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This is my book, submitted in pieces.
Ch. 1 (FULL)
Chapter 1

Ned, is his name, and this is his story. He does have a last name but he has no middle name, his full name is: Ned Krass the 6th, He belongs to an old family and, despite their age, they are middle class. He hates the 6th at the end of his name, he thinks it’s very ‘high classy’ and despises it but accepts it as a part of his identity, of who he is and couldn’t live without it. Although he is the ‘6th’ his dad is not the ‘5th’, in-fact the name Ned, in the Krass family, is used only on the first born male when the time is right, and they know when the time is right. His namesake, namesakes more of, Have all disappeared without a trace and were the last till all of the records stopped for some time then the seem to start randomly in a spot and it felt like reading a book starting from the middle, but they left a small family behind and always disappeared without a trace after that. Because of the history of the name he prefers, even at home to be called Krass.

Ned woke up at 6:27am. As he got out of his bed and opened the window to let the fresh air inside, to bring life back to the stale, dead air accumulated through the night he looked at the door for no particular reason and saw his cat. Then he remembered last night’s dream, not by remembering a thing or two but all the knowledge came flooding in and he remembered everything at once, somewhat of a slideshow on speed. Oh, yeah. He thought, what was with those two guys? Not like it matters it was just a dream. But the certain part of his brain that holds, as in most people, the long sleeping, sometimes indefinitely, instincts of a human. That was not a dream, it whispered to him sending a chill down his spine, it was too real to be a dream, dreams are always insensible collogues of random thought and memory and they skip around too much to be like that. No, that was something entirely different than a dream. The question is: Since it’s not a dream, what is it? But Ned dismissed these thoughts at the same time acknowledging the truth behind it. It was not ‘just a dream’.

Remembering the date and what was happening that day he got dressed in blue jeans and a T-shirt then left his room. The smell of waffles hit his senses like a belt across the face, he grimaced waffles, again? This is the fourth week in a row! He gathered himself and managed to skip his breakfast. He brushed his teeth then washed his face in the bathroom and put on his ‘light’ deodorant for when he wasn’t practicing baseball. He looked at his other ‘person deodorizer’, his nickname for deodorant, and remembers the baseball team, he wasn’t very good, but he was good enough but despite that he has fond memories of the team. He sighs, and leaves the bathroom like a there are no problems at all, ever, and completely relaxed by his reminiscing.

He scurried out of his house, pretending to be in a rush, and then jogged from there out examining the urban beauty, absorbing its life. Then he reached a point in his almost daily journey of which one day’s was practically inseparable from the next, were he could see for the last time his house. Though he did not look on the days, despite their similarity to one another, with blandness as quite a few people would. He decided that when it came to cookie cut-out patterns, he rather enjoyed cookies, and you can always bend the cutter. But today as he passed yet another brown-and-white house he caught a Glimpse of someone about his age. Who is that? Hmm, I never seen him around here, I wonder, did he move into that new house that was just built? He blinked and then boy was gone, a split second from when he first saw him. I must be hallucinating or imagining or something.

He continued on looking around a bird took flight flying off to some unknown location, just flying. Another unseen bird singing a soliloquy, hmm, how free it is to be an un-caged bird, to roam where-ever you choose. But then again is it freedom? No, true freedom, that is for everyone, to do what you want without consequence, meaning punishment at any time to anyone, cannot exist along with responsibility. Ned was thinking these things and debating: Is there even a way to create a fair to everyone anything? The answer is, definitely not. The best you can do is please about seventy-five percent of every one. Then out of nowhere, on the sidewalk opposite of him, the kid appeared again staring at him. So he stared right back with confused eyes containing curiosity. What in the hell, is that the same kid from before, if so how’d he get here so fast? Then just like before he disappeared. “I think that left-over pizza I ate wasn’t exactly healthy.” Ned grumbled to himself.

He arrives at the bus stop. Now all that’s left to do is wait the remaining 5-10 minutes for the bus. So he waited in the damp, cold air. By the time the bus finally arrived, eleven additional people had shown up, making fourteen people waiting at the bus stop. Is Dameon coming? He said he’d be here on time. Then, as he took his first step onto the steps into the bus, he saw a figure running like its life depended on it. He knew what who it was. I can always count on him to be late. Ned shook his head, well, what do you know, he did show up. I sure hope he has it. Then, as Ned entered the bus, he heard his friend call out, “Ned! Hold that bus!” Ned let out a sigh, he hated his name. As Dameon entered the bus driver nagged on how he’s always late and he should wake up earlier and various other things he should do to improve his punctuality “…and how do you expect to keep job if your always late like this” he finished.

Krass and Dameon sat together on the right side in the 7th row from the back on a well-tarnished seat with some faded illegible graffiti on the back of the seat in front of them that had probably been there since the nexus of time and will be there for seemingly the rest of eternity. “What you got there?” inquired Krass, eyeing the gift wraped box Dameon was holding. Dameon smirked “You’re going to love this.” He handed over the box at Krass’s request. “What is it?” questioned Krass. “You’ll see.” Dameon replied slyly “Open it after school.” He added with a pang of seriousness. “Aright, Alright, I’ll open it after school.”

The Bus ride was enjoyable. Krass and Dameon sat in the second from the back on the right. “So, whats down with you birthday boy?” Dameon asked
“Not much, going shopping after school for my presents.”
“Oh yeah, you pick out your own gifts instead of having a party, huh?”
“Yeah, because I only know three people that would come.”
“Well that’s balls.”
“Nah, ‘Sall right. I do fine in a small close group and alone then in a large group.”
“ ‘‘Sall right’?”

The bus driver interrupted their conversation by snapping over his little on-bus intercom. “You two stop talking back there!”
“Wow, Mr. Matillo has a bug up his a** today.” murmured Krass. Dameon retorted “take it easy on him, I heard is wife died last week.”
“Wow.” The rest of the way was silent. It was beautiful outside, the time of day when the sun as burned away most of the morning fog, but has yet to escape the horizon, giving everything a surreal appearance. Staring out the window Krass absorbed natures beauty, and sighed. I wish I could be surrounded by nature forever. Then he saw the boy from earlier, just for a second, and then he was gone. Woah, note to self: make sure nothing bad is growing on your food, BEFORE you eat it next time.

The bus Came to a grinding halt in front of Krass’s school. Krass and Dameon made their way out of the bus and to their usual hangout on the biggest of the three grassy hills that dotted the area between the PAC and the snack bar. Krass, throwing his stuff to the side, exclaimed whilst stretching “Man, I love the mornings.”
“I thought you loved cookies.” Dameon queried.
“I can love more than one thing tard-face.”
“Meh.” Said Dameon bluntly
“You face.” Snapped back Krass
“Banana hammock.” retorted Dameon and at this Krass collapsed laughing. “OMG that was freakin’ random.”
“I know.” Dameon slyly replied. Then the bell rang and they went their separate ways to their own class. “See ya, Dameon!” called out Krass to his friend
“Laters!” replied Dameon.

Krass walked into his first period TA class, he TA’d for Mr. McCoy, his junior year history teacher. It was a very pleasant “job” and one he enjoyed very much, for he had no work to do and could use this time to read, listen to his iPod, play video games, or catch up on any forgotten homework, which was always a plus, and he could always listen in on the lectures. “Hey, Mr. McCoy, ‘s my birthday terday!”
“Oh, that’s cool, so are you having a party?”
“Nah, theys lame, you don’t ever get what you want, I’m goin’ shopping for stuff.”
“What are you gonna get?”
“Don’t know, got some things lined up but nothing for sure.”

Krass sat down in the teachers chair behind the desk and pulled up Wikipedia on the comp, while listening to Mr. McCoy talk about the Ticker Tape parades and how you only had to pay 10% on stock and stock went up depending on how much was sold, not how well the company did which led to a huge market crash. Krass pulled up the “this day in history” page and memorized some of the more interesting tidbits of information for his fifth period so he could get the “This day in history” question right and a little candy. He checked his email as he occasionally does, and saw he had 3 new messages. alright, comment, PM, and… E-mail? Who E-mails me? opening the email he read quietly to himself:

Dear Ned Krass the 6th,

I have been watching you all day, I saw you on the way to the bus and on the bus, and I think you saw me, anyways I am pleased to inform you that you are chosen.

Eternally yours,

Stealing nervous glances Krass, confused, thought, what the… who sent this? Chronos? Must be a fake name. Dammint Dameon if that’s you… Hitting reply, He quickly typed out:
Who is this?
But, when Krass hit send the computer complained that the sender dose not exist. Well, hey, that’s only slightly extremely creepy.

“Hey Krass.” Mr. McCoy’s voice made him jump a little from sheer surprise. “Could you take these to the office?” inquired Mr. McCoy as he handed Krass a bit of paper that said deliver to office on the top. “Alright.” responded Krass while grabbing the papers.

Krass exited the room and was met by the blinding rays of the sun. covering his eyes to allow them to adjust he continued on and into the main hall. The main hall was a nice cool temperature, perfect for any clothing, short of Eskimo. Then he saw him, the kid, again, just for a split second. Was that… Never mind, I’m just trippin’ out. If I ignore it, it will go away. Continuing on he reached the office and dropped off the papers on the front desk with a woman who never bothered to look up.

Upon returning to class, Krass sat back down and logged back on the internet. After going threw his comp runs, he decided to read his new book, which he had started yesterday and was a bit more than half-finished with it already. He opened it up to page 252, where he left off yesterday and began reading. Then Krass turned the page. What in the Azure Sky? instead of the story he had been reading the page said, over and over again, “I know who you are, I can see you but you can’t see me, I‘ve been watching over you since your birth. You better watch out because I’m no longer the only one stalking you from the shadows. Make the wrong move just once and, trust me, YOU WILL DIE. And remember, keep your friends close and your enemies closer…” Flipping through the pages in a panic he saw it was all the book said, over and over again. OH. MY. PIKACHU What the hell is going on?

Immediately after finishing this thought, the bell rang and without further thought, he gathered his things and started towards 2nd period art. It was a short walk, for the two classes were about two hundred and sixty feet apart. He entered into his spacious classroom grabbed the piece he had been working on for the last 4 days, and took his seat. He turned on his iPod, pulled out his favorite pencil and started drawing. Krass sighed I love drawing, its so relaxing and fun, quite useful too. thought Krass letting his pencil make poetic marks on the paper. Busing himself by adding to his artwork, Krass had forgotten about the incident with the book, until his iPod changed from Beatles to an Audio loop of an eerie, ghost-like voice saying: “I know who you are, I can see you but you can’t see me, I‘ve been watching over you since your birth. You better watch out because I’m no longer the only one stalking you from the shadows. Make the wrong move just once and, trust me, YOU WILL DIE. And remember, keep your friends close and your enemies closer…”

“Are you all right Krass? You look kinda pale.” questioned a classmate with a hint of worry. “No, I’m fine just having a nervous breakdown.”
“Oh, alright. I thought there was a problem.”
“Just typical ‘OMG, I think someone’s trying to kill me freak out.’ drama.”
“ ‘Kay.”

Trying to ignore what just happened Krass finished his artwork and put his head down for the rest of the class, “Oh man, I’m trippin’ out.” Krass murmured to himself. The bell Rang fifteen long minutes later, seems like times slows when you put your head down, and Krass gathered his things and left.

All I got to do is stop thinking about it and it will go away, something about the power of the human mind over its physical environment. 3rd period science, we’re doing a lab today, somthin’ about peanut brittle… I think…

Stepping into room 125, Krass took a look at the board for the question, which read: What killed 26 people on this day? Krass’ smile gleamed across his face, “ Is it the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy, right?”
“Correct! that’s the fiftieth one in a row Krass. Sometimes I wonder how you do it.” Beamed Mr. Fingle. “That, I’m afraid is a secret.”
“It doesn’t matter, you know the drill, get your candy.”
“Mmm, I see you got some Resess peanut butter cups.” Krass muttered to himself

Taking his seat towards the back of the class, Mr. Fingle started the demonstration of chemistry in cooking, but despite efforts Krass could not pay attention to Mr. Fingle’s project, for his mind was else where.

Oh man, I’m tripping out, but its all too real. But then again is it really real? How can I be sure that I woke up this morning? I mean, I remember waking up but I’ve had dreams where I woke up too… Well I ate breakfast and I can still kinda taste it, so I know its not a dream… I wonder if I’m being haunted if so… While I’m thinking deep thoughts, I wonder if Nicole even notices me? Probably not, its not like I do anything noticeable in the first place. I’m going to worry myself sick if I keep on thinking like this. At least tomorrow is Saturday, so that’s good.

Krass’ mind was completely occupied with these thoughts when the 10 minute bell rang and Mr. Fingle handed out the peanut brittle, and gave the class “Ch. 8 review. Questions, They’re due tomorrow!”

Oh yeah, break time, thought Krass smirking to himself, I only wish that the bench wasn’t so far from my 3rd period. Its practically on the other end of campus…

Reaching the grassy mound Krass threw down his back pack and walked over to the bench with Damien. “… So I clicke- oh there you are Krass, You’re slow.”
“It’s not my fault my class is on the other side of school…”
“You could move faster.”
“I could also rip out my spleen, but that won’t happen either.”
“Wow, that’s pretty lazy.”
“Yeah one time I was so lazy I almost starved to death because I wouldn’t get up to eat.”
“That’s… just horrible.”
“My family was gone for the week. I only ate like 7 meals…”
“Wow, I must apprentice under your ways of laziness.”
“I’d be too lazy to teach you my ways and you know it.”
“Your so stupid Krass.”
“You know what? Fine, you asked for it.” Remembering some of the random facts he learned he started reciting: “ On may 15th 1756 the seven years war began when Britain declared war on France. On the same day in 1800 king George the third survived two assassination attempts on the same day. In 1869 the national woman’s suffrage association was founded. In 1905 Las Vegas was founded. In 1928 Mickey mouse premiered in his first cartoon. In 1940 the Dutch surrendered to the Germans and the first MickeyD opended in San Bernadio, California. Lastly in 2008, California became the second state to legalize gay marriage. Now, do I have to do another day or have you had enough yet.”
“What.” Said Damien staring In shock.
“I. Know.” Krass smoothly replied.
“That was extraordinarily random Krass. Thanks, I needed that.”
“There’s more, trust me.”
“I really don’t care.” When Damien finished his sentence, Krass shot a funny look at him then, out of nowhere, Krass started dancing the “Time Warp”. “Oh, Dance the time warp yeah!”
“O M Jesus! You Never told me you watched that movie.”
“I watched it Wednesday.”
“Now I want to see it.”
“I still have it, come over today after school and we’ll watch it.”
“No I can’t over today, tomorrow.”
“You said tomorrow yesterday. What’s your excuse this time.” said krass a bit impatient with his best friend’s consistency.”
“I have Guitar practice.”
“You should just give me you schedule, so I can plan around the stupidity of it. Also, Its my B-day today, you have to come.”
“Grr, Fine. I wanna see your reaction when you open up what I got you.”
“You wanna tell me what it is?”
“Not really.”
“Would you tell me what it is if I guessed it right?”
“Something from the 99 cents store?”
“Um, no. I’m not that cheap.” Then the bell rang, but Krass and Damien’s classes were next door so they walked together.

“A game for my 360?”
“Alright, how about the DS?”
“MS or Wii points?”
“Dude, you’re never going to get it.”
“You’re mom’s virginity?”
“What the hell?! You’re so stupid.”
“Don’t make me go August 30th on you.”
“You sucketh.”
“You’re Mom suckeths.”
“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“It does if you think about it.”
“No, It doesn’t.”
“Yes, it does.”
“Not at all.”
“I know.”
“God, sometimes I hate you.”
“Hate’s a form of love.”
“You’re a f**.” Then the pair had made it to their classes.
“See you after 4th, Krass!”
“See ya!”

As Krass walked into his 4th period Math, Damien walked into his 4th period history, both at them excelled at their 4th period subjects, though Krass disliked his. At least I did my homework… wait, did I do my homework? Somewhat worried Krass dropped his bag adjacent to his seat and started pilfering through it. When he found last last night’s assignment, he let out a sigh of relief and passed it to the front, then he pulled out his large notebook and started drawing random things like a desk, a Nintendo DS a cup a laptop and other miscellaneous items. Then he just let his pencil take on a mind of its own and absent mindedly drew just like all the other times.
“All right and if ‘x’ is 5 ¾ what’s ‘y’?” Asked Ms. Tiverin. “How about you Krass?” Snapping out of zoning out he saw the problem and, without missing a beat, “Seventeen and twenty-five hundredths or Seventeen and one-fourth.” Frowning Ms. Tiverin responded “Correct, now as for this next problem…” But Krass’ mind was absent from there on. He found out mid-year that Tiverin was out to get him because she thought he was a cheater, Krass chuckled at remembering this. “What’s so Funny Krass?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
“Then why’d you laugh?”
“No reason.”
“Detention Krass, Fill it out for today.”
“Wait, what’d I do?”
“Detention Krass. Now.”
“********, fine.”
“Two detentions, one for disturbing the class and one for cussing.”

Krass didn’t care, Ms. Tiverin never did detentions right so it never was counted and was therefore void and basically was asking you to spend an hour after school, so he sure wasn’t going, why would he? He never went before, and wasn’t going to start now. So he got back to drawing without ever looking at his paper and absent mindedly listening to the teacher drone on about nothing that she claimed was something he would use sometime later in life. I think math should stop with algebra, maybe geometry so you can be in the construction business. Krass yawned, but Ms. Tiverin was too engrossed in some math formula Krass didn’t care for to notice. I know math as it’s uses but after algebra what’s it all for? I’m not becoming a scientist, I wanna be a techno DJ or a game programmer/designer whatever. Most likely end up a programmer, Be a code monkey… I wonder if its fun.

Then Ms. Tiverin started handing out that nights assignment and Krass waited for it to come all the way around to him. It usually took a minute or two, but today it took about three and a half. Krass never figured out why it took so long today, but it didn’t matter, there was still eighteen minutes left and the worksheet was only fifteen problems in all. Krass started devouring the mathematical problems like they were cookies. Finishing up with 5 minutes left to spare Krass put is headphones in and started up a six minute song and enjoyed all the lyrics and the gentle guitar.

Krass stepped out into the blinding sun, Blinking hard his eyes took a full seven seconds to adjust to the harsh light of the blaring sun. Gaahhh, damn sun… going of into the surreal as he often does, The hero was thrust into the unforgiving desert sun as his cover blew away, he struggled against the scorching desert, but to no avail, he collapsed onto the hot sand, like a sea of lava from the heat of the day, an took his last few breaths in quick and hard before all life fled from him… what the random emoness?

Why is this class SO FAR from the Hill? It takes like two to three whole minutes. Krass let out an exasperated sigh of relief when he walked into the shade. Shade… its so… Shady… Krass smiled, so cool. I love the shade, so much better than the heat of the day. I feel like poetry, perhaps Haikuu… “Hmmm…” Alright lets do it on shade… five, seven, five right? Ok, Shade is cool and refreshing, Hmmm alright lets do this:
Re/lief from fiery day… That’ll be the last line since its sorta conclusionary… Hmm, second line then lets get that seven-er outta the way: Cast down from the old oak… That’s good, but lets improve. I like the cast down part but lets change the old oak to… ummm… WAIT, first line shall be: The dark/ene/d grou/nd. Good now back to the old oak, maybe something less specific…on second thought, then it has “personal experience”, lets stick with it then, but wait the things two syllables I need three, old to an/cient then.. Now lets see what I got:

The darkened ground
Cast down from the ancient oak,
Relief from Fiery day.

Krass smiled. That was good, I’ll have to write it down later… Krass had arrived at the hill and he threw his stuff down onto the grass. Krass laid down and waited for Damien. Krass new Damien would be five or more minutes so he stared up at the tree that gave him the shade he was laying in. Drawing in his mind, he picked out every individual detail on all the leaves, the way the sun hit the leaves and lit them, the way they blew in the gentle breeze above Krass. Krass could feel the warmth the leaves bathed in from the cool of the shade. I love this peace, if everyone could see what I’m seeing in this tree… Krass sighed. Damien walked up and threw his stuff down and laid adjacent to Krass.

“God I’m so tired.” groaned Krass.
“That sucks, I just had a monster” replied Damien.
“Awww, b***h. I could use one.”
“Why don’t you just go get one?”
“Many reasons. One being I’m really comfy and in my “At oneness” state. Another being I don’t know if I have sufficient cash or cash at all, and I don’t wanna check for aforementioned reason.”
“You are very well the laziest person I know.”
Whatever, he’ll never get it. Returning his examining gaze back to the above branches of the tree. An unsaid treaty of silence fell between them and Krass closed his eyes and enjoyed the playful breeze as it blew gently on the hill. Then he saw it, not with his eyes, or like a true full hallucination, but like a video in his mind.

Krass felt disoriented, he noticed was in an prairie, a sea of endless gold. Gathering himself he saw there had obviously been some war here, for lifeless bodies lay seemingly as endless as the prairie grass. He saw crows and other scavenging fowls pick the flesh off the broken frames of the men. What the hell? For he saw this projected in his mind but he saw the familiar hill, the green grass, he heard the pointless conversations in the distance all jumbled together like Christmas lights. He also saw the gilded grass and the rotting cadavers, and heard the cawing of crows as they feasted. Then, as suddenly as it came, it went. Krass blinked hard and rapidly. Without turning to Damien he yawned, “I is tripping out in hardcore status.”
“That must suck.” Damien replied.
“What happened this time?”
“Saw things but didn’t see them…”
“Yeah.” The silence returned and they both were separated in their own worlds of inner peace and oneness with nature. They carried on, completely off in their own minds for about ten minutes when the bell rang for sixth. Krass smiled, it was a relief to have an unassigned sixth period so he could get home early. “See ya Damien!”
“See ya Loser!”

Krass started walking home, I think I’ll take the longer route today… Krass liked walking home even though it took forty to fifty minutes the long way, he still saved forty minutes of time, anyways the route took him by the local Book store, he loved books with such a passion that its more dangerous to be between him and a book he wants then it is a mother bear and her cub. I’m gonna need to see what they have in stock soon, maybe tomorrow… I’m hungry, must eat. But must save money for books. Krass remembered one of his favorite quotes: When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes Krass smiled at the quote, then, with great luck, he found a dollar, Oh yeah, now I can get a donut.

The donut shop Krass planed to go to was about one sixteenth of a mile from school, or any given side of a lap on the track, not too far to frequent, unlike the bookstore. Krass walked inside and blinked hard as his eyes adjusted to the light. When his eyes became accustomed to the lighting of the small street-side shop. “Can I get a chocolate twist?” he asked a small Asian lady, apparently in her mid-forties. She quickly got his donut and put it in a white paper bag, Krass took his order and paid the eighty cents it cost and pocketed the two dimes he got back. Krass left the donut shop and got his donut from the bag and started walking home eating it.

Krass inhaled deeply, long after his donut was gone and he was now almost home, but still about eight minutes away, to absorb the local nature. Oh, how I love trees, They’re so beautiful… I don’t know what I see in them really, what’s so special about ‘em? How come I’m more drawn to trees than any other foliage? …Who cares, I like them and the more stuff you like, the easier it is to be happy. Krass smiled at his insignificant revelation and kept smiling all the way home.

The last seven minutes of Krass’ trek home were entirely uneventful if not enlightening. Krass Walked into his house and dropped his backpack on the carpet floor. He then proceeded to his room and picked up his Laptop, and started checking his Myspace, Hey a new friend request. Krass clicked the link to his to his friend approval list. Hmm, Chronos… don’t think I know him… Lets check out his page… Krass clicked the image of a silhouetted figure facing the sun. The profile loaded, What. The. Smurf. The profile consisted of hundreds of photos of Krass, from various points of his life, even the most private times when he was alone. Alright… I can has stalker? ‘Sonly a little of the paranoid chart. The odds of me, Krass, having a stalker is zero. At least I hope so because this is a dude and I don’t swing that way… Meh, I’ll add him anyways… Just boost my numbers… Hey look at that he’s online, well lets drop this whack-job a PM.

Subject: Why the hell are you following me?

Rifts980: Hey dude, why are stalking me? I’m not gay, even if I was your stalking behavior is not romantic or attractive. Also, How the LIVING d20 DID YOU GET THOSE PICS?!?! WTF was that E-mail about anyways? Who signs off “Eternally yours”?

I can has creepy f** stalker?

Krass hit send. I wonder what stalker-f** will respond… I wonder why I’m bein’ a d**k… Krass yawned. Probably ‘cause I’m so tired, I don’t know why I’m tired though… I have no reason to be tired, didn’t exercise… I feel cranky, I should sleep soon. Krass reloaded the page and saw that he already had a reply. That was quick.

Re: Why the hell are you following me?

Chronos: All your answers would only further Irk you, When we meet, but not now.

God, forget this, Now I’m no longer tired. Got homework anyways… Krass opened his backpack and got his homework out and started working on it. Alright I got math done, Now I just have art. Ugh, what was the thing? Krass thought for a minute before he remembered, Popcorn! Its draw three pieces of popcorn, I was hungry anyways now I get food and homework, Oh yeah!

God, forget this, I’m so freakin' tired. Got homework anyways… Krass opened his backpack and got his homework out and started working on it. After about twenty minutes he finished. Alright I got math done, Now I just have art. Ugh, what was the Assignment? Krass thought for a minute before he remembered, Popcorn! Its draw three pieces of popcorn, I was hungry anyways now I get food and homework, Oh yeah!

Krass popped in the bag of popcorn and hit in three minutes and thirty-three seconds and pushed start. Krass yawned and rubbed his eyes. “Its only two-forty…” His voice was groggy and he felt groggy. Yawning, “Can’t wait ‘till I can go to sleep… Need sleep now…” Krass was asleep even before he hit the bed.

Krass found himself laying down, looking up. The world around him was moving like a sea of confusion, the air contained light colors, like water paints swirling and surging around him “I hate dreams…”. Then there was a flash of light Krass’ head hurt as if someone smashed his against a wall a few dozen times while he had an everlasting brain freeze, which made thinking impossible. “My… head...” groaned Krass. He felt like a flash bang had gone off right in his face and when he opened his eyes he saw he was lying in a large patch of purple and green grass under a tree with silver leaves and a golden trunk which was at the center of grassy patch. There was a light on the area and beyond 30 feet of the tree was darkness.

Krass sat up and rubbed his face for a brief period of time until he recovered from his disorientation. He stood up and stretching and yawning and lightly banged his head against the tree. “This is probably by FAR the most boring dream I ever had. Ever.” Krass walked around the perimeter of the light. “I wonder…” Krass tried to put his hand into the darkness and found he couldn’t move into the darkness. “Weeeell, dreams are how the mind sorts out its problems, so I either have unknowingly reached total enlightenment and now have boring-a** dreams, or I’m missing something.”

Then he heard someone say “Why yes, you are missing something…” slyly “and you have been missing it all this time.” Krass looked around to for the origin of the voice. “Well, I sorta think its rude to talk to people without showing yourself.” snapped Krass. “Show yourself.”
“And you would be one to command me? Do you Know who I am?”
“Not really. Rude? And interrupting my sleep?”
He heard the voice laugh. “Very well I shall show myself to you, since you insist. I warn you though, I have not taken a form for quite a time…”

The Darkness that surrounded the area Krass was in in seemed to pulsate and heave, as if it was breathing. Then he saw the darkness become a singularity and the singularity hissed and cracked, Slowly at first then all at once A purplish-black light emitting from the cracks. Then it burst into a bright light, brighter than any of which Krass had seen all of his short life. When the light receded, there stood a shape that appeared to be made out the darkness itself. It appeared to be covered in living flame, the eyes were bright white and the light from them seemed to drag. The inhuman form walked towards Krass. “Is that better?” It sarcastically inquired.
“Well lest I can look you in the face as I say ‘Go screw yourself’ now.”
“Now that was uncalled for.”
“You stalk me all da-that was YOU, right? I don’t like assuming.”
“Yes, that was me.”
“Okay, good. Just checking. ANYways, you stalk me all day, Make me go to sleep early, and, worst of all, you ruined my book!”
“You have no idea who I am, do you?”
“Not a bit.”
Showing a mouth full of sharp teeth with a demonic smirk, “I am Chronos, the demon.” Taking a bow, “Pleased to meet you. I already know who you are.”
“So what’s a ‘demon’ doing following me around?”
“It very much has to do with you being ‘Krass the 6th’… How about a story?”
“Uh… sure?”
“Very well.”

Chronos cleared his throat and began, “It started a long time ago. Before earth when man kind existed in this place, this is all that remains from that time. Demons and Angels roamed freely among the humans, and, of course, all three races fought. The humans were more or less fifty-fifty, Demons and Angels usually kept to their respective sides, but as there are Fallen Angels, there are, and were Demons that saw the light and crossed over. Now every Demon and Angel had one or more powers, or ‘Rifts’ as they are called. They, ‘Rifts’ could be anything at all, from mundane and useless to God-like and Lethal. Now, this is a about an ’Enlightened’ Demon and a Fallen Angel. Now they were one of the ones created at the beginning of existence. They were the closest of friends before and for a while after time was created. Now this was all fine, for the only thing that really separated Demons and Angels was Appearance, that is, until humans were introduced. Now, you couldn’t imagine the calamity this caused, Angels were expected to serve, and they didn’t like any more than us who had to torment. Many of us just ignored it and lived along side them here. Then, as the saying goes, The s**t hit the Fan. Hard. You see, God wasn’t fond of his angels and demons Ignoring him, so he made more. Sounds like he would’ve worsened his situation, but he made these different, unlike the originals, they loved to serve and torture, lusted for it, dreamed of it, it was all they could think about. Then there was a war The Old and New Angels Fighting with the Old and New Demons, The details behind how it started are shakey, but it basically happened because God’s a sadist. Now back to the two best friends, You see the Angel has the Rifts of Time, disease, fighting, and many other things While the Demon had but two Rifts, they were they strongest around, he had the Rifts to give and the Rifts to take. Now the Demon fell in love with a Human, a deep, pure love, But the Angel grew jealous of the time the Demon was spending with the human and used his Rifts of disease to kill her. Now, as you can imagine The Demon confronted the Angel about this and it ended, well, to be honest, it didn’t end it continued, six times they fought and six times it ended in a dead tie. After the first fight though, both were severely injured and needed hosts to live in. Human hosts. Mine was named Ned Krass, Omega’s was named Damien Rolts. The names are actually Anagrams, unscrambled they are Darkness and Demon’s Trail.”

“So wait, Damien’s going through this as well?”
“No, I’m early.”
“Um, I was Thinking that…” Krass’ eyes grew wide, “How come I can’t think in my head?”
“Just the nature of this place.”
“But… But I like thinking quietly…” A long moment passed before Krass broke the silence, “You were the Demon right?”
“Took you long enough”
“Hey, your interrupting my sleep, don’t get smart b***h!” Krass snapped back. The next thing he knew, the Demon had put his arm through Krass’ chest and ripped out his heart through his back.
“I have had enough of your back talk!” Chronos barked. “I was going to give you a month to prepare, but now I‘m questioning leaving you alive, all I need is your body. I may be ‘enlightened‘ but at the end of the day I‘m still a Demon and even Angels can be wrathful” Chronos dropped Krass and obliterated his heart in his hand. “And just because I like you, I’ll give a week to live.”

Krass woke up with a start. Argh, my heart… was that.. real?
“Yes, it was.” Krass heard the voice of the demon proclaim in his head. You!
What are you doing here?!
“You don’t need to panic, I mean you no harm.”
That was obvious when you ripped my heart out!
“You were back talking when I wasn’t in the mood to, as you say, ‘dink around’ with you, anyways I have to expand your senses and capabilities and its easiest and best done from the inside.”
What about senses?
“Lets just say things are going to look clearer.”
So if my ancestor made the pact, how come I’m affected?
“Just how the pact was worded.”
So your telling me fate screwed me over and I canna da a ting?
“How the almighty void are you thinking in an accent? Also, yes, you are verily screwed.”
That’s SWELL. Krass rubbed his forehead and eyes, “Oooh my HEAD… I need a Coke.”
“You drink too much soda…”
“Oh, leave me be.” after a while, “Do you know what time it is?”
“Why would I?”
“Well isn’t Chronos the God of Time?”
“Why are speaking verbally?”

“Now you’re being avoidant, tell me please.”
“You’re just a vessel, I don’t have to tell you a thing.”
“Are you shy?”
“… Bugger off…”

“Bugger Off?”
“Do you want me to rip your spleen through your heart and your soul through your spleen?”
“Have you been reading Norse Mythology lately? Or web comics?”
“Why do I bother? Oh yeah, the extreme amount of spite.”
“So what time is it?”
“Fine, you want to know the time? Its 5:56 AM. You happy?”
Why would I be happy- its just the time.
“I’m in your head, remember? I can hear your thoughts.

“God, where can a guy get some privacy!” Krass walked through the house and got two hot pockets. He tore the plastic package open using his teeth, fantasizing about the animalistic likeness of the actions, he put them in the sleeves, placed them on a paper plate which he microwaved for three minutes and five seconds. “I’m hungry.” Krass mumbled to himself.
“Yeah, you lost your privacy indefinitely. I have been going through your memories and all I can say is, You, my friend, are a very mentally sick individual. Especially last morning, around this time. What did you call that genr-
NEVER RECALL MY MORNING BEHAVIOR! The thought dripped with venom. Look, I’m not proud of what I do, but I can’t stop that easily…

“So this is my last Saturday?” Krass yawned.
“Hmph, Yep.”
“Balls. Hey so when were you last alive, you need a quick update on things?”
“Last time I was in this realm-”
This realm?
“Of course, your thoughts would still interrupt my monologue… Now as I was saying, last time in I was in this realm, It was the late 1500’s.”
You were here with Will Shakespeare!
“… No, not really. You’re not British. You’re of a Nordic-Celtic descent. There‘s other stuff in your mix but that’s not important. Your predecessor, Ned Krass the fifth, grew up in Iceland. Was a noble. Anyways, I‘ve kept up with you and your human ways. Your species has come a long way in the last century.”
Hmm so You’re in me and your enemy is I my best friend…
“So wait me and Damien are gonna have to fight each other?”
“But we’ve always got along! We never have a violent thought towards each other, and now we have to fight to the death?”
“This was never a problem with the last five…”
“Well it’s a problem now!” Krass’ hot pocket dinged which shattered the tension like a bullet through glass.

Now, what to do… Lets play a vidier game!
“Seriously, how are you thinking in an accent?”

“Its mentally impossible.”

“It truly is.”
Lets play Dishwasher!

Krass turned on his Xbox360. “That’s it, I was goin’ to give a week but it looks like Omega noticed I went in early, we need to leave in today.”
WHAT. I have one day on earth?
“Yes, now I wasn’t able to properly prepare your body for travel, so it’ll hurt like hell.”

Oh, yeah. Pain. Krass thought rolling your eyes.
“You realize that the end of times depends on who wins this fight right?”
You failed to mention that.
“Huh, guess I did.”
“So when do we leave.”
“My parents?”
“They know.”

Krass felt like his internal organs were re-arranging when he saw the shadowy creature step out from inside his body, when it left him he felt hallow. “Come, let us go.” it said as it opened a gaping hole-Portal?- in the air. It was a dark purplish color, swirling as when he was in limbo in the dream.
“I wont be coming back, will I? ”
“You will most likely die.” The shadow replied.
“Give me minute, I want to look around. Remember this.” Krass looked around, The fifty-seven inch tube television, on which he enjoyed so many thousands of hours of games so blissfully, well spent, so well spent, he thought. The 360 and all the games he had, the fond memories, some of the best times I‘ve had in my life. All the books he had read, he picked up the first copy he ever read of ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ he picked up the book and looked at it endearingly. I remember. How it taught me so much, how to luagh, how to play, how to imagine, how to enjoy the simple things, how to cry, to love nature, to love. He decided to keep it. The bed he slept on, his plushies, I never got an eevee plush did I? It reminded him of all his other life goals he never accomplished. “Lets go.” Krass sighed, “Too many memories.” Krass stepped half-way into the portal, looked back, and sighed "Goodbye." and went the rest of the way into the portal.

I propose a toast! To the end of Chapter one! HAZZAH!

49 days of this...

I'm going to now try for a page a day.

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