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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening chapter 14 part 2
((geh..i realy don't feel well today..*sneezes* geh sweatdrop ))

Part 2

Dono seeing her spit on the ground he just let outa cold smile. "Then it is my great honor to kill you..high generel." he stated coldly as she lifted his sword and rushed at her. "gah...." said kjeldor he thought lee had a plan but what he didnt know. Lee waited until the last second, and then she doged him, and tripped him. The blade of his sword cahgt her shoulder. She grabbed her knife tightly and stabbed him as he fell , in his left shoulder. She then let him fall, she put her heavy boot on his neck, and held out her left hand, her sword came to her. She lifted it, and hit the ground, just missing him. she pushed his back with her foot. "Once upon a time, there were three friends..and they made a promise. You have no honaor and have decieved me." she stated codly "leave me! Never ever come back! " she shouted defiently. "'cause if you ever do..i will kill you. Now lift this curse from me!"
"wow great job lee" thought kjeldor.Dono breathd heavily, " ....so be it." he stated, he knew he was beaten. "I shan't return." He stood up weakly, grasping his stumich.."I can't believe you still even rember that promise.." he stated coldly. He snapped his fingers, the magic of it was draining his energy anyway.
Lee didn't reply, she moved the fingers of her right hand. "unlike you, i intend to keep my honor." she stated coldly, watching him mistrustfully. "Now leave,before i change my god damned mind!" she snapped angerly.
kjeldor snaped his fingers as the green barrier droped. Dono scouwled at her remark and looke dover at Kjeldor angerly. "As you wish." he stated he wrapped his cloak around himself, and vanished. Dono..had left forever..never to return..
"congrats lee you beat him for good and depiste injury you more or less kicked his a**" said kjeldor

Lee shrugged uncarinly as she wrapped up her forarm in a bandage. "heh, i could have done better if i wasn't still sick." she stated letting lose another sneeze. She looked through her pack for more bandages.
"here i got some spare bangages" said kjeldor"and yea the fight woulda ended at that thigh blow or sooner if u wernt sick i think" said kjeldor"either way ya did good " Lee smiled slightly a little proud of herself,but imeadiatly humbled herself as she took Kjeldors spare bandages, and wrapped her leg that was injured. "Thanks, could you do me a favor and wrap my shoulder for me?" she asked she pulled up her sleave reavilng all her old scars and pushed above her shoulder, where a new wound bled.
"yea sure" said kjeldor as he went over to her shoulder a white thin mist eminated from kjeldors hand as he brushed it against lees shoulder gently whiping away some of the blood and cleaning the cut yet it didnt sting then kjeldor began to wrap the shoulder"there ya go" said kjeldor cutting the bandage a tight yet snug and comfertable bandage wraped around the wound on lee's shoulder.
"thanks" she stated smiling. She bowed, out of habit. She then pushed her sleave back down, and drank the medicine again, she winced.."Bleh.." She rubbed her hand through her hair, it wa sgrowing quickly due to the fact she was gaining so much expierence with her magic. She let out a short relieved sigh. "Thanks goodness. " she stated.
"heh so where to go from here" said kjeldor sitting down a bit away from her to give her room.
"well, i hope you don't mind but i have to visit the martins again." Lee stated "i'm going to need pleanty of this medicine stuff to survive winter."
"oh no thats fine i dont mind just i hope that saphi dosent hug ya so hard or she might hurt some of your injurys" said kjeldor getting up and offering a hand to help lee up. Lee laughed. As she took Kjedlors hand anbd got up. She smiled brightly. "Yeah, she's always been that way. I don't know why.." she scratched her head confusidly. She shrugged, "But the martins are like a second family to me. " she said happily as she looked at the sky it was soon going to be night time. "Lets go shall we?"
"yes lets. There very nice people" said kjeldor "lead the way."

Lee smiled. "Their the best." she said as she led the way back to the town, they soon enetered the house, without warning lee found herself in saphi's arms again sqeezing her tightly.
"Saphi....can't ...breath!" she stated trying to catch her breath. The other children cried out happily
"Lee! Sir Kjeldor!"
"Come on saphi! Don't hog lee all to yourself!'" cried out the oldest boy who had a bit of a crush on lee, he blushed, and eyed Kjeldor warily. kjeldor shook his head slightly"go a bit easy saphi and hello " he said to all the kids .
Saphi just stuck her tounge out at him, Lee trying desperatly to wiggle free of her tight grasp.
The mother enetered hearing all the commotion. "Come on children, it's your bedtime." she called. She bowed slightly to Kjeldor.
"awww mom! But Lee just got here!" they all whined. "yeah at keast let her tell us a bedtime story!PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEE???" they asked in unison.
The mother laughed alright, but only one story. "
Lee was finnaly let go by saphi. She bereathed in gasping for air finnaly catching her breath she asked.
"so what story do you want me to tell?" she asked

"Oh i know! Tell us the story of your great great great..grandfather who saved the great red dragon and his clan!" stated one
"Yeah tell us that one!" they shouted in agreament. Lee smiled, "i dunno.." she said rubbing her neck.
"PPPPLEEEEEASSSE!??" they cried out
"Alright alright." stated lee putting up her hands as a sign of surender.
the mother offered Kjeldor a chair.
"Pleas have a seat sir." she said smiling kindly.
thank you" Kjeldor said nodding and taking a seat.
lee stood and put her swords down by kjeldor still in their sheaths. Then she looked around, and grabbed a piace of paper and roled it up to make a fake sword.
The children hushed and sat in a tight circle.
"Well i'm goin gto need your help. Who wants to be the evil black dragon?" Lee questioned. No one answered. "Saphi i chose you." she said pointing at her
The children all giggled
"Lee!" she cried out she crossed her arms, "Fine." she sadi obediently
"And Erik you can be the red dragon." said lee smiling. Eirk smiled and stood.
"ok now..it happened a long time agoe...in a land far far away.." started lee. She went on to tell the tail of how her great great great ect. grandfather saved the poor red dragon form the evil claws of the great black dragon. She thrust out her paper using it as a sword in he rbattel against the black dragon. The children all watched in amazment. Some gigled at the whining and complaining of the great black dragon.
kjeldor smiled and listened as lee told her story.ee finaly beeat the dragon and eneded her tail. The children all clapped.
"Wow! " they cried out
"Alright all of you bedtime." stated the mother.
"oh mom!" they cried out
"Listen to your mother." stated lee sternely. they all hung their heads in disapoinment. Lee picked up the littlest one who had fallen asleep, and began to carry her to her room. the smallest boy pull tugged on her hand.
"Eh?" she asked
"Lee, could you help me? There's a monster under my bed." he stated fearfully
"A monster you say?" she sated pretending to be fierce "well then we'll have to take care of that."
"Thanks lee." he stated shyly as she held tightly her hand.
"I'll be right back." she sated to Kjedlor as she headed up the stairs, Saphi let out a loud yahn and followed after her. The mother chuckled as she sat beside Kjeldor.
kjeldor smiled"she's a good story teller and a kind person as is your family" said kjeldor. The mother smiled. "thankyou." she said with a short bow. "It's hard to believe that time goes by so fast, it seems just like yesterday i was holding little lee in my arms. Poor thing, such a hard life. " she stated as she got up and untied her apron wearily. "although..there was a time when she was happier.." she said sadly. "I'll never forget that day." she said as she sat exhastedly.
You could here some rustling upstairs as lee fought off a monster who hid under the bed.
She chuckled again. "I'm afraid for her..not a day passes by, when i don't think..dear god..i hope lee is alright."
"shes been doing rather ok since ive known her i wont pretend there wasnt a couple hard times but for the most part shes been doing rather well" said kjeldor as he looked upstairs"i didnt think he was actually serious when he said theres a monster under the bed.." said kjeldor. The mother laughed. "Oh no, Lee's just pretending. she is a kind peson."
The mother let out a soft sad smile. "Ever since her grandfather died she's been this way..i think in a way she blames herself.." she drifted off. "I can't help but think of that day, the day she returned to us, broken and bleading... i'll never forget her words.." she closed her eyes as if reliving the painful memory. "'Never again..never again..i will never ever fall in love again'." she stated a tear ran down her face. She caught herself rambling and whiped away the tear. She got up and gave kjeldor a short bow. "I'd better prepair her medicine."
kjeldor nodded and began to think about her words. Lee came back down the stairs, aparently victories over the bed monster, who was just a lime green sweater. "What ho! I've gotten the monster!' she cried out smiling as she waved the sweater around. "It put up quite a fight to." she said aloud so the other children could hear. They all giggled.
"Ohhh lee..i think i have a monster under my bed to." stated Saphi sefully
"Go to sleep saphi!" she shouted back you could hear the soft snickers of the other children. She looked over at kjeldor, and hung the lime green sweater over her neck. "We shall feast on the meat of this beast." she said laughing a bit as she walked down the stairs.
kjeldor laughed"good job lee another victory under your belt" said kjeldor chuckling.Lee laghed, as she sat down beside him inanother chair as she waited. She waved the sweater around. She then tossed the sweater over the arm of the chair as she waited. Shehr smile vanished, she let out a short yahn. "geh.." she mused on thoughts of what to do with the monster. The mother enetered and hanned lee a gaint flask of the medicine.
"Here you are lee." she sated
"Thanks Mrs. Martin." She staed as she put the flask in her bag, she looke dup at her and gave her a questioning look. "Were you crying?" she asked.
"No umm, just something got in my eye." she said lying. ee shoock her head and smiled. "you have to be more careful." she sated, she stood back up and let out a loud yahn.
"Looks like we should get going." she sated the mother just gave lee a soft sad smile.
"And don't worry about me ok? i can take care of myself." said lee with a wink.
"Please at least stay the night." said the mother already knowing the anser.
'Sorry, i'd love to but we can't. Some other time perhaps." she said
The mother then hugged her, lee blushed. "Sheesh, i'll be ok. See you around!" Lee stated smiling shaking her blush away, she then turned to leave.

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