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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance happening Chapter 8 part 1
((woot number eight...this next part..is absolutly hilarius! you must read it! too funny!))

Part 1

Lee looked over at Kjeldor raising her eyebrow..."well then...at least the doctor can prescibe some pain medicine to ease it, until you find your cure.." she stated slowly.
"geh........ i can deal with the pain its not bad probally wont work but ok...."said kjeldor"the doc better not try something funny or he gets a fist of steel in his face" said kjeldor . Lee shook her head and roled her eyes. "you worry too much...what's the worst that can happen? And trust me, if the doctor tries something funny, he'll be getting more then your fist of steel." she replied as she cleaned her blade. She let out a slight yahn. She pulled out a blanklet form her pac, and laid it on the ground 3 ft aay from the fire, and layed down on it. "Now get some sleep...sheesh." she said yahning again. meh yea what could happen?" said kjeldor then he snaged a blanket and tossed himself to the ground which wasnt smart being as he landed on his bad arm and there was a loud snap as the arm broke"gah......" said kjelodr snaping his arm back into place and splinting it

kjeldor formed the white fire into a ring of white fire that he levitated upwards about 10 ft spreading the warmth and light over the party"thats better" he said.
lee winced as she herd the crack of his arm... "Sheesh your a mess..." she stated yahning...She lay her head on her pack..and was soon asleap.
"meh ill be better soon..." said kjeldor going to sleep.

Lee woke up as soon as the first ray of sun hit her eyes..she yahned tiredly, and streached, she got up slowly streaching out her aching muscles.."geh..i hate mornings.." she muttered to herself...She then began to excersice, by doing some pushups.Kjeldor got up not too late after"morning" he said groggly beggining to stretch."morning .." Lee replied after she was done doing pushups..sweat beaded on her brow..She began to pack her things. kjeldor packed his things and put them on his back.Lee put her sword in it's sheath and breathed in deaply, "well then,let's go." she stated as she began to walk towards the town. They soon arived there, Lee looked around as a group clammered over to her and Kjeldor. Some girls giggled and blushed, at Kjeldor, and shyly waved. Lee rolled her eyes..then noticed that some were waveing to her as well...She swore under her breath, but poitlitly smiled.
kjeldor bleakly weaved at a few of them"so to the marketplace or where from here lee" said kjeldor. Lee pointed at the doctors office as she tried to make way through tthe gagle of girls. "There's the doctors office, " she said amunst the clammer.
"So lee, is in honor of what you did yestereday, we girls came together anddecided to give you a present.." stated a girl shyly.
"wait...what?" she asked she felt her sleave being tugged on. She was being dragged toward the clothing store
"Yes come on Lee you can meet you boyfriend later." stated one jelosly as they dragged her.
'What the hell? " she replied slightly blushing "he's not my .." she was cut off by the relieved giggles of the girls, she let out a sigh of defeat..
"you go on ahead...i'll catch up to you." she shouted.
"oi... aright " he said going over to the doctors office but thinking how he could fake this and skip it.."nah shes too smart shed figure it out and kick my @$$" he said going to the outside of the doctors office.Lee let out a gaint yell. "There is no way in hell i.." she was cut off silence....a few moments passed...
"eh" said kjeldor as he waited for a few moments"you alright lee?" he said to her telepathicly.
'like hell i'm alright!' she shouted telepathically back trying to block out all the noise of the girls, not realy able to conetrate because of the noise of sqealing and giggling girls...she clenched her fists and kept repaeting 'I have an oath to protect these people...an oath..." her teath cleanched.
kjeldor laughed slightly"need some back up lee?? got a fight u cant handel" he said laughingly through telepathy to lee. "*** **** *(*)*(^*&%%^$#$%#!!!!!! @@@ ***** &*(&&&%!!' she shouted telepathically obsanitities back The girls finnaly let her go.. "no way..." she shouted, 'There is no way i am wearing this!" she shouted at them
"oh please lee you lok so beatiful!" shoued one the others backed her up, the pushed Lee outside...
lee stood outside, her face beat red...in ....a ...in a.....dress...her short blond hair waved about in the wind, some men whisteled at her aparent cutness...it was a rather simply leanthy light blue dress, with lots of buttons and lace, she looked rather cute, with a blue bow tied in her short blond hair...
kjeldor about died laughing "oh i have to get a picture of this" said kjeldor"aww come lee its a little funny yea ya look cute but if u like ur normal look better go ahead and change back" said kjeldor in telepathy.
Lee swore..."i swear to god if you ever...and i do mean ever mention this to any other person..i'll kill you.." she shouted back her face beat red, She tried to go back for her old clothing, but the grils didn't let her. "No it's a gift! And a knights oath is that when he gets a gift he must where it to honor the people that gave it to them." said a girl...Lee blushed even more, she cleanched her fists, at least she still had her sword and knives...she could aways get new clothes later..
The girls giggled and blushed excitedly
"Fine.." she sated, as she burst into the doctors office, she went in hurridly.
"hey doctor finish this up before i have to hurt someone.." she stated crossing her arms defiently, her sword looked rather odd strapped to her back.

kjeldor finished laughing and went inside"but yea doc like i said the curses will probally prevent the chemicals in the medicine from traveling into the arm but ya never know so ill try them" said kjeldor. Lee stood beside him blushing furiusly. "don't say a word.." she stated to Kjeldor as she stood beside him the doctor stared.."if you wanna keep your eyes..i sugest, you use them to help Kjeldor ." she stated rather blunlty tapping her foot impatiently.
kjeldor stifled a laugh to what lee had said to the doctor. lee sat rather clumsly on a chair, tripping over herself and waited..her face beat red with embarisment, the doctor took a look at his arm, poking it, here and there, he lowerd his bifocals..'Well there's not much i can do...ummmi think i have some medicine that will at least keep the alive part of it healthy, just one moment." he said as he exited his office.
"geh.... i know how to keep whats healthy of it alive....." said kjeldor"and i like the outfit lee" said kjeldor as he closed his eyes trying to relax a bit. Lee muttered a reply angerly her face blushing.."yeah well don't get used to it.." she snapped..she muttered more to herself.."never ever again..i can barely breath in this thing.." the doctor returnded with a small vile, and gave it to Kjedldor. 'well this is all i can do for you, just for now get some rest, you both seem like you could use some, you both should probably stay at the hotel for the night.." he said with a kind smile
lee thought for a moment...and then shook her head violently "like hell i'll stay here another minute." she stated rather bluntly.
kjeldor laughed"yea i mean i like the outfit but i liked your other one more" said kjeldor "if you cant for some reason go back to get ur old one i could make a mirror copy of your old outfit for ya" said kjeldor taking the vial and paying the doctor and getting up. lee got up slowly tripping over the hem of her dress, she swore under her breath, "how the hell do they expect me to fight in this?!" she complained rather loudly She looked over at Kjeldor with a a hopefull look, "you could make me my old outfit?" she asked. "geh, i 'll wait till we get out of town, if i don't whear this atrocity, i wont bring honor to those who made it for me.'"she stated as she fumbled with a way to try and walk in it, she tripped herself a bit, and then angerly went out the door. kjeldor laughed" i know what ur talkin bout ive had to chase down a criminal in a tux before " he said"what a moment that was" he said with a laugh. lee laughed a bit at the thought of Kjeldor in a tuxido "tell you the truth, i never worn one of these damned things before, as if you couldn't tell." she replied, her blue eyes went wide in shock, and she stopped, now an even bigger group of girls ran over to them carying more dresses, without saying a word she quickly grabbed Kjeldor by his mec arm's hand, and ran like a bat out of hell.Kjeldor was caught by suprise and ran with her..

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