Our teachers decide to torture us...
Ouch, one litl test from french, another from literature.... nd another from biology.... stare nd you have to choose what's important... Of course, u choose that subjects that u want to take into the university...
And our country started to become a cemetery of people...
U can see nothing just living-deadz. T__T They work for their money, but in the end, they get nothing...
I want to buy an Enligsh book. It's a vampire story, and the title of the book is "Let the Right 1 in". A swedish people wrote it, and I can't find any Hungarian translaiton, only English. But I decided to buy it because I want it, and English is good for me... (ihateitsomuch...)
Maybe I can get it for my "nameday" or when I suceed my English final exam. I think it will be a cool prize for me...I can't hardly wait to get this book. And in April I can buy the next book of Twilight. It will be Hungarian, fortunately...
I could download the new ending of Kuroshitsuji. I love Lacrimosa, that woman (Kalafina) really has a beautiful voice... And this ending suits more into Kuroshi than the previous one. Becca's song was too positive for the anime. But I love her songs too. "I'm alive" is just like me...:3
Well that's all for now, I'm exhausted, I should go to bed...
Maybe I'll have a nice and esasier day tomorrow...Maybe...
...hmm. One more thing...I want to write a new pro, but I don't know what should I write there. If anyone has some good idea, pls write them down to me, thanx.
*** I'm too tired to paste smileys into the text...xD...****