Kayden's Random Writings 6!
Sorry I didn’t write the last two nights whomever is reading. I’ve been busy busy busy!
As the three began their trek towards the back of the shrine and up the path that lead up the mountain they talked amongst one another. Or at least...Taye and Misa were...talking excitedly.
Taye looked at Misa and smiled as he said, “You know...it’s kind of funny. I’ve been bugging sensei for so long to take me on a trip like this and it took me saying I wanted to do it for you to finally accept it. I think I’m just about as excited as you are!”
Nodding at Tayes words Misa would smile and say, “That is pretty funny. Maybe it’s becasue you did something for someone else instead of yourself...Maybe he was waiting for you to learn some sharing?” She giggled. She was teasing him of course.
Kayden grumbled a bit and opened his mouth to speak just before Saku interrupted and looked to them both as he continued to walk up the path and said, “It’s funny she says that. Because she is very much correct. I was waiting for the day when you asked for the trip not for yourself...but somebody else. A little life lesson you will have to hold onto Taye.” He chuckled gently.
When Saku turned back around Taye stuck his tongue out at him and looked to Misa and giggled a bit, “Hey...I’m not exactly selfish ya know! Do you not see all the things I do for others! You and sensei should both see that.”
Saku turned his head and looked to Taye and said, “In a way you are correct. But take a look deep down inside...inside of us all there is always a shard of selfishness. In order to become a master in what I am teaching you, you need to learn complete selflessness. The ability to care about other and only others. Unconditional dedication. And if your wondering why...it’s because I will not teach somebody unless they are prepared to use it to help others and not themselves. I will not teach somebody who will take the knowledge and use it for nothing but brawling or to show off.”
Misa smiled gently. She really liked the man’s ideals. And she was sure that Taye would never use what he was being taught for anything except helping others.
Taye looked to Saku speechless. He didn’t really know what to say. Why exactly was he under Saku’s tutelage? Was it to help others? Or was it just for himself...He’d never thought about it that way. And he wondered if Saku wondered as well. It was a peculiar sitatuion where he didn’t exactly know what to think so instead he bowed gently and said, “I understand sensei.”
Saku nodded, “Good.” Then turned around and continued to lead the way towards the first destination of the trip they were to take. Hopefully it was a fun trip because after this trip Kayden’s time would be eaten up by his training and he knew it.
Misa smiled and looked at the sun that was slowly setting. She wondered how far their first destination was and if her parents were wondering where she was, though in truth she didn’t really care...She needed some time away from them anyways. They had done nothing but get her angrier and angrier.
Taye looked to the sun slowly setting and then to Misa as he smiled and piped up, “Pretty isn’t it? Quite a sight for our first night into the mountains.” He chuckled gently.
Saku smiled and looked to the enchanting ball of fire in the sky and said, “Indeed. Quite a sight it is my young companions.”
Misa giggled and nodded to them both, “Yes! Very pretty indeed...it’s the first sunset I’ve ever been able to watch since I was little...my parents make me stay inside at night because of the creatures of the forest...”
Taye nodded and said, “I understand. But don’t worry...We have Saku here to protect us. And you’ve got me...so we’ll be safe.” And as if on que off in the distance up the mountain a lone howl could be heard echoing across the valley below. It was almost enchanting and set the valley into a deep quiet that one could only truly enjoy at a sunset such as this one.
Saku smiled and pointed up ahead of them and said, “Looks like we made it! That’s our destination just up ahead.”
Saku was pointing to a log cabin that was built right at the base of a large waterfall and a river that ran down the side of the mountain and came from the melting of the caps on top of the mountain since it had two points. The cabin was average size, and was beautifully crafted, it had two bedrooms and a living room area with a nice big window aimed right down the mountain and at the setting sun.
Taye smiled and looked at the cabin up ahead and smiled happily, “It’s so cool!” He stated as the area around them got darker and darker. In truth...Taye was a bit afraid of the dark so he quickly looked to Misa and said, “Race you there!” And then took off down the path running towards the house.
Happily obliging Taye’s challenge she took off as well running quick enough to catch him and race him towards the cabin up ahead.
~To be Continued!~
Kayden-Waveharp · Fri Jul 16, 2010 @ 04:08pm · 0 Comments |