Unstable Mae's Explanation
Mae's unstable body and mind is due to her being a hybrid of an angel and a human. When the two species fused inside her, her body couldn't and still can't handle the amount of magic in her angelic side, while still being a human. Her body loses all control and she becomes weak to the point where she could die without medication. If her body doesn't go, then her mind does. Her unstable mind is more specifically attributed to the fact she has been reincarnated four times (which means she died four times). Her mind automatically sends defensive signals throughout her body to protect her, which sometimes unleashes her Unstable side. When her mind goes completely Unstable, she can't control her actions and can possibly murder someone if they are unfortunately in the same room as her. Also, while unstable, her wishing magic can go crazy and she can involuntarily wish for harmful/destructive things to happen.