Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 18 ((Start of series)) 20 ((End of series))
Birthdate: January 24
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Blood Type: A
Height: 6' 2'
Measurements: Ft
Beliefs/Religion: Humans are corrupt and decadent, and that decadence must be purged.
Hobby: Killing the kinds of people that he hates.
(Twist): He believes that he himself has become what he fears most and desires nothing but the death at the hands of his brother-in-arms Menboku.
Description: Kain is described as enigmatic in the way that, while he is cold and serious he is capable of casual and sometimes humorous conversation with his brother Menboku. He has stark-white hair as a result of traumatizing shock recieved as a child, pale skin, a strong body but with a subtle structure, causing him to be on the end of weakling remarks quite often.
Current Information
>family background
"The Old Man" ((Father figure)) Menboku ((Brother-in-arms)) Unnamed Mother ((Deceased))
>birth place
Hiromi Village
>history, background
At the age of six his village was burned to the ground by a gang of wandering bandits and ex-mercenaries, and for the first time in his life he saw the darkside of humanity. The shock of seeing his mother cut-down after defending him drained his hair of color and left him severly traumatized. He gained the impression then that all of humanity outside of his village were scum and evil, and he gained his ambition to see the world of the corrput burn. When the attack was over, he and Menboku had been saved and taken by an old war veteran called "Old man" and for the next few years they were trained in secret branches of Old Man's already highly secret art of combat. Kain's art, translated into Western Tongue can best mean "Dragon of Heaven", utilizes a long straight katana in opposition of Menboku's, translated best comes out as "Tiger of Earth", which uses A wakizashi, Kodachi, and Katana. Two months after his eighteenth birthday, he and Menboku were sent off into the world with the Old Man's, they saw him as father now, blessing to make names for themselves. Kain chose his path when several months later he simply strolled into the Imperial Palace Court Yard during an honor bestowment ceremony for one of the Senshu heirs the Prince of War, and cut him as well as several dozen guards down in cold blood. He had earned the nickname "Nightmare" afterwards, and is now seen as an above high-priorety criminal.
His home for the majority of his life has been the cottage where his adoptive father brought Menboku and himself after he rescued them from the bandits.
>possesions, make-up, jewelry, etc.
A silk, purple sash that goes around his eyes to prevent further sun damage to his eyes, as he suffers from light sensitivity.
Solitude, rain, slaughter
Cough syrup and lectures.
That he will not meet his goals.
To either die at Menboku's blades with his will done regardless, or that he will succeed in their conflict and live to watch the world burn.
Hired Assassin ((For much of the Series)) Emperor of The Senshu Empire ((for the Latter of the series))
>favorite food
Straight Wasabi
>least favorite food
Pickle Onigiri and Duck Fillets
>most prized possesion (important or emotional value)
His Nodachi
>vernacular (way of speaking)
Clear and direct, but will on occasion speak quizzically and will cite old proverbs and quotes from old playwrights.
>psychological condition
Sane within its own insanity
>character behaviour
Friendly/Aggresive behavior around Menboku, but mainly behaves as if he is bored no matter the situation
Very High
>social and other pressure, problems
He is a reputed killer and considered a Nightmare in corporial form.
>relationships (with who and what kind)
Han'yaa ((His loyal right.hand man))
>positive characteristics
He will not kill any unarmed or nonthreatening opponant
>negatives characteristics
He enjoys slaughter a bit too much.
Difficult to understand.
He is extremely fast and he is a powerful attacker. Coupled with his special alloy Nodachi there is hardly a material that can block his slash.
While magic is almost non-existant in Senshu, Kain does possess a demon technique that allows him, if he slashes through the air hard enough, to fire from his blade a blade-shaped arc of energy that cannot be stopped.
His hearing is good enough to where he can project a map of the area around him in his mind simply from sound. This has allowed him to continue to be an excellent fighter.
*Things such as dates and times have been translated from Modern Senshu to avoid confusion*