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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Chapter 6 part 2
((huzah! part two! yeash! lee has a knack for walking into to trouble! enjoy!))

Part 2

Kitty Kjeldor sat on lees shoulder ever alert..his golden eyes serched for any sighn of dono. lee walked sighlently through town doging the bussied people. Kjeldor the kitty remained on lees shoulder as she went through the town. Dono exited his house talking with a soldier. When his eyes spotted a mysterious figure....he squinted...then he smiled, he quickly bleneded with the crouwd. Lee walked silently through town and spotted dono, she swore softly under her breath and began to walk faster, her breaths were short and exasperated, she had traveled many miles whith two very heavy swords on her back, she was exasted...
"pace yourself lee " said kjeldor"i dunno whether u lost dono or not...... i can try to make some of the things your carrying feather light temporary if you want" said kjeldor to her telepathicly She shook her head stubberonly. 'no, this is my burden...god i hate haveing to follow tradition.." she whispered softly, she looked around her self. 'be prepared.."
"ok i understand.." said kjeldor keeping an eye on donos position. He suddenly came out of no where and grabbed Lee's arm tightly, and pulled her close to him, "Hello..Lee.." his face still sported a briuse from the last time they met. "You have two choices my love." he whispered in her ear. The cat on lees shoulder hissed at dono like a normal cat it its territory would dono got too close to fast .
"Damn you Dono.." lee hissed at him angerly 'to hell with your suposed "love" you don't love me, the only reason you want to marry me is becasue once you do you'll become a draco imeadiatly, and your magic power will increase a thousand fold...and i'd rather die, before that happens." she stated coldly
"that's a shame.." he stated coldly as he suddenly punched her in the stumic making her fall, and pulled her hood off her head. and then pretened to shout in suprise, "LEE...IS THAT YOU??" a thousdands heads seemed to turn, footsoldiers who just ahapened to be nearby quickly walked over to see what the matter was.
The cat as quick as it could with its body put the hood messily back on lees head then launched itself at the low blow point of dono clawing and biting his balls as hard as it could. Dono quickly snatched the cat up by the scruff of the neck violiontly, then he threw it, against the ground. lee fell over in pain, her hood fell off her head, Dono's punch had hit her were he wounded her before, she could barly breath, she looke dup and saw the two footsoldiers staring at her.. They grabbed her forcefully off the ground and quickly chained her hands, she struggled to get free.
'sorry Lee Draco, but your underarest.' stated one as they began to drag her away.
"Damnit..god! *** ***** *** #$%^$%^$%^#!!!!!!!!!!!!" she swore out loud as she pulled against them

the cat quickly got back up and aimed a slash from its claws dangerously close to one of donos eyes then it attached itself to one of donos arms and turned purple and the cat and dono were teleported a mile out of town in a forest

"hello dono" said kjeldor from behind him"throwing a cat like that is animal cruelty a crime punishable by jail time or a serious @$$ kicking" said kjeldor as a 50 ft radius anti magic barrier droped around kjeldor and dono

an image came to kjeldors mind and it was lee chained "damn...." said kjeldor

"lee.... do you want me to attempt to psychicly break the chains?" said kjeldor to lee telepathicly

'no damit there magic!' lee shouted back telepathically.

Dono just gave Kjeldor a quick evil smile, "as if fighting me will help Lee, ifn fact this is perfect! She'll die, and you'll e the one letting her asshes carry in the wind. It's like Lee said, i don' twich to marry her for love..i wish to marry for power!" he shouted as he drew his sword.
Kjelodr laughed even harder"i wouldnt dare take kicked the s**t out of you away from lee i just needed your a** to stand up and draw a weapon" said kjeldor then 2 rings of glowing blue runes went around donos ankles as the barrier glowed accordingly as if reading donos power then it closed down to about a 10 ft radius and was strong enough to hold dono even at full peak power and beyond kjelodr steped out of the barrier and it sealed seemlessly a blue glowing rune on his left scarred hand "bye bye" said kjeldor turning back into the grey cat and running at a fast speed back to the town leaving dono in the barrier. DOno stuggled violently against the barrier.
Meanwhile, the guards punched lee in the stumic again and threw her harshly into the cell. She quickly got up, her blue eyes widened...tthere were thirty men, some rapeist, some murders...all of wich she was personally responsible for putting there..."oh...F*ck." she stated.
the cat quickly made its way back to town senseing where lee was it sliped back into the cell where lee was near her leg "oh.......s**t....... not.....very....good....inmates............ ok we gotta break u outta here lee..." said kjeldor telepathicly to lee.
It was too late, Lee found herself under attack by them she clenched her fists together, and fought back, in order to survive. She breathed heavily her weapons were taken away from her, and the magic chains prevented her from catsting any spells, all she had was her brute streanth that was waining thin because of her long journey. "DAmn.." she said as she hit another 'I told you not to touch me!" she shouted out as he broke another ones arm, it didn't help that her hands were chained together....
Kitty Kjeldor came to the rescue and leaped and clashed one of the inmates faces wide open with elongated claws and jumped in front of lee protectively. Lee stood exasted as she hit another one, blood trikled down from the conor of her mouth, he rshirt was slightly torn in some places, she breathed heavily..sh ewas exahsted..."Damn.." she said as another one attacked her, she punched him in the face. "damn...ahh!" she yelled out as one plunged a knife in her back. She saw Kjeldor out of the corner of her eye. "it's about time." she stated as she tosed him over her shoulder, and broke his arm. With his agile cat body kjeldor quickly jumped from inmate to inmate slashing there faces wide open with his long claws"MEEEEEWWW!!!!" he said as he jumped onto another one sinking both of his claws into the inmates face. Lee fell to the floor of the cell exasted, the inmates awere all beaten up, or knocked out...she breathed heavily...she whiped away the blood that tickled down her face... the cat walked over next to lee licked a small amount of the blood away healing the cut on her lip a little"geesh damn f@#$ers....... you alright lee?" kjedlor said to her

She breathed heavily but nodded as a reply. "i'm alright.." she stated slowly. "Kjeldor....." she said weakly as she grimiced in pain. "I want you to run...as fast as you can..." she bowed her head. "they are going to put me on trail in a few minutes...and if things don't go right..just run..ok?"
"i cant.... just leave you here lee....." said kjeldor"what if i spoke in your defense?" he suggested
She punched the ground, casing her knuckles to bleed. "Damit Kjeldor, it will only matter if more then one speaks in my defence, do you know what they'll do to you when they find me guilty?" she snapped angerly blushing a bit, "they'll kill you right before my eyes...damit ....i care about you...and the last man who i ever cared about was murdered right in front of my eyes...i refuse to relive that gain!" she shouted defiently, as a tear ran down her face..."never again..it's too much of a burden" She said softly...her head hung in defeat..
"well im not going to let them take my only true friend.." said kjeldor"there has to be something.. break you out of here get you to the family tomb something...i wont simply run away while they take you away lee.." said kjeldor"i dont want to see you hurt.."
Lee blushed a bit... she couldn't find the words..."gehh..." she hung her head deafeatedly. "If i ran away, and trust me dono would only enjoy that fact..., i would dishonor myself..." she stated slowly.."Don't worry about me, whatever they throw at me i can hadle...i just realy don't wish to see you get killed." she stated, suddenly the guard cam in and opened the celll, and grabbed her by the arm, forcefully making her stand up. She stood up, weakly, her long journey had weakened her, her fight with the criminals...she was too weak to fight back, she held her head proudly as the guard led her away to the courthouse.
"lee...... good luck.... and please.... dont die.... i care about you too much..." said kjeldor

then a bolt of red lightning formed at kjeldors right arm kjeldor noticed it"no...... not.......now...... i..... have.....to.....get...away......" said kjeldor the bolt now consuming his body his entire body turning crimson kjeldor disappeared onto a star that was visible from the planet they were on.....

the powerful bolt of lightning connected to the core of the star putting the stars power into kjeldor but it was far too much.... kjeldor had to release thepower destroying the star he was on making a molten energy nova veiwable from earth it seemed like a smaller second sun...

kjeldor came back to the earth extremly exausted ..

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