RPC Name: jadin crwydryn
Age: 29
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Type/Race: shifter (werewolf)
Personality: Jadin is reclusive and dislikes company other people werwolves especialy unerve him when they are near. he is easily startled. he wants companionship and really wants to be a part of a pack something that is near imposible for him to acheive as he is an albino wolf and generally looked upon as cursed......
Weapons: a long bone handled hunting knife.
Magic: No
Appearance: wolf form,

Biography: jadin was born a pure white color, and was driven away from the pack at a verry young age. dispite haveing no pack he has learned to survive and is a rather vicios fighter as a result. he dislikes company and conversation. he ocassionaly watched other were packs from a distance so as not to disturb them. the x shaped scars on his face came from one such pack he was caught sulking and the pack leader gave them to him as a leson not to stick around, jadin's life wsachanged when several large pack wolves, pused through his current home, they recruited and brought him along, he was told that a female from their pack went rogue and they wher huntinh her down he took this as a chance to prove himself to the pack in hopes they whould let him join......
Other: ninja