So spring break is over and tomorrow I will return to the busy life i was used to over a week ago. 7am rehearsals and practice until 6 every day with competitions on Saturday that require a 4 to 5 hour bus ride to get to the school. Prom is in 3 weeks. Guard is over in 2. Yes, it's sad that this is my last year of guard but honestly, I'm ready for the end. Guard is fun, but sometimes really stressful and a lot of work and time. I love the feeling of actually driving home when school is over and NOT going to the band hall and waiting for guard practice to start. Now, I have the joy of finding my first job. *Jumps up and down for joy...cough, cough...* So spring break went by way to fast...yes. I drove home from Oklahoma yesterday and it all just seems like dream. Spending time with Drew seemed so surreal. I arrived home yesterday and its like all of a sudden, I woke up and realized that we're apart once again. Don't get me wrong, spending my spring break with Drew was amazing and I'm very lucky I got to do it, but I still hate being apart from him. I know that at the end of all of this, we'll get to be together once again, but the middle, what we are doing now, is still hard. His phone calls at night mean the world to me, and helps me get through a bad day, knowing that I'll get to talk to him. He always has this weird way of making me smile or laugh. I think thats one reason why I love him like I do...and Drew if you ever read this, I love you and thank you. Thank you for everything. Thanks to everyone who has given me advice, who have listened when I needed to talk, and who have been there when i felt alone. I love you all.
-.Chaotic.Reverie.- · Tue Mar 21, 2006 @ 01:28am · 0 Comments |