Kaydens Random Writings 5
Taye eventually reached the top of the stairs breathing heavily. He had actually made it. Without stopping...but not without consequence. He was out of breath to the point where he was making loud raspy noises outside the shrine. He groaned gently and fell onto his butt taking deep breaths of fresh and cool air coming off the mountain nearby.
A sigh escaped from Tayes lips as he finally managed to catch his breath after a few minutes. He climbed to his feet and looked around spotting his bag basically right where he’d left it. He sighed and scooped up his bag quickly and slung it over his shoulder. Boy did his legs ever hurt now. A sigh escaped betwen his lips as he headed for the entrance of the shrine.
Tayes mind was drifting elsewhere as the daylight waned. It was hard to believe that the day was almost up now already. He’d spent so much time talking and doing things with Misa on the way to the shrine that they’d lost track of time. Taye shrugged a bit...it was her birthday after all. It was her day.
Taye nodded at his thoughts and moved in through the front of the shrine and made his way towards the main area which was a big open room with racks of weapons and a ring in the middle of it for training. As soon as he reached the room he spotted his Saku and Misa sitting and eating rice together while conversing rather cheerily.
Taye moved up to them quietly and bowed to his sensei and held out the flowers, “I’ve retrieved the flowers sensei. And have come to understand the training and appreciation I should have for the stairs. I promise not to use such negative words again sensei.”
Saku looked up quietly at Taye and then out of nowhere. He smiled and took the flowers, “That’s a good kid. Now...Before we depart. Sit and enjoy a bit of rice. Because as soon as we finish, we depart. We have to make it halfway up the mountain before midnight comes...otherwise the night will not be so nice.”
Taye nodde and sat down and looked to Misa who giggled and said, “I like your sensei Taye. He’s really nice.” She smiled gently and looked between the two of them before saying, “So where exactly are we heading anyways.”
Taye and Saku looked at eachother quietly and Taye shrugged a bit before Saku quickly spoke up and said, “Well...That my young friend is the mystery. Taye has made some rather special arrangements for our trip and I would not want to ruin it.” He winked slyly at Taye and took his final bite of rice.
Misa blinked and looked between the two of them and said, “Heeeey! What’s the big secret!? Tell meee!” She was also finished her rice at this point and now Taye was the only one still eating.
Taye chuckled gently and swallowed a bite of his food as he said, “No no...We can’t tell you Misa. All I can tell you is that you’ll like it. Promise!” He smirked and finished off his rice in record time and said, “Alright Sensei...shall we get this show on the road?”
Saku climbed to his feet and smiled as he said, “Indeed. You two gather your things and we shall be on our way. I myself have to go grab some things before we take our leave.” He then turned and headed off towards another room leaving Taye and Misa alone.
Taye looked to Misa as he scooped up his backpack and said, “So...you excited now? Didn’t expect to be going on a trip on your birthday did you?”
Misa giggled and picked up her bag as well as she looked to Taye and said, “Not at all...I didn’t expect to be doing anything on my birthday after my parents started to argue...You’ve really made me happy doing all this for me.”
Taye winked and said, “Glad I could do it, We’ve always been friends since we were little...how could I not do something for you? That wouldn’t make me a very good friend now would it?” He asked curiously.
Misa looked to the ground and said, “That is true...and you don’t realize how much I appreciate it.” Suddenly her demeanor and attitude had changed. Going from happy to suddenly a bit quiet. She was hiding something and she didn’t want Taye to notice so she suddenly jumped up and smiled, “Hehe. Your a dork Taye.”
Taye was about to say something and then Misa jumped so he chuckled and said, “Sometimes I am...but if I wasn’t, What would I be here for?” He motioned for Misa to follow him as Saku came back into the room all ready to go with several blades belted to his waist and back. For protection...for the wilds around here were not exactly tame.
Taye smiled and said, “Let’s get this show on the road!”
Misa nodded and Saku smiled and motioned for them to follow him. He turned and walked right of the shrine with the other two in tow. And so their small journey had begun. It would not be a long one...but it would definitely be enjoyable.
~To be Continued~
Kayden-Waveharp · Tue Jul 13, 2010 @ 03:28pm · 0 Comments |