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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A chance Happening Ch2 part 2
((happry belated thankgiving everybody! woo! i hope you all had a good time, and lots of good food! well here s another chapter just for you! ))


A shdow..a certian darkness, watched over the odd pair, high up in the treas..
it watched with a twisted gring, and a keen dark blue eyes..
'now i have you, lee draco..' it thought with a wicked sneer a strange letter adressed to kjelor sat peacefully on the wooden florrof the cabin..the shadow it apeared was testing the shortly made friendshipof lee and kjeldor.

Lee awakened, she rubed her tired eyes. "geh..mornings.." she stated aloud toherself ith a loud yahn. She sleapily made her way to the kitchen and made some breakfest for herself and Kjeldor. there was some noise of something moving slowly towards the cabin then kjeldor opened the front door and slowly made his way in....

His cloths were all torn up his right eye was blacked and his lip was split there was a giant slash across his chest and his face was all cut up there was a smudge of oil on one cheek and blood on the other blood and oil was on parts of all his cloths oil was starting to come out of a couple of broken peices on his cybonic arm some peices of red armor on that arm were missing and there were 2 deep cuts on both his knees and he was holding his ribs that were probally broken
He draged his sword with him too which was cracked in multiple places
Kjeldor made his way into the living room where he saw lee "hello lee" he said with a odd smile and he actually still had all his teeth lee looked at him in shock for a moment. "good grief! You look terible!" she said quickly running to his side and helping him sit down. "by the way i found this letter on the ground." She said as she hannded him Dono's letter. "i'll go get some bandages, and lucky you i already made breakfast so, i'll bring you some." she said as she walked out of the living room.

"thanks" said kjeldor as he took off his capey thingy its split in alot of places and covered his ribs and chest both knees and his blacked eye and the symbol started pulsating a silvery white
Kjeldor sighed and took out a little toolkit and started to repair his cybonic arm glancing at the letter
Kjeldor never was given any order to arrest lee by his boss and since whoever gave this to him wasnt his superior he wouldnt do it..
lee quickly wrapped up his wounds and handed him some food. "Sheesh your a mess!" she stated dryly, she was allto used to the sight of blood and wounds.
thanks lee" said kjeldor as he continued on his arm repair then began to eat"this is really good lee" said kjeldor"ill make dinner today then since u made breakfast" he said "and yea im a mess cause me and my entire bounty hunter squad had to put 716 criminals back in a prison and hold them there till the prison was repaired and the security was tripled" said kjeldor

Lee shoock her head in disbelief and shrugged. "Eh, don't worry about brekfast, it's the least i can do for you helping me get over my sickness. " she said as she cast a healing spell on him to stop the bleading compleatly.
eh well did u get a good rest last night??" said kjeldor finishing his breakfist and his arm being fixed the cape thingy began to come off where it was ther was still a slight cut on his chest and knees but everything else was fixed and only a slight bruise around his eye Lee shrugged. "Eh, im a light sleeper, i realy don't ever had a good nights sleep. And you wanna hear something funny?" she said laughing a little, "I coulda swore i heard the footsteps of one of the bounty hunters that my father sent after me. Sheesh." she lauhed a little as she hannded him a bag of ice. "Here put this on your eye."
"you actually might have" said kjeldor showing her the letter and then he turned the ice into a liquid and spread it over his eye and lit it with a flame from the tip of his finger and it glowed blue"should be the same effect and i wont take you in.. your father isnt my boss OR my bondsman" said kjeldor"i dunt care how much he would pay me"
Lee stared at him in shock..."Wait..your saying my father ...."she sat down fuming mad.."That stupid...****** ***** ***** ******" she swore loudly, and punched the table loudly. "Why can't he just ****** leave me alone? **** *****!"
"yea i wouldnt take u in for the worlds money im not like that" said kjeldor"and watch yourself dont hit the table so hard dont want to hurt ur hand" said kjeldor"but.." he said as he took a little orb from his pocket he flicked it onto a table and it made a very soft plushy cushion with a little hard to see wiring on the bottom"you can punch that all you like" he said Lee gave Kjeldor a cold look, ".."she didn'y realy care if she hurt herself, but his words made her eyes brighten"Realy? You wouldn't take me back?"
"no if u didnt want to be taken back i wouldnt take u back" said kjeldor
"**** NO!" she replied sitting on a chair. kjeldor laughed a little" well that settles that" he said"sound like you feel the same way bout your parents like i do" he said"well at least its similar" Lee smiled kindly and ran her hand threw her short blond hair.."Let's just put it this way, my mother died while i was a baby, my father killed my grandfather, and well my father...gah.." She shudered.."You?" Kjeldors caring brown eyes rested on her, her father killed her grandfather?


The shadow waited sighlently..'hmm..pehaps i have underestimated their friendship..' it mused as he watched from the topofa trea "interesting.." The shadow hid hiselfwellamong the brachnes, the warth of the sun began to warm it, the shadow pulled down his black scarf torevealhis face, and tobreath alittle more comefortably.His dark cold blue eyes searched the windows following Lee's and Kjeldors movements pearing through the windown, his tanned face, had goose bumbs from a sudden wind, his shortly cut curly black hair fluttered about..Dono..Dono Beaton..was hiss name, he let out a cold smile and waited paitently.


"... both parents are rich and kinda prissy and prepy my mother more then father.. but father gets part of there money through drugs and criminal acts and murders behind my mothers back... i dont dislike my mom as much as my dad but basicly i didnt like my dad at all and my mom didnt want me to become a bounty hunter because of the dangers she was always overprotective of me.. i also didnt like the rich lifestyle so thats why i left.." said kjeldor "and i am sorry that your father did that to your grandfather its very wrong to do that.."
Lee sighed bitterly. "My Grandfather is the only reason i'm alive.." she said fiddling with her sword..."After my mother died my dad dwent crasy, still is..my grandfather convinced him i was a boy so my dad wouldn't kill me.." she drefted off in thought and sadly bowed her head.
"i see...." said kjeldor"something tells me your grandfather was a knight or some other form of warrior with respect" said kjeldor
Lee nodded her head in agreament. "He was a knight, the best ever..." she drifted off again and shoock her head. "That's why i want to be a knight. it's in his honor."
"i see and i definetly think that you could become a knight... you have a very noble cause and you have the heart and spirit to do it ive seen that first hand" he said
Lee smiled and blushed a little and quickly hid her face so that he wouldn't see. "Thanks, that means alot to me."
"no problem lee" said kjeldor smiling"havent met a gal like u in quite a while..actually ur about the first person i actually got to know since leaving the encampment" said kjeldor"its nice to know you"
"yeah well.." stutered lee a little "It's nice to have met you to...ummm..i gota cut my hair, otherwise everyone will know i'm a girl." she stamered she stamered not quite sure how to take a comment she got up and streache dout her muscles a bit.
"well ok then you dont have to keep the disquise if u dont want to but either way u go its fine" said kjeldor"least ya work out and train" he said"well i gotta wash the oil outta my hair neway" said kjeldor"guess id better take a shower or something" he said as he got up"see ya in bout 10-15 minutes lee" said kjeldor looking for the second bathroom so lee could use the first one too cut her hair
lee shruged "Eh, i kinda like it short, and when people mistake me for a guy, they don't misjudge me as being weak." she stated as she walked beside him and enetered the other bathroom. "See you in a bit." she alled out closing the door, and soon there could be herd the small clicks of her scissors.

Kjeldor smiled kindly his brown eyes rested followed her and then rested on the floor."aight see ya in a few" he called out to lee
Least she didnt ask if my arm was gonna short out from the water..
Kjeldor had never misjudged lees strength.. he knew that she was very strong..

lee aslo washed her hair out when she was done, and bathed she exited out of the bathroom with a towel tightly wrapped around her body covering everything, becasue she frogot clean clothing. "Sheesh..i'm such a moron sometimes." she stated to herself.
Kjeldor washed out his hair and put on a pair of soft red pjs with a silver moon on the back and he steped out of the bathroom chuckling to himself" froget clean cloths??" he said with a small laugh"ok describe to me one of your favorite outfits or a pair of sleeping cloths or something for you to wear" he said
"Nah i got it already." she said as she passed by him lightning fast and hid in the bathroom. "Thanks anyway!" she called from the other side of the door. she breathed heavily, she had frogtten for a second he was there.."Crud..." she got nto the tub and showered quickly. "God..i'm so stupid sometimes.."
"well when you get done i can make an outfit for you thats why i asked you to describe one for me to make for ya" said kjeldor as he sat on the couch
"i'm ok." stated as she exited the bathroom, fully dressed except for socks. "i'm ok. i've got pleanty of clothes. " she stated as she entered the living room. her short blond hair even shorter now she was drying it off with a towl. she blushed a little, "i'm ok realy."
ok then" said kjeldor"i didnt know whether you brought cloths or not i actually forgot to bring an outfit other then the one i was wearing so i had to make these real fast and i look like a big old cherry or strawberry" said kjeldor blushing a little from embarrasment . Lee laughed. "i'm sorry i did 't think of that until you mentioned it...bwah hah hah hah ! i'm sorry!" she said gaining control of herself. "You look fine. As if you neaded my aproval."
"its aight and thanks i never really thought i was a good clothes maker i came close to steping out with nothing but a towel either but i thought o crap lees there and ran back in but u had a towel on so it was alright" said kjeldor shaking his hair outta his eyes"gah.. my hair never sets right after its washed.. its so gadam long" said kjeldor"and i aint gonna cut it i might trim it but thats it i like my hair" said kjeldor
lee shrugged uncaringly"I like your hair the way it is.." she stated as she finished drying her hair, her stumich rumbled. "Lunch time. what do you like to eat?" she asked.
"dosent matter ill eat pretty much anything you can choose but ill help you" said kjeldor


Dono waited patienly..he was begining to become impatient..he waited still. Like a cat headed for it's prey..awaiting just the right moment..to pounce..

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