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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Chapter 5 part 3
((ahh vacation! well for me at least! *laughs at all you poor kids who still have to go to shcool *wickedly* bwah hah hah hah! sorry sorry, i'm just kiding around! well this chapters for all those who still have to go to shcool!))

Part Three

Lee didn't answer she whiped away her tear and got up, she looked over at him, and let out a sigh. "i'm alright." she stated as she rubbed her neck stressfully. "and no, i'd rather not talk about it." she turned and added a piece of wood to the fire. Her eyes danced with the firelight.
"thats alright with me" said kjeldor standing up as well
"awwwwww now isnt this just cute??? " spoke a voice seaminlgy out of no where.
Suddenly the cabin seemed to just faze away as lee and kjeldor were both outside now still standing
A man with long black hair and peircing black eyes who wore a black battle school uniform with gold trim and black boots began to walk towards lee and kjeldor
"uchiha...." said kjeldor
"PROFESSOR Uchiha kjeldor" said the man
Lee growled, she wasn't in a very good mood she drew her sword, and turned to the man. "i have no ideah who you are...but if your looking to be killed you came at the right time." she stated coldly
"im not here to fight you little girl.. your not my former student HE IS!!" said Uchiha as he drew a pulsating purple whip and lashed kjeldors chest with it at a blinding speed tearing open the front of kjeldors shirt as kjeldo fell to one knee from the slash from the whip blood being drawn from his chest..

Lee frowned and looked at Kjeldor curiusly. "How come all of you enemies call me little girl? i'm 20 years old? and do they relize how mad that makes me?" she questioneded, she looked over at the doctor furiusly. She was alsop angered by the fact that the man just injured Kjeldor. "she steped in front of him, protecivly,. "Well, guess what buddy? Your battle is with me now."

i guess thats all of there incorrect asumptions.." said kjeldor standing up

"and i dont want to fight you i guess i have to all you big girl now?" said uchiha as he made a purple barrier around himself and kjeldor being as kjeldor had oddly faze from behind lee to infront of her and now was traped with uchiha with lee blocked outside of the barrier only able to watch..

"something the matter?? you look unhappy to see your old teacher" said uchiha

"SHUT UP!!" said kjeldor as he went to draw his sword...

by the time kjelodr has his sword in position uchiha has slashed kjeldors left hand with his whip twice making kjeldors grip lose.. and third crack of the whip broke 2 of kjeldors fingers as kjeldor was forced to sheath his sword he closed his fist looking angerly at uchiha..

"i thought you would have learned not to draw a sword against me by now kjeldor" said uchiha with a wicked smile

Kjeldor charged his right fist with holy energy and charged at uchiha and went to punch him with that fist but uchiha got behind him and slashed his back with his ship tearing at his shirt again kjeldor droped a little.. uchiha got back infront of kjeldor smiling.
lee helplessly banged on the barier swearing...


"your still the same old you kjeldor " said uchiha grinning and with very fast speed kicked kjeldor hard so that he crashed into the barrier then went for a punch against kjeldors head but kjeldor ducked and kicked uchiha in the lower ribs...

Uchiha grabed his side in pain and grabed kjeldor by the throat and bashed him against the barrier multiple times"Insolent fool.." said uchiha backing up about 8 ft as kjeldor got slowly up then uchiha made an assault of whip slashed across kjeldors body and legs tearing away all of his shirt front and back and the lower part of his pants each slash crashing against his body each louder then the one before it... kjeldor fell to both knees breathing slightly heavily lines of blood coming from where the whip had hit him but they began to slowly fade away

Uchiha looked at this in wonder it seemed he was questioning something about kjeldor
"kjeldor!" lee shouted defencivily. She drew her sword and hit at the barrier. "Damnit!" she hit it agin, not giving up. "Don't you dare give Kjeldor you hear me! Don't you dare!"

"now wait a second... wheres the.. oh i see" said uchiha with a demonic grin"that old illusionment charm from 5 years ago is still in place i see.."

Kjeldor scrambled to his feet and backed up a few paces his body covering itself in a silver aura his eyes open wide

"well i can easily take care of that little thing.." said uchiha grinningly taking a slash at him with his whip at his upper right chest but kjeldor dodged it barely and began to move about trying to avoid uchihas attacks.. eventually kjeldor got close to uchiha and went for a kick but uchiha blocked it with his arm and pushed kjeldor away and to the ground kjeldor tried to jump away but it was too late..

The whip crashed down and hit kjeldores upper right chest but it wasnt touching the chest it had hit a small rainbow colored glowing orb instead... the orb burst into small multicolored particles and kjeldors body faded from silver and a rainbow colored aura came from his body and began to fade... as the rainbow aura faded a very large numerous amount of whip scars began to fade into kjeldors body some of them thin but long some of them less long but very deep... but very many of them there was 2 scars on his left hand that were the deepest.. also in the small of his upper back was a scar that was shaped like a giant U and there wernt any other scars obscuring it..

Kjeldor was down to one knee while uchiha was laughing manaicly"now THATS the old kjeldor i know i taught" he said laughing.

Lee began attacking the shield with her magic, unfortunatly she couldn't realy control it, and sometimes hurt herself in the attempt of escape. she looked out at Kjeldor , she didn't know what to do, and her magic was wearing her energy thin, she punched at the barrier, making her knuckles bleed. "GoD Damnit! Get out of my way!" she shouted. trying to get inm the barrier to help kjeldor.

"i think i did what i wanted" said uchiha droping the barrier with a smile and turning and began to walk away..

kjeldor got up his body emmiting a strange light redish light as kjeldor put both of his hands together into a triangle aimed at uchiha

"KJELDOR NO!!!!!!!!!!!!"Said horn

Then kjeldors body erupted with a orange spirit aura mixing with the red light and kjeldor fired a massive blast 12 ft in radius of pure spirit power at uchiha who had just realised what kjeldor used and tried to duck but he didnt duck in time there were 2 sickening snaping noised as the beam disipated uchiha skidded his arms flailing then he dissapeared on the spot the cabin coming back into place

Kjeldors body had a slight smoke coming from it from using the technique he was breathing hard.
Lee blinked in disbleaif eand regained her vioson quickly, glad to see Kjeldor was alright, she let out a sigh of relief.
Kjeldor fell to one knee breathing hard still

"KJELDOR WHAT WAS THE POINT OF USING THAT?!?!?!?!!!!!"said horn angerly....

"shut up horn.... i dont want to hear it right now" said kjeldor


"yes i know and its MY damn body so why dont you back the @#$^ off ok?!" said kjeldor losing some patience

"You know what you did last time!!! u lost your..." said horn

"SHUT UP!!! thats all i want to hear!!!!!!!!" said kjeldor very annoyed and angerly
Lee slowly walked over to Kjeldor, and ofered her hand to help him up. "sheesh, you have a knack for getting into to trouble." she stated kindly giving him half a smile. "Come on, Let's get you fixed up."

"my pride is more hurt then my body... and these scars are permenant" said kjeldor accepting the hand to help him up pointing to his body indicating the lare amount of whip scars on his arms chest back and legs and the large U shaped scar on his back"3 guesses on who gave me these 5 years ago.." said kjeldor
lee smiled, "that docter guy, let me guess. " she stated as she helped him up "seem like you and i are two of a kind." she stated solemly. "we were both hurt by the person closest to us." she shook her head, trying to shake off the memories, she rubed her neck stressfully. She cast a small healing spell on him to stop the bleading.
"my teacher at battle school acutally...." said kjeldor"i didnt like the guy and i knew more then he did at battle tactics in class i would correct him almost every day and i was 14 at that point..i didnt like him a whole lot cause he seemed kinda shady to me but he was the grand battle tactics teacher and a friend of my fathers suposidly.. i never met the guy but my father always mentioned him... but i always had training sessions with uchiha at battle school... and he used over exsessive force on me giving me these scars.. going full force on a 14 year old kid... and to hid the scars he put that illusionment charm on me to hide it from other staff officials..." said kjeldor"hes also what cost me my right arm...."

Lee nodded solemly....as they entered the cabin. "Sheesh, all i have to show of my fathers handy work are the scars all over my back and neck, arms...legs.." she stopped herself and shook her head and laughed at herself. "sheesh...you and i, we're a mess." She said as she helped him sit down. "You need to be more carefull." she stated as she got some bandages. "Now, take off your shirt so i can put these on your wounds."

kjeldor laughed"ok then" said kjeldor taking the fragments of fabric left of his shirt tucked into his pants out and laying them down"thats whats left of it" said kjeldor"and trouble just seems to like to be my best friend and stick around me all the time" said kjeldor
Lee laughed at this and sat behind him, as she studied the wound for a second, "Now hold still, this might hurt." she stated as she began to aply alchohol to cleanse the wound.
It stung a little but kjeldor didnt say anything"thanks lee i appreciant this" he said
"eh," shruged Lee as she put the bandages on him "What are friends for?' she stated as she finishe d up. "there. now..." she got up from behind him, her stumich growled. "Ack..food...food.." she exited the room, and went into the kitchen.

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