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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening ch.13 part 2
((woot part 2! i'm in a realy good mood 2day, i feel like randemly huging pple..*hugs! and runs like hell* omg! one of my crazy side characters is here! saphi martin!))

Part 2

Lee rubbed her neck stressfully. Some girls shyly waved at her, she just shoock her head swearing under her breath faking a smile and wave. "oh, right." Lee said smiling a little embarised. "gah, lets get the hell out of here before i go nuts." she said wincing a bit in obviosly embarised by the other women trying to hit on her. the the three of them took the criminals away. took the two criminals to the HQ and looked behind him. He wasn't sure if he saw Lee or not. After the two criminals had been taken to the HQ, Shadow made his way back to where he last saw Lee. Soon shadow seperated from kjueldor and lee and waved goodbye. "Goodbye shadow good luck!" lee called after him. Lee streached.."geh..today was a rather interesting day.." she muse dto herself. Soon night fell and the morning sun arose.
Lee stood outside of the HQ incredibly bored,. She unsheathed her new sword and began to pratice. AS she waited for Kjeldor. She noticed that she had gotten stronger and more acurate..but it was unatural..She stopped and htought for a moment..'that's too wierd..something is wrong...i can feal it.' to test her theory she looked over at some of the other bounty hunters, and challenged them to a duel. They agread, all ten of them. She worked quickly her movements fast and quick, she beat them all one by one rather simply, and stood victorusly, rather confused sratching her head. "That's not quite what i ment to do.." she murrmeered mostly to herself..."my new streanth is unatural.." she streached out her musciles and put both of her swords in Marcus' s care. "I need to go for a run." she stated"Take care of these for me will ya?' she then tied her boots tightly, and ran off into the distance. kjeldor came back with a small sack in his left hand and some sort of card.. as he began to start looking for lee.
A unusually tall woman, with curly stragly red hair and freckles walked up to Kjeldor sporting a woried look. SHe was about a good seven feet tall..very unusuall for a woman, her green eyes serching every where. "Umm excuse me, Have you seen Lee Draco running around any where?" she asked her voice soft and sweat.
"no.. i havent" replied kjeldor looking up at the tall woman," and i need to get going as well" he said beggining to walk off sensing that wind energy again regonising it as terras energy and it was moving.. it had an owner it seemed who kjeldor did not know.
"Wait umm, please let me go with you to find her..i need to see her..i heard some terrible things happned to her." she said begging to tag along, then she saw somehting running in the distance. Lee was running back to the Hq. "LEE!" she cried out happily. And before Lee could respond she found herself in the tall womans tight embrase. "Saphi?" Lee questioned. Lee was cut off by the woman kissing her on the lips. Lee blushed furuisly. "SAphi! it is you! " she said pushing her away blushing.

kjeldor didnt quite run so all he seemed to see was the girl hugging lee which didnt seem odd... " a old friend of urs?" he asked lee telepathicly.
'yeah..somehting like that' she replied telepathically. rolling her eyes and blushing as she and saphrirah walked closer to Kjeldor.
"So, Lee was i your first?" Saphi asked sqeeling out with joy
"First what?" Lee asked
"Your first kiss! Silly! " Saphi replied giggling
Lee's face went pail..
"Umm saphi i umm.."
"OH no! i'm too late!" Saphi cried out pounting jelesly.
"Look saphi we'll talk some other time, i have busness to take care of with my friend over there." she sadi pointing at Kjeldor.
kjeldor laughed to himself this didnt seem unusual being as lee had dressed like a guy for her own reason it had bound to attract some girls"its nice to meet you saphi." said kjeldor bowing to her"but yes lee here this is for you" said kjeldor handing her the sack and the card"thats 2000 of the 12000 gold u earned in the bounty i gave shadow his and that cards your official freehand bounty hunters license your now officially liscensed to be able to bounty hunt at times when you feel to and can for marcus bounty hunters team." said kjeldor
Lee bowed as she took the money and then put the bag of money on her belt.
Saphi bowed poilitly. "Hello." Saphi said smiling, as she wrapped her arms around lee, selfishly.
"Oh umm saphi this is Kjeldor. My friend form the cabin i wrote to you about." Lee stated bluushing in obvios embarisment
"Oh, so this is the one! Pleased to meet you Sir Kjeldor." she staed as she walked over and hugged him. "Thanks for taking such good care of my lover." SAphi stated
"Gah!" Lee felt her blush incress "We are not lovers!"
Kjeldor tried hellishly hard not to laugh,"no problem saphi" said kjeldor
"so lee what did you want to see me about" Saphi hung around her neck sqeazing her, lee felt her energy drain. "Never mind, lets just take this pain in my but home." Lee stated blushing
Saphi wined loudly
"No way Lee! Oh your so mean to me.." she stated pretending to cry
"Your going home SAphi.." she stated trying to be strict.
"I won't go home until you tell me who your first kiss was." she stated stuberonly
"No way Saphi, i've seen you when you get jelouse, you'll kill him.." she cut herself off and blushed
"HIM?" Saphi questioned "Realy? Your first kiss was with a man!" saphi cried out in shock.
"Never mind Saphi." stated Lee rather emabrised trying to wiggle free of her grasp.
kjeldor really tried hard not to laugh" yea lets get you home saphi"
he said stiffling a chuckle.
Lee dragged saphi along winning and complaining the whole time.
"Come on you have got to tell me who was your first kiss!" she cried out
"I realy don't see why your making such a big deal out of this.." stated Lee as she despereatly tried to get free, but to no avail
"Aww come on Lee! I won't do anything crazy.." she said inocently
"Oh yes you will." stated Lee in retalation. "Do you rember when you got realy jelose of Dono?"
"He deserved that." replied Saphi rolling her eyes. "Oh come on you've got to tell me!"
"No!" she replied sterly her face beat red. As they came to a small house.
"Please??????" she asked giving Lee puppy dog eyes.
"for the last time no!" lee snapped, she felt her energy drain.
kjeldor was seconds from bursting out laughing when lee mentioned dono and saphis reaction as he walked along with them.
They enetered the house Saphi refusing to let go of Lee.
Lee smiled as five little children cried out "Lee!" and pounced on her, she fell to the floor with a loud thud. An older woman came out, with glong grey hair tied up neatly in a bun, she greated Kjeldor with a short bow.
"Mother! Lee won't tell me who was her first kiss!" stated Saphi whining loudly and pouting.
"Now now dear, Lee's buisness is her own. Welcome Lee." she stated helping lee up. Lee laghed as the childeren eyed Kjeldor suspisiusly. "Who's he?" they questioned
"Oh thats my friend Kjeldore." Lee explained.
"Wow! Cool arm!" stated one as they encircled him.
The littlest one held tightly of Lee shyly. Lee Picked her up and smiled.
"Kjeldor, meet my friends the Martins." stated Lee with a large smile.
"thank you and its nice to meet all of you" said kjeldor bowing to each of them touching one of the tiny screens that opened up on his forearm so that the saftey was activated. The childeren all giggled with glee.
"Now run along all of you." stated the mother "lee and i have important buisness to atend to."
The children all ran outside obediantly
"But mom!" whined saphi
"Now dear!" said mrs. martin sternly.
"Yes mother.." Asphi pouted and left
lee rubbed her neck stressfully and laughed despite hersef "Geeze saphi hasn't changed a bit." she sated.
the mother chuckled.
"She hasn't stopped loveing you lee, thats for sure. Although i wish she would, so that she would find a husband." they both laughed
kjeldor stood back a little letting the two talk. PLease have a seat, and drink some tea."stated th mother.
"Sorry i can't stay long this time." said Lee with a short sad smile.
"here this should cover your rent for awhile." stated lee handing the mother her pouch of money.
The mother tried to speak but lee cut her off.
"No, you deserve this. So take it ok? I got to go, i'll write to you soon." stated lee 'wow shes such a nice person..' said kjeldor in his head.
Lee bowed and left the house stressfully rubbing her neck. "Sheesh, we're even now you relize this? i just saved your life from the claws of Saphi. " she sated laughing and blushing a bit. Kjeldor blushed at the thought that he was lee's first kiss. haha well shes a nice girl lee but i wont talk no more bout her but i gotta ask one thing. i gotta know what she did to dono" said kjeldor"and yea we are even but there somewhere you have to visit now that your a freehand bounty hunter"
Lee burst out laughing at the memory, shaking her head.."You had to have seen it..Bwah hah hah hah! You see dono and i had to hang out more 'cause we were both in traininng to be knights and one day.." she stopped laughing trying to get a handle on herself. "And she..."she chuckled. "Just be glad i didn't tell her i gave you my first kiss." she snickered "She, literally beat the crap out of him! it wa soo funny they way she did it to..ahh you had to have been there."
"would you let me read that memory??" said kjeldor laughing at the tought of dono getting the s**t beaten out of him. Lee laughed even more. "bwah hah hah..sure if you want to. " sh esaid as she thought of it she snikered loudly "too funny!" she finnally gained contole of herself, and stopped kaughing weazing from her good joke. "Ahhh..those were better times.." she stated a soft sad look hit her face. "But anyway i've been meaning to talk to you." she stated bluntly

"what about?" kjeldor asked"ill read that memory at a better time whats up??" Lee thought for a moment trying to find the right words to say.."Well..umm i've gotten stronger." she stated rubbing her hand were her short blond hair was growing back in. 'And well it's not natural.." she stated. hopeing he would understand. she felt a drop of rain, she swore loudly. "You have got to be kidding me.." she muttered as it began to pour. "Damn.." she said as she walked beside him.
"i've noticed that.. and i have a tiny hunch i know what that is.." said kjeldor"have you been feeling a certian wind about you lately" said kjeldor as he began to lead her to a cave for shelter. Lee let out a rather loud sneeze. "geh..well fess up. what is it?" she asked rather blutly as she enered the cave shivering, she sneezed again "Ahh, come on now..i just got over my last cold."
"i think that the Ra Seru Terra Chose you as its owner thats why youve been feeling that wind around you and your powers have gotten stronger.. i belive" he touched the spot on her neck with his finger"thats where terra entered your body" said kjeldor"i can bring her down to one of your hands if you wish"
"What? Realy it chose me?" she stated blinking in disbelief. "Why? And yes, please do it's rather uncomftoble in my neck." she stated as she let out another small sneeze she turned her head so that she wouldn't sneez on him and covered her mouth.
"yep ra seru chooses people for its own reasons" said kjeldor as he held 2 fingers over where it was.. slowly he moved his fingers down over her left shoulder and down her arm she felt a kind of tickling feeling going down her arm until it got to her left hand and a purple gem came out on the top of her left hand along with a material going around that hand and about 2 inches up her wrist that was like a glove and it was green "hello lee"said a womans voice to lees mind
"I am terra and i am glad to have chosen you and get to know you" said terra
Lee coughed slightly and blushed slitly at Kjeldors touche. When the voice spoke, her short hair stood on end.."gah! don't do that! shhesh." she replied telepathically. "Sheesh. hello terra..umm this is s odd to say the least.." she rubbed her neck stressfully. She stared at the purple gem that was now a glove and on her hand. "this..is odd." she stated rather confused by all of this.
"i am more or less a human spirit turned into an element that may choose someone that they feel is right or is a good person given there personality to combine with to give them that element and be friends with them" said terra"i can give you advice or just be someone to talk to as you adventure along. I also communicate with other Raseru like Horn Tori and Mule and there companions" she said to lee"if you ever need to comunicate with me just speak to your mind asking for me and i will hear you" she said"i will also grow stronger making you grow stronger as well as you fight" said terra
"so lee where to next?" asked kjeldor
Lee let out a rather loud sneeze. "geh. i don't know..your the boss of this mission." she stated bluntly. As she felt her brow..she had a fever allready.."Sheesh. so umm whever you wanna go i guess." she stated rubbing her neck and sneezing again. Her blue eyes rested on the outside of the cave, it was still raining. "geh looks like were stuck here for a while.." she stated shivering violently. She coughed slightly..it was getting worse, she felt her eyes go heavy, but she refused to give in to her bodies demand.
"were not really on a mission.. we got those 3 bountys today so were basicly done for now.. i was wanting you to see the main prison now that your a freehand bounty hunter but i think thatll wait' he said looking outside at the rain with a frown. Lee began to cough violently, she fell to her kneas weazing trying to cathc her breath, her cold had urned into pnenona..She coughed..and sneezed, her fever burned, she winced, but said nothing to Kjeldor. "guess that will have to wait." Lee stated weakly.
"ok yea your really really gettin sick lee its getin worse then some little cold lemme help ya or at least find out whats affecting your body"said kjeldor .lee sat her back against the wall of the cave, she just nodded her head weakly, her cough had gotten worse, her fever burned her body shook uncontrolably. She muttered incoherently as she shook her head trying to keep herself awake. She rubbed her neck stressfully with her gloved hand.
"i can scan through your body trying to figure out whats ailing you lee with your permission lee" said terra to lees mind
"and i can go for trying to heal whatever it is" said kjeldor

Lee didn't respond, the sickness was too deep for her to beat off, her eyes closed...she muttered incoherently..not hearing them swallode by the sickness. Her body shook violently..

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