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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening chapter 16 part 1
((woot! hapter 16! Lee has finnally relvieled her true fealings for kjeldor and kjeldor found out his true fealings for her! ..too bad Lee frogot the whole damned expierence! ))

Part 1

"kjeldor?? kjeldor??" said horn to kjeldors mind but kjeldor continued to sleep peacefully. Mrs. Martin began to sing a dragon song to wake them up. Saphi put a cold washcloth on Kjeldors brow. An dthen lee. Lee's eyes fluttered awake..'What??..where??' she murmered her voice dry.
"Oh Lee we had thought we lost you!" cied out saphi with joy
Lee didn't answer her eyes blinked.."what??" she questioned..
"Just rest now dear." state the mother happily.
Lee 's eyes finnaly focused, she tried to sit up only to be forcefully pushed back don. 'Mother said to rest lee." stated Saphi
lee obeyed, she was too tired anyway..her eyes soon closed and she rested.
Eventually kjeldors eyes fluttered awake and he slowly rose and glanced over and saw lee alive.. he let a sigh of relief and lay his head back down going back to sleep within a few moments. Lee woke up,it was night time, she saw the mother sleeping in a nearby chair. Lee smiled as she slowly and weakly stood, gathering her things together. "Damn..." she murmered.."I hope i wasn't too much trouble for them.." she turned back on terra. terra yelled at her loudly,
"how could you not tell me lee! you could have died!" she yelled she rattled on with her leture as lee streached out her weary musicles, and changed some of her bandages. Lee rubbed her head dizzily..'i can't rember..' she thought to herself as she looked at Kjeldor who was also sleaping. 'i must of hurt him when my powers went crasy..gahhh..' she punished herself.
"ya didnt hurt me with your powers lee i assisted you." said kjeldor waking up as well"and yeesh terra do ya gotta yell so flippen loud?" said kjeldor as he began to grab some of his things as well.
she looked over at him her blue eyes stared at him "What?? how on earth did you assist me.." she cut herself off...she blushed and hid her face relizing what he had to have done.surly he was joking, she shook her head, dizzily, she quietly put some money on the trable, and left a note.
'sorry if i was any inconvience,
this money will help you pay for any expencises you have. umm..
thanks agian.
she put her heavy swords on her back her knes weakly buckled under their wieght. "gahh." she cried out as she perservered and held them any way, some of the cuts on her back reopened.

"geh dont try so hard so early lee" said kjeldor woriedly "so i take it were leaving from here?"
"I'm fine." Lee snapped bitterly. As she stood straight, she ran her fingers threw her short blond hair. "Yeah..Mrs. Martin has had enough troubles, we should leave before we inconvience them any more." she stated dryly. She exited the house, she grittred her teath....as she stepped outside she breathed in deaply. "sheesh.." she rubbed her neck stressfully. "Just when i thought for sure i would die.." she stated alound to herself she looked up at the stars they refleted one her eyes. "And i thought for sure not a soul would ever care..." she fell sighlent.."But the martins care.." she let out a deafeted sigh. And a soft smile. "i can't quite die yet..not until i'm sure their taken care of."
"sorry" said kjeldor"so where to?" Lee's hair stood on end because a stray cold wind blew on her making her shiver. "I dunno." se stated shrugging her shoulders uncarinlgy.. A soft sad look hit her face.."sheesh." she rubbed her neck stressfully. "I keep haveing flashbaks..geh..too many of them.." she rubbed her eyes dizzily.."i can't rember a god damned thing that happened.." she stated. "and i realy am sorry if i hurt you by acident." she stated fealing guilty.
"you didnt dont worry about it" said kjeldor eh??" he said noticing something moving off in the distance.....
Lee's blue eyes snapped up in attention, her gaze followed the shadowed figure, She smiled."i bet i'll get to it first." she stated aloud a wicked smile spread across her face. She was her old self again. She darted off after it, unsheathing her sword, in case she needed it. As lee caught up with the thing it ended up being a messenger"im looking for kjeldor" said the messenger
"thats me" said kjeldor catching up
"this is for you" the messenger said handing him the scroll bowing then leaving.
"Damnit..i was hopeing it was at least a spy or somehting dangerouse." she stated as she lazily swung her sword, she let out a deafeated sigh. "hmm look like i won the bet. You owe me an ale." She stated smiling brightly. "So what's the letter?"
i dunno.." he said looking at the wax seals logo with a frown and he opened it and read it...

"s**t...." he said reading the letter through again..."s**t...." he said again

"i might not be around for a while..." he finally said

Lee raised an eyeborw.."What??" she asked rather impatiently. She crossed her arms, and looked at him blankly.
"geh.... i thought they broke formation... theres a group called the Dark Brotherhood.. i thougth they disbanded ages ago.. but they come back and built a base and they have some kind of generator thats increasing there skill and power and there causing havoc.. ive been called in alone meaning i cant take an accomplace to help disband and defeat them again.. mostlikely there using genesis shards to power the generator.." answered kjeldor leaning against a tree looking at the letter again.
lee puched the trea angerly. "Danit.." she swore "*()(*(&(*^&*!!!!! " She caught herself. "Look ...just take care of yourself ok?" she stated rather dryly, she wasn't sure why she reacted that way.."and if you ever need me, i'll be waiting."I'll probably still be in this town awiating my next bounty.." she walked away rubbing her neck streassfully. "Just don't let yourself get killed..if ya do.." she stopped herself. '"Just don't." she snapped.
"ok then.. i promise lee.. and i have to lee now" he said taking a small round red thing from his mech arm"here take this its something that we can be able to use to communicate the high bounty hunters have them.. ill be able to check in when i can.. i dont know how long ill be gone.. could be a month.. could be years just take good care of your self ok lee" he said caringly.
lee nodded her head.. "Alright.." she stated .. "i'll be praying for you." She watched him leave, something inside of her was screaming out. She held her tounge. She turned and left. "And don't you worry about me..i can take care of myself." she stated dryly. Why was her heart breaking, she turned and covered her mouth, 'why? why? This is imposible..geh.. i'm just worried is all.' She thought to herself. 'just a friend.." she began to disapear in the darkness.
Kjeldor watched her leave for a moment..and then bit his bottem lip ran up behind her and hugged her tightly. " ill miss you" he said then he began to turned and leave soon dissapearing into the darkness.
Lee blushed furuisly. "geh..i'll miss you to you big lug!" she replied blushing furiusly. She watched him leave and just shook her head, in disbelief. And turned to leave. She put her fingers through her hair..it was its normal leanght.."Maby this time i'll let it grow.." she stated to herself. "heh heh..i wonder what i'll look like with long hair."

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