XD I went to the bored walk with my boy-friend. It's down by the beach, it's this pier thing with all these arcades and stuff. He has a three year old little brother and a little sister from his dad and step-mom. Well, his step-mom was at the mall, having the day off from the kids and his dad to me him his brother and little sister to the beach. Well we were in the arcade, and Donovan, my boy friend Jon's little brother was playing ski ball with his dad, so his dad asked us to watch the baby Isabel. She was sleeping but woke up and stared crying and she likes to have the stroller pushed around and that's when she stops. She Jon and I push her around, and people are looking at us, because there was a birthday party of all older like forty year old parents with like three to five year old kids at this arcade And the looks are all from like this to this D:<. It's obvious these people thought my soon to be little sister in law was our daughter since she dose kinda look like us too. Well there's a carousel there too and I was standing there watching it and Jon walks over and hands her to me because she still won't stop crying. He says "Well bounce her up and down and maybe because you have boobs, she might rest her head on her chest and sleep because she'll think about her mom." So I do. And she stops. And looks around, because Isabel is a good baby :3 But then this lady from the little prize exchange counter walks over and taps my shoulder and smiles and holds up this cheep little plushie and says "Oh we're so sorry that she keeps crying and wanted you to help her stop so the girls behind the counter and on wanted to give you this. It made us smile to see what responsible parents you and that boy are, even if you are young." My jaw drops, I snag the plush and snap and say "Listen lady, That maybe my boyfriend but this an't my kid, this is his little sister, and I love as much as my own, but I'm not so dumb as to have a child at this age." And DUN DUN DUN, ultimate pwnage, her father walked over and took her from me then. I win :3