Lunch+ Final Exams + thingiez
Oh I’m full..XD However I didn’t take my lunch ticket, I got lunch from my best friend… xd She was a bit depressed, but when I asked „What’s eatin’ you?” she didn’t say anything. sad Hope she will be okay…
I’m sleepy… crying I want to relax a bit, but I don’t have time. I have to go Japanese lesson at 3:30pm. It’ll lasts for 4:30pm. It’ll be cool, cause we get a new teacher, and she is a real Japanese…XD rofl rofl This is a good time (…for me…XD), cause after that I have to study ******** french (…and a little hungarian) Histrory, and Biology. crying
I got the dates of my English final and class exam. The writting test will be on 7th of May (Fortunately, it’ll be before the AnimeCon.), and the oral practice will be on 17-18-19th of June. We have to take the class exam before the spring break. Omg… crying
That’s all for now…
Oh, I almost forgot…I had a NICE morning today. whee I didn’t have to go alone to the exhibiton… 999 for it… smile heart And I won a dragon plushie. I don’t really know what can I do with it, so I sold it for 14 gold. razz