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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Chapter 5 part one
((wew! on to another chapter, i've been wanting to write this one for a while..i hope it turns out ok. smile ))

Part one.

Lee's granfather stoped and kissed his grandaughter on the brow, "Perpare yourself." he stated to Kjeldor. "tomarow, might bring about her death."
"i will.. and ill hope for the best" said kjeldor bowing to jack draco again he frowned, he had already let himself get attached to her as a friend..he ddn't wish to lose..
Her grandfather bowed and stood upright again giving Kjedlor a knights salute. "and...take care of my grandaughter." he stated as he sheathed his swod and put by Lee's side again. With that, he and the mist disapeared. Lee turned on the couch, sleapily.
"i will sir.." said kjeldor as the knight disappeared then kjeldor climbed back onto the roof and began to mediate to prepare himself for the next days events..
The morning sun peaked in the spring sky, it was getting warmer..soon hot and heavy summer would arive. Lee awoke with a loud yahn. She streached out her muscles. She then got up, and began to streach out her muscles. "ow.." she stated as she herd her neck crack.
"morning lee" said kjeldor from behind lee seemingly coming out of nowhere Her blond hairs stood on end, she jumpoed up a little frightened.
"Ack!" she cried out, she calmed herself down. "Sheesh! Don't do that." she stated rubbing her neck stressfully. Kjeldor laughed,
"im sorry im sorry didnt mean to scare you that bad" said kjeldor"so would you like some breakfast?" he said"or anything else i can get you?" Lee raised an eyebrow..and staired at him."...." she was a little confused by this, this was the first time someone had ever asked to do something fopr her..she wasn't sure ow to react. Dono walked into the forest, a hodded man walked beside him, but somehting was diferent about Dono, his eyes...the were as white as snow...a heavy color wrapped around his neck. Lee let out a loud sigh her blond hair still on end. "Sorry if i yelled at you..i've just been realy on edge. And umm...i guess i'll just have some eggs." she stated. "Maby some excersise will clear my head." she said as she walked toward the kitchen.Suddenly kjeldors expression changed as his veiw whiped to outside he couldnt see them but he felt them.."donos back lee... and someones with him.. and there strong... wonder what there doing back in the forest" Lee looke dup from her place and ran out the door, she felt her blond hairs rise..she felt a presence she hadn't felt in a long time. 'oh god damn!' she thought to herself.
Dono, suddenly ran at Kjeldor knocking him to the ground, and growling.

Kjeldor skidded across the ground then sprang back up and aimed a side kick at the side of donos head"what the hell.." said kjeldor Lee jumped up when she saw the cloaked man and before she could react, she was pushed with a great force into th ehouse wall, agianst the window shattering it.

"hello..my son." said the figure finnally pulling back its cape. Lee's father finnally revieled himself. he had short blond greying hair and green eyes, he was slightly taller then kjeldor, his pale skin was a great contrast to his dark cape. A pair of glasses rested on his nose. "Dono told me you were dead my son...but as i can see you are alive." he stated.
Lee was then lifted off the gound, and thrown again into a trea. She cried out in pain and acidentily dropped her sword.

dono doged him, his spead had increased a hundred fold with the help of Lee's fathers' magic. he drew his sword and slashe dit at kjeldors neck."the hell.. LEE!!!" said kjeldor trying to run to her suddenly a man with long black hair and black eyes in a black school oriented robe with gold trim landed and lashed kjeldors chest with a purple glowing whip"Uchiha..." said kjeldor uchiha in front of him blocking his way to lee and a crazed dono behind him"damn.."

"My son..." stated Lee's father "I hear rumers that, some think you are a woman..is this true?" he asked menicingly.

"I am a woman father!" shouted out Lee as she desperatly reached for her sword.

To know avail, Her father picked her up with his magic again furiosly, throwing her again, against the house. "no..you are my son." he stated his eys filled with fury.

Lee stood up, "No father! I am your daughter!' she shouted as she stood up, whiping away the blood from her lip.

Kjeldor ducked but his neck had been nicked"gah.." said kjeldor his hand glowing white before touching it making it heal"hes fast as hell now..." said kjeldor Suddenly the whip lashed kjeldors back and kjeldor fell to his knees a pulsating cut now on kjeldors back some blood coming from his mouth. dono ignored the other man and rushed at Kjeldor, aiming his sword at his , neck smiling wildy.

lee's father then grapped at her throught and threw her agian, this time much harder, his eyes gone red...he had finnally gone mad.
"Lee!" he shouted aloud "A woman?!!! he unsheathed his sword "I'll kiil you!" he shouted out

"DAMN THE TWO OF YOU!!" said kjeldor as kjeldor sidesteped the sword attack and tried to kick donos hand as hard as he could against the steel then he charged his left hand with spirit energy his hand pulsating orange he struck the ground making a sinkhole under dono then uchiha went for another whip attack but kjeldor drew his sword and blocked the whip a loud clink coming from it. Then sudenly with great spead dono hit kjeldor over the head with his sword, knoinking kjeldor out cold.."today..will be the day..of the death of Lee! and you shall not interfear!" he shouted. The other man left laughing to himself...
Lee grimiced in pain as she gapped at the earth, her father then stepped on her back and raised his sword.

Lee trie dto get up, he slashed his sword at her back, she cried out.
"Let me see, for myself if you are woman." stated Lee's father as he in one swift motion picked her up by the throught, facing hiom, he ripped her shirt off of her.

his eyes widly stared at her, her breasts were kept hidden still by a cloth wrapped tightly around them, giving her the alusion, that she was indead a man...he saw, and he threw her again at Kjeldors side. Her back bleading heavily. He picked up Lee again with his magic and through her next to her sword, she winced..she couldn't get up.

"Damn.." she swore

"Time for you to die..my son.." stated her father coldy as he put his boot on her back, and raised his sword.

Lee grassped at the ground, anger fille dher soul. "I...AM..NOT YOU SON!" she shouted, and with that some magicalle force pushed her father away.
"DEAL WITH IT!" she shouted as she was enguled a by a great spear of light and it was thrown at her father hitting him.

"Since when do you know magik?" he asked snearing as he emerged from the hit bleading, his sanity finnally lost

"father," she said somberly. "I don't know magik..but you leave me no choice! " she shouted as she grasped her sword.
"I wil not listen to any more of your insults, i will not tolerate your beatings, i will not serve you any longer as your son! I'M YOUR DAUGHTER! AND IF THAT OFENDEDS YOU SO KILL ME! " she shouted triumphently, as her sword began to glow.

"what have you done to my son???!!" he shouted back at her slashing at her with his sword, she blocked him, magic hail began to fall from the sky hitting her, she backed away, and meleted it. Not used to her magic she looked at sword, and prayed. "grandfather..give me streanth.."

Her fathers sword slashed at her hiting her back, she turnded quickly, blocking his sword from hitting her.

A great force pushed her away, but she fought back, she was no longer going to be throun around like a rag doll. She charged at her father, her father then made a ball of fire hitting her.
She fel to the ground weakly, some of her hairs singed, but at least she wasn't seriusly burnt.

dono watched with certain fasination, it was obvious that he was being mind contorlled.

Lee looked up at her father who then rushed at her with his sword, she used her new found magik to throw up a shield to bounce him back, buit with no contol over it he easily broke it, and cut her above the knea, just before she jumped back, and their sword met.

They were both fighting now, no magic involved, just their swords. From miles around you could hear their swords claning, and someitmes a cry of pain, their sword refleted off odf obnne another, with such skill, that all seemed to stare and watch.

"You are useless to me!" shouted her father! "You are weak! What do you think, that now that i know your a woman that i will simpily let you go? And do what? as if any man would have you!! As if You would ever find love!" he shouted as they fout

Lee grimiced the pain of his word hurt her more then the edge of his sword.
"I don't care!" she shouted back "I don't give a danm! I don't care if i ever find love! Or if any man would have me! DAMNIT! I AM NOT ASHAMED OF WHO I AM! AND IF SOME MAN DOESN'T LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM THEN SO BE IT!" she shouted back

Her father then unexpeditally through her with his magic. "You are no child of mine!' he shouted

Lee hung her head...that one statement hurt her the most...She cried out angerly, , her eyes went red and the whole forest was covered in a bright light, and a deafining sound reached throughout the forest. odno was pushed back by the force of light and sound....he was throuwn about a good 10 miles away, his color around his neck broken, he lay on the forest floor uncouncius. Kjeldor was also moved by the great force his back hit the cabin wall.

The Light lifted and lee stood plunged her sword into her father's stomach, making him fall to the ground.

"I am your child! But you've given me no choice but to defend myself!" she shouted to him

He coughed up blood as he felt her sword go through his belly.

"I am your daughter! But i will no longer hesitate to defend myself! If you try and kill me, i will kill you!" she shouted

He pulled out her sword and through her back with his magic, he rose backup on his feet, his sanity compleatly gone. "Monster! i shall kill you!" he shouted as he rushed at her.

Lee cried out in pain, as she was thrown again, she got up, as her father rushed at her, his sword aflame, she grimiced to protect herself it would mean she would have to kill him.

"Father! Please! Don't make me do this!" she cried out as she put her sword in front of herself to defend herself.

"Monster!" he cried out, as he thro=ew another ball of flame at her to distract her, Lee reacted quickly and nocked it away with her sword.

"So be it." she whispered as her sword met his, and the fought madly, with such enegry one's hair would stand on end if they were watching them.

To try and distract her Lee's father engulfed th eforest in a deep darkness...and silence...

the darkness was thick, and the only sound thast could be herd was the clanging of meatel swords...

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