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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Chapter 18 part 1
((........................ Chapter 18.....woe.....dude......))

Part 1

"..." Lee blushed and turned her head rubbing her neck stressfully. her blond briaded hair moved a bit, coming partually undone, Lee busied herself with fixing it as they exited the inn. kjeldor smiled as they continued"so whats this conference about?" he asked. Lee breathed a sigh of relief at the change of subject. "Eh, it's the northren Kingdoim, They want to marry off their princess, to our prince Gashaw. " she stated rather dryly as she whistled for her hourse. The great black steed came up to her apparenlty in a rather good mood, pracing a bit with joy. Lee smiled with embarisment. "[calm dow shadow! sheeesh!"]" She peted it calming it down. "As i was saying it's a whole aranged marrige thing i guess.. Geh which i just don't get. Realy now, can't kingdoms be at peace with one another without marrying off their kids?" she questiond. She let out a deafeted sigh.

"you have a good point lee" said kjeldor as he whistled comet the silver chocobo kjeldor had raised came running to him kjeldor unfastened his front of his cloak so it wouldnt obscure his arms to hold on the reigns and it showed his tuxedo as he mounted the chocobo giving it a sugar cube and petting its head.
Lee gracefully hoped onto her horse. She sighed. 'I would love to say somehting but it isn't my place." she stated rather dryly. she flicked her blond braid back. A villiger came up to her, a rather old seafaring man, who scraggly look and face beamed with pride, he carried a small child in his arms.
"Hello Lee." he stated giving her smile.
"AhHH MR. Martin Hello." she replied with a short quick smile.
"Thankyou so much for taking care of my family in my absence." he sated
Lee blushed and shrgged. "It's the laeast i can do for Mrs. Martin taking care of me when i get sick, i would love to stay and chat, but io have to go to the castle.Oh my manners, Kjelor, MR. Martin, Mr. Martin, Kjeldor. "
He smiled as Lee got her horse ready for the long ride, he gently tapped kjeldor on the shoulder. "Its a pleasure to finnaly meet you."

"its nice to meet you too mr Martin" said kjeldor with a nod to him.He leaned in to kjeldor as if telling him a secrect. "It's lee's birthday today .." he whispered. He chuckled. 'But tell her you know! or off with your head, if you know what i mean." he chuckled as he bowed shortly, and turned to leave.
Lee busied herself talking to shadow in dragon, and then nodded her head to Kjeldor as she kicked the side of her hourse. Kjeldor nodded as they both began to make there way to there destination.

They finnaly made it to the castle, Lee gracefully jumped off her horse peted it and dismissed it. They were greated by the prince. He was rather tall, and handome, He had long red hair that he neatly kept back, he dressesd rather formely, his green eyes rested on them, and freakles dotted his face. He smiled and bowed. Lee bowed back out of repect.
"Your magesty." she stated humbly, she found herself blushing at the sight of him.

Kjeldor bowed out of respect only because of his royal rank but nothing more then that and he didnt want to cause trouble.. dismissing his chocobo he stood there a bit back from lee this person.. this lifestyle.. it began to remind him of the old tourturous prissy lifestyle he left back home to rot in hell..

The prince Kindly smiled.
"High General Lee Draco, i bid you welcome. Who is you honored guest?" he asked formely
"Ah yes, You magesty this is my friend Kjeldor." she stated as her blush disapated.
He smiled.
"A Pleasure to meet you i'm sure..you look awfully familur.." he stated Looking at Kjeldor studing him.
"thank you sir" said kjeldor nodding"though i dont believe we have met before" he said

Lee bowed as they followed him into the castle. The prince quietly chatted with Lee stealing her from Kjeldor side. They soon entered the main hdining room where lee felt her face go pail. KNights, and nobles, crowded the rather large room with the king and king.
"SUPISE!" they shouted. Lee felt her hair stand on end, as she tried to quickly go away. The Prince caught her gently by the arm and dragged her in.
"Happy Birthday high General!" Jill ran up to lee and gave her a big hug "happy birthday lee!"She was wearing a long blue formal dress that huged her body perfectly and there was a slit going up the side.

kjeldor had a funny feeling that this would happen normally he would ask lee if she wanted an out but knowing lees honorous ways she would refuse"isnt this such a nice birthday present?" said kjeldor to lee telepathicly with a tiny ity bity hint of sarcasim and humor in his telepathic voice from seeing lees reaction

Lee rolled her eyes. "hah hah.." she stated sarcastically telepathically back. She wore a fake smile. She found hersef blushing as jill huged her. "Thanks." she sated "Now it's time to go.." she turned only to be caught in a wirl of people, hugging her, kissing her on the cheak, congradulating her.

kjeldor smiled the prince wouldnt try anthing he would regret with lees good friend AND her apprentice here kjeldor thought "hello jill" said kjeldor with a smile"and happy birthday lee" said kjeldor "hey man!" jill walked up to kjeldor.
"hello and my dont you look nice." said kjeldor witha slight smile.

Lee rubed her eyes tireldy. As everyone was talking at once. Finnaly they all quieted as the king stood up.
"High GEneral, surly i have never met such an honerable person such as yourself. " he stated with a smile. 'We honer on this day, the day of your birthday. We have a present and great hionor to give you." Lee walked up to him and smiled. "Geeze..umm" she knelt reverently.
He placed a medeal arond her neck.
"Congragulations lee, For your bravery, and cunning i give this to you.Arise." Lee stood up blushing, the people all cheared.

"thank you, you dont look too bad yourself" replied jill slightly blushing at kjeldors comment. Kjeldor smiled and claped with everyone else and was highly tempted to call out Speech!! Speech to lee so that she would have to give a speech in front of everyone but didnt he didnt want lees boot up his @$$ when he got home.
Jill let out a wistle and yelled *speach!" she smiled evily.


Lee bashfully smiled and blushed and bowed. Sudenly music began to play..
"And now, " stated the King "It is time for a game! " the croud all cheared.
Lee looked up..in wonderment.
'It's a dancing game..and lets see the prize..hmm i know a kiss from the birhtday girl!"
"WHHHHHAAAATT!????" she shouted above the clammer but the eles chears drownded out her protest.
"Now, i will be the judge, Lee you have to dance to, Everyone in the cirscle. An di will do my best to chose the best dancer here!" stated the king.

Jill doubled over with laughter. the face lee made was priceles.Kjeldor tried hellishly hard not to laugh it seemed jill and kjeldor thought alot alike in there mischief and kjeldor didnt think lee would do anything to jill.. maybe a 20 mile run but nothing painful
Kjeldor smile began to disipate"erm..... horn u dont know nething bout dancing do u? " said kjeldor to horn telepathicly
"now how the heck should i know bout dancing?" said horn back
"geh...... why couldnt saphi be here?" thought kjeldor as he took a seat on a chair in the corner and began to fumble with something under his sleeve in his cloak not being watched by others
"ya know if ya feel uncomfertable you can deny the request" said kjeldor seriously to lee telepathicly.

Lee blushed furiulsy.."gehh.." her hand was sudnely grabbe dby the prince. He bowed, and kissed it, lee blushed even more. "My lady, i shall not lose." he stated smiling..Lee soon found herself out on the dance floor. As all the others danced, Lee was paired up with the prince, her blue eyes darted auround serching for escape, only to be pulled into the dance. jill was still trying to stop laughing, it wasn't working out to well.

"geh.. wheres it at.. there" said kjeldor as a almost non seeable by human eye thin beam of purple light shot from kjeldors hidden hand casually hitting the prince square in the back confusing and counfounding him so that he would get his dancing all wrong kjeldor quickly stuck his hand back out and casually watched the dancing "geh..." said kjeldor as he watched the dancing .jill who was watching kjeldor couldnt help but gigle.

The prince shook his head, and shrugged it off , he smiled an dbowed to Lee. lee awkwardly bowed back, and they began to dance, Lee danced rather well considering her attire, some people backed out, as the pair danced gracefully together. Every so often , the dancing people would change partneres, lee bowed, as she met her new partners, and the dance became faster. lee smiled, she was actually haveing fun she had frogotten all about the "prise" it had been years since she danced.

Kjeldor simply had it it wasnt the contest or the prise that bothered him at all....this reminded him to much of home..
kjeldor got up and sliped into the crowd and before you knew it kjeldor had made his way to the roof of the building sitting there thinking..jill watched kjeldor leave and decided to follow him " hey" ."hey..." said kjeldor"why arent ya down stairs havin fun?" he asked

"i'm not that comfertable with all those people" jill replied flatly.
"eh go have fun" said kjeldor with a wry smile as she left kjeldor climbed his way up to the roof where he sat there quietly mulling over memorys from back home... "geh i get what ya mean... well im not trying to be rude but id rather be alone right now jill.. maybe we can hang out some other time?" said kjeldor

"sure i get it" jill gave him a reassuring smile "i better go rescue lee" she muttered to herself. kjeldor smiled at jills remark then continued to sit there as jill left thinking..

ee found herself on the balcony, she needded some air.. she stood alone..tonight was not ment for celebration..it was ment for morning. She bowed her head sadly as the wind beyw about the stray hairs that got out of her braid. The PRince, who had followed her, geltly put his hand on her shoulder. She jumped frightend.
"Gahh! Your highess!" she shouted aloud SHe grabbed her chest "Sheesh don't do that. " she snapped
"Sorry My Lady, i wanted to just apologize for not winning the game." he sated smiling. lee rooledher eyes and b blushed "What??" she asked dryly.
"Yes well, Lee, you look rather beautifull tonight..." he stated as his hand grasped gently at her cheak. Lee pulled away form him.
"Arn't you suposed to marry?" she snapped warily. "Sheesh, go flirt with some one who cares." she turned her back to him. He sudnley grabbed her, she wirled around Cleanching her fist aiming for his face, her punch was swiftly stopped, and he kissed her.

kjeldor had looked down and see this happen his anger flared for a moment but then it disipated.. kjeldor knew that lee could handel herself and it wasnt kjeldors place to intervene... "let her be kissed by who she wants and if she dosent like it she will react how she pleases.." thought kjeldor as he sat there..

jill walked over to lee. "he your highness can lee and i talk...alone.." she requested. the prince let go off lee "Perhaps we shall finish this some other time.." he stated with a short bow. Lee who was incredibly angery.."Not .. a word.." she stated to Jill rather embarised that she was caught off guard so easily.

suddenly a drop of water hit lees shoulder yet it wasn't raining... there was a slight sound of movement as kjeldor moved back to the center of the roof turning away wiping the tear from his face that was caused by thinking of his memories back home as kjeldor sat there continuing to think.

"hey no problem but i think you need to talk to a certain someone" stated jill with a wry smile. Lee nooded in agreament. she felt the drop of water and saw Kjledor on the roof. "keep the fort ready." said lee to Jill. She jumped up and landed gracefully on the roof toop, she grabbed Kjeldors shoulder gently.. "Hey." she stated her voice soft. She sat beside him. The stars relfected on her eyes. She sat in silence, waitng his reply.

jill sighs and mutters to herself "she's so lucky" jill glanced over the balcany "you know what screw this" jill jumped over the balcany and scaled down the wall. " i hope lee isnt angry but had to get out of there".

Meanwhile back on the roof kjeldor and lee sat there in akward silince gazing at the stars.......

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