures life signs—heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and so on.

Bioware: -4.24 essence
Pathogenic Defense (R6) (Delta) [-0.3Es]
- An enhancement of the spleen,this treatment spear heads the production of more effective and aggressive leukocytes (white blood cells).

Toxin Extractor (R6) (Delta) [-0.6Es]
- A specially cultivated cluster of cells implanted into the liver improves the efficiency and expands the spectrum of catabolic activity (the breakdown of complex substances).

Tracheal Filter (R6) (Delta) [-0.6Es]
- This filter is implanted at the top of the trachea, just below the larynx, to absorb airborne impurities and keep them from reaching the lungs.

Symbiotes (R3) (Delta) [-0.3Es]
- These tailored microorganisms introduced into the user's bloodstream greatly enhance its regenerative functions. Regenerates damage suffered by the user.

Suprathyroid Gland (Delta) [-.35Es]
- Placed on top of an individual's existing thyroid gland, the suprathyroid gland supersedes the metabolic functions of the thyroid, optimizing catabolism and anabolism. The altered metabolism produces more energy and effectively supercharges the recipient.

Synthcardium (R3) (Delta) [-0.15Es]
- Artificially enhanced myocardium enables the heart to perform at higher levels.

Platalet Factories (Delta) [-0.1Es]
- Increases the body's ability to handle damage by accelerating the production of platalets within bone marrow, thus lessening the trauma from large wounds and quickly stopping bleeding. Reduces damage suffered by the user.

Muscle Augmentation (Restricted) (R4) (Delta) [-0.4Es]
- Using a biological weaving treatment, special vat-grown muscle cables are braided into existing muscle fibers, enhancing the muscle's mass and performance. Increases strength of the user.

Muscle Toner (Restricted) (R4) (Delta) [-0.4Es]
- This treatment incorporates vat-grown elastic muscle fibers into existing muscle tissue, increasing muscle tension and flexibility. Increases agility of the user.

Orthoskin (Restricted) (R3) (Delta) [-0.36]
- Weaves an energy-diffusing material just beneath the skin that provides the equivalent of personal armor, while being virtually indistinguishable from augmented skin.

Dragon Hide (Orthoskin Modification) (Delta) [-.05Es]
- Dragon hide consists of a flame-retardant polymer grafted to the skin. Heat-conducting fibers prevent localized heating and distribute the heat across the entire body, preventing blistering and burning, and ablative foam materials evaporate to dissipate energy.

Electroshock (Orthoskin Modification) (Delta) [-0.13Es]
- For this augmentation, stacks of electroplaques similar to those found in electric eels are implanted under the skin,allowing the user to deliver powerful jolts of electricity from any part of his exposed skin. Instead of doing regular damage in unarmed combat, the recipient may choose to inflict damage as if wielding a stun baton. The damage may also be inflicted on opponents that are grappling with the recipient or on anybody the recipient is touching in non-combat situations. The recipient is immune to damage inflicted in this fashion, but this modification does not provide any protection from other sources of electricity.

Smart Insulation (Orthoskin Modification) (Delta) [-.05Es]
- Making use of the body’s own heat regulation mechanism that causes sweating, this enhancement uses the same feedback proteins to alter the size and density of air pockets in the deepest layer of the orthoskin to enhance or reduce the thermal insulation that the skin provides. The recipient is comfortable throughout a wide range of temperatures. The user counts as having climate control.

Reflex Recorder (Dodge) (Delta) [-0.05Es]
- With this enhancement, extra neural material is grown in small clusters around the thirtyone pairs of spinal nerves to allow memorization of certain “learned” motor reflexes. Enhances evasion in combat situations.

Endosymbiont (Banality) [-0.2Es]
- The Banality Endosont functions as a kind of living being that "unravels" and "devours" energy.  Its neural link to the user triggering it as a reaction to energy attacks that are successful in touching the host. When the host takes Energy effects, even beneficial ones, the Banality seemingly and almost instantly "unravels" and "devours" them. This makes 90% of the bulk of such attacks to be nullified against the host.

Endosymbiont (Stalwart) [-0.2Es]
- This symbiont secretes a specially-tailored neurotransmitter that subtly modifies the host’s behaviour, making him slightly more resistant to fear. Some hosts have also noticed a slight increase in risk-taking behaviour.

Nanoware: -1 essence
Nanohive (R6) [-1Es] (Delta)
- A nanohive is a nanocybernetic implant designed to support and coordinate nanoware in a living body long-term. Nanohives not only contain the hardware and software necessary to aid the functions of multiple nanoware colonies, but they also provide a safe environment for nanoware systems to repair, replicate and resupply. Nanohives themselves replace and repair nanites that are excreted or damaged by the body, maintaining nanite populations at a normal level and even restoring depleted levels after injury.

Anti-Rad (R6)
- This freefloating system scours the body via the lymphatic system for tell-tale isotope traces, free radicals, and radiation damaged cells. Anti-rad nanites bind the contaminants in a solvent cage. In the case of cells, anti-rad nanites inject damaged or mutated cells with a compound that induces cyto-death, reigning in further division and mutation. The antirad nanites then attach to the waste and transport it to the nearest lymph node to be processed and evacuated normally.

Nanosymbiotes (R3)
- Nanosymbiotes are hybrid colonies of specialized nanites that permeate the user's anatomy. Once they have fully deployed, they adopt specialized functions appropriate to their location. These are all focused on returning the subject to a healthy physiological baseline. Nanosymbiotes adjust body chemistry, assist cell formation, and even mimic certain cell functions themselves, acting to speed clotting and healing.Functioning nanosymbiotes allows the user to heal and recover from wounds faster.

O-Cells (R9)
- Unlike natural lymphocytes, which only store memories of previous infections (or inoculations), O-cell soft nanites come equipped with broad-spectrum pharmacological microdoses and an inbuilt “library” of responses to a wide array of common pathogens. O-cell nanoware reduces the efficiency of any viral or bacterial pathogens that infect the host and is often used as protection against bioweapons and diseases.

Universal Nantidotes (R9)
- These nantidotes are designed to counter a broad spectrum of toxins rather then one specific compound. They carry active charcoal, tannic acid, magnesium and other chemicals to absorb toxins from the digestive tract and bloodstream, and also enhance the body's natural detoxification processes. They can also protect against the effects of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. 

Implant Medics (Orthoskin) (R6)
- This nanoware system is installed along with specific bioware or cyberware implant. The free-floating nanites in this system are designed to monitor the health and well-being of that implant, and to immediately act to repair it if any malfunction or damage occurs. If the nanites detect a problem, they will work to restore the implant to its standard operating parameters by rejoining neural connections, seal fractures, repairing circuitry, stabilizing chemical levels, removing damaged tissue, and so on.

Implant Medics (Invoked Memory Stimulator) (R6)
- See above entry.

Transgenics: -2.5 essence
Enhanced Protein Exchange (Adapsin) (Cyberware only) [-0.2Es]
- Adapasin is a catchphrase for two proteins that can reduce the impact of non-biological implants to an organism. True adapsin is an immunoprotein that limits bio-stress upon implantation of cybernetics by down-regulating inflammatory response. The second protein produces a secreted polysaccharides that coats the implant with a bio-film, making the body believe that it is a normal organ, thus limiting xeno-rejection and immune response in the long term.

Enhanced Protein Exchange (Reakt) [-0.4Es]
- Reakt is a transgenic neurohormone released by the pituitary gland during stress, enhancing perception to the degree that movements are perceived as if in slow motion, making it easier to react to situations or incoming dangers.

Enhanced Protein Exchange (Synch) [-0.3Es]
- Synch is a nootropic protein that affects cognitive abilities in the brain cells of the visual cortex. This enhances intuitive comprehension and pattern recognition abilities. In addition recipients accustomed to combat situation develop a battle awareness based on fighting styles and moves, which allows them to respond and adapt quickly to their opponent’s fighting style.

Ehanced Protein Exchange (NEO-Epo) [-0.2Es]
- Eythropoetin (EPO) is a hormone that stimulates production of red blood cells (erythrocytes), commonly used as a performance-enhancing additive in professional sports for over a century. Neo-EPO increases oxygen retention and athletic endurance by insuring a constant supply of oxygen.

Ehanced Protein Exchange (Hyper-Glucagon) [-0.1Es]
- Glugacon is a vital intermediary in the metabolism of energy stores in the body. Hyper-glucagon accelerates the liver’s conversion of glycogen into glucose, ensuring a steady supply of energy and a protein-driven hyperactive energy boost.

Enviromental Microadaption (Radiation Tolerance) [-0.5Es]
- The body is made less susceptible to radiation exposure and damage from radioactive sources by reinforcing nucleic acid repair and DNA protection proteins. In addition users triple the radiation dose required that triggers the immediate side effects of light radiation poisoning or radiation sickness.

Enviromental Microadaption (Low Oxygen Tolerance) [-0.5Es]
- Adaptations for environments low in oxygen replace a few metabolic pathways with anaerobic equivalents originating from bacteria. Additionally, an adapted subject is usually outfitted with enhanced versions of hemo- and myoglobin in his bloodstream. These allow the subject to survive in a low-oxygen environment for an extended period of time.

Enviromental Microadaption (Pollution Tolerance) [-0.3Es]
- Engineering pollution tolerance relies on splicing in proteins capable of isolating and disposing of heavymetals or rendering organic contaminants toxins inert. Further,modifications include the enhancement of the body’s natural metabolic enzymes to deal with toxins more efficiently and to alter cellular receptors and metabolic intermediaries to be resistant to pollutants.

Side Effects
Hooked Forever
Cyberzombies may not age, but they require constant medications to keep from developing cancer or worse side effects from the procedure. Essentially, a cyberzombie’s lifestyle costs are increased per month for medications. Further, these medications aren’t exactly available over the counter. Producing them requires a chemical facility. Receiving them from other sources requires the good graces of the entity that originally performed the surgery.

Dual Nature
The cybermantic procedure never fully rejoins the body and spirit, leaving a cyberzombie trapped between both planes. As a result, cyberzombies become dual natured. Note that once a portion is removed from the cyberzombie, it is no longer a part of her. This means that a cyberzombie may attack an astral form with cyberspurs, but not with a cybergun (the bullets stop being dual natured as soon as they leave the barrel). The fact that the body is now effectively possessed by its original spirit means that a cyberzombie becomes, in some senses, a magical entity. If they ever lose that spark of magic essence they can die.

Madness and Despair
Life as a cyberzombie isn’t all ripping spirits in half with cybernetic claws and bouncing small arms off of your hide; it also opens up a whole new set of existential crises. Most cyberzombies see astral space for the first time when they awaken from the procedure, and this comes with at least as difficult a psychological strain as a late-age awakening to magical power. Combine entering one’s new life as a heavily modified cyberzombie in a cruel world that appears to delight in pretending that you don’t exist, and you’ve got a recipe for poor social adjustment. Psychology for cyberzombies has come a long way from the mid ’50s, but it’s still a new field, and a lot of cyberzombies are inexplicably unhappy. Cyberzombies are at extreme risk for simply forgetting to care about the world, a form of intense depression called chronic dissociation syndrome. Modern medicine and the invoked memory stimulator hold that off, but cyberzombies who turn their IMS off rarely remember to eat.

Fatal Flaws
On some fundamental and instinctive level, the mind, spirit, and body rail against their unnatural existence and seek to bring an end to it all. In this, cyberzombies are as tragic as they are inhuman. Every week without the necessary medication the cyberzombies derangements become even stronger than usual. This can be stabilized with medication but requires time to regain acceptable levels of composure. Without the proper medication cyberzombies can become catatonic and ultimately die.

Mr Johnsons
Street Docs

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