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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Ch. 15 part one
((heh heh..woot! chapter 15! soon a new character will be joining the troop! huzah!))

Part 1

.."oh sh-" said kjeldor as the man drew back his massive left arm dust collecting around it and struck kjeldor HARD in the face breaking his nose and spliting his lip wide open bleeding profusily and knocking him hard to the ground actually sinking into the ground a few inches..the man smiled as he began to make his way to meta as kjeldor slowly began to stir.....
"Kjeldor!" Lee shouted aloud with concern, she winced as she saw him get hit, she felt her anger rising, she clenched her fist, but didn't respond, she didn't wish to dishonor him, by joining in the fight without his say. She then cast another healing spell on him and whispered a short prayer of strength for him and waited.
kjeldor got up and rushed at the man and aimed a kick at one of the mans legs but the leg was so strong that kjeldors leg broke and slightly wraped around the other mans leg"grahaga....." said kjeldor as he spit out a mass amount of blood as his leg splintered and broke.. kjeldor grabed the mans arm and climbed up it and jumped with one leg and fired the bigger force blast right at the man knocking him back then he fired a smaller force attack at the man as he jumped over it then kjeldor uppercutted the man the man losing balance and falling into the ball of blue force kjeldor had fired doing more damage.. kjeldor limped slowly with his broken leg towards meta as the man began to get back up.

"Do you need any assistance?" shouted lee as she saw kjeldor's leg break.."Owww..damn..." she muttered under her breath and waited for his responce.
"im sorry lee i appreciate it but i have to do this on my own.." said kjeldor nodding to her with a smile and a wink as he continued to move forward towards meta then the man had gotten back up with a huge grin noticed kjeldors big kink in his armor.. he rushed at kjeldor and grabed him by his broken leg and picked him up kjeldor growled with pain as he tried to counter but the man brought a chop on kjeldors kneecap shattering it"GRAHA!!!!" screamed kjeldor as more blood dripped from his mouth beggining to turn pale then the man put a much harder gr on the broken leg and twisted it harshly 180 degrees making it break even more as kjeldor screamed the man put him in an ankle lock as kjeldor hung there being at a dis advantage as he was much shorter then the man he struggled getting paler by the second blood rushing from his mouth.
Lee stood there and in kjeldors response acknowleging it. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW DAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMNNNN." she shouted as she saw kjeldor injured, she grasped the hilt of her sword firmly. Preparing herself to ingnore his request.
"Kjeldor!"' She shouted out worridly.

The man continued to twist at kjeldors ankle as kjeldor hung there pale and losing more blood.. then kjeldor showed some signs of life as he fired 3 of his smaller balls of blue force energy at one of the mans knees doing very little as kjeldor hung there his energy drained.. then kjeldor compeltly twisted himself around breaking his own ankle he gritted his teeth as he did so the man letting go in suprise kjeldor twisted up and fired the bigger blue energy force attack at the mans knee as it slightly buckled then he fired another smaller one but then absorbed it back into his body as his injured leg all twisted back into place and aimed a kick at the mans kneecap with his good leg his body charged with a momentary powerful energy as the mans kneecap shattered under the pressure and his leg collapsed from the mans weight.. kjeldor began to limp towards meta again his leg looking like a poorly put together jigsaw puzzle the man groaning from his collapsed leg.
Lee looked on woriedly, she cast another healing spell on him to stop the bleading. She winced as she saw Kjeldor limp, and noticed his badly damaged leg. She softly swore as she paced warily back and forth, waiting for Kjeldor 's ok to go in battle, she was ready to tear this man limb from limb..she didn't like watching the people she cared for to go through pain. She hated the feeling of being helpless, and watching from the sidelines.
The other man began to slowly limp towards meta as well both of them extemly exausted the man pushed at kjeldor trying to get ahead and kjeldor turned around and heatbutted him which wasnt a smart choice as the man headbutted him back much harder"ow.." said kjeldor as he fell and the man got slightly ahead but kjeldor grabed his bad leg and triped him as he got ahead at then the man got painfully back up and they were feet from meta..
they both lunged and touched meta at the same time as the gem split in two..
there was silence for a few moments"the fight is a draw then.. you've fought vailently kjeldor and now i leave you in peace " he said taking his half of the gem"as for my name it is ayoma and i bid the both of you farewell" he said as he went back under ground and out of sight .
"ge..geh..." said kjeldor as he limped back over to lee and collapsed near her a few feet away"going though all that s**t and its a tie... o well that was a good fight a tie is good enough for me for now...." said kjeldor draging his almost lifeless leg forward groaning.. then his arm and hair and eyes went back to normal.

Lee sighlienlty went to his side, and knealed beside him. "kjeldor? umm..just hold still ok?" She stated as she held ahold of him tightly, and hugged him whispering anchient words, healing him partially. She weazed exastedly, and kissed him. Healing him as much as she could. She stopped coughing slightly.
Kjeldor blushed slightly"you and your healing magics lee" said kjeldor the leg halfway healed alot of the joints repaired and all the other injurys healed
"i might be able to heal it further.." said horn as kjedors leg glowed with diffrent ainchent runes as the leg was 3/4ths of the way healed.
Lee blushed and turned her head sliglty he wouldn't see. She moved away form him uncomfromtably, she didn't respond she just coughed loudly, as some new scars fomed on her legs. "you did well." she stated finnaly as her bulsh disapated.
She rubbed her neck stressfully, and got up coughing sligtly, she offered her hand to helphim up. "Come on, let get you in an inn or something. So you can better heal." she stated.
"geh.. do i have to stay at a inn??? " kjeldors eyes met lees eagle eye gaze.." ok ok ill go.." said kjeldor taking lees hand to help him up and finding a walking stick to help support his leg

Lee helped him getting up. "Yes . you need to rest." she stated coldly and stritly. "i know i need to rest.. its just id.. well rather be out in the stars outside but i think a inn would be better" said kjeldor
Lee let him lean on her a bit as she led him to a nearby inn. They entered, Lee let out a disgusted sigh. There were some roudy men at the bar carrying on. She knew right then that she wouldn't get a wink of sleep.
"Hey Inn keeper, we need two rooms for the night." she deaamned
The inkeeper bowed and tossed her two sets of keys, Lee caught them.
"Rooms 202 and 203 are open." said the inn keeper.
"Thanks." Lee replied as she helped kjeldor up the stairs.
kjeldor nodded and thanked lee for helpin him up the stairs but was annoyed by the rowdy men.." geh... should i take care of them before we go to bed?" said kjeldor begging to try and turn and go back down the steps
Lee stopped him. And shoock her head wearily. "No. i will.." she stated as she pratically carried him to his room, she tripped and and made him fall in his bed. "now rest!" she demaned, she cracked her neck,and her knucles clenching her fists. then turned going downstairs. You could hear her shouting, and then the clanging of heads, and glass, and then silence. You could hear the door open and hear the men thrown outside forcefully. Lee went back upstairs swearing under her breath, stressfully rubbing her neck."**** **** stupid*** do they have any ideah of what time it is??" she said to herself as she wearily went in the room. "Guess what the inn keeper frogot to tell me, that the room was already taken. Now we have to share a room for a night." she stated wearily cracking her neck.

((cool website! http://www.tektek.org/gaia/theme_view.php?t=763))

powers of the avitar-
star burst- concentrated holy bursts of light.
20 dead men- you take on the form of twetny dragon, and strike with varius powers.
heal- heal lee to almost full health (note can only be used once)
transform- tranforms into the 20 dragonic gemed sword.
field- a powerfull force field made of holy.
fly- he's got dragon wings or angle wings..whichever you prefer to use.
dark arts- consentrated burst of unholy darkness.
summon- can summon the great dark god, kern.
levitate- can levitate while attacking

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