long ago almost 250 years ago there was a man, a small shriveld old man. he had livedfor so long he had forgoten his name. he had forgone human companionship and conversation his experiments his only concern. the man was reveared and feared by those close enough to his tower or those who knew of his story. he had lived for many hundreds of years by the name Dewin, he had reached the end of his years, his time was nearing its end with his expariments unfinnised and withought an aprentice to hand over his work to he seeked out alternatives to death.
he spent his last years creating and moulding himself a new body the only kind that cannot die that of a demon he named the unfinnised form cragen for names where powerfull. naming it "shell" in the aincient language of magica, a forgoten dark power at his disposal, the man known as Dewin. finnished the form to his likeing, it was tall seven foot with grey ashen colored skin, redish glowing runes of power covering his body some for speed, some for streangth, some for mana. the body was souless and lifeless, the old man gave the last of his power to transfer his soul and life into the shell.
when the being woke many moons later it was alone, save for the rotting corpse in front of it, it could remember little form the old mans life enough to know what to do it gathered clothing and a knife, it was curious and uncertain for this was it first day alive. it stumbled upon its gifts, the magic first the ability to bend its suroundings to its will, at first it was simple things like food water and warmpth. but soon as all things do it came across the power to destroy. the old man had suceeded and yet had failed at the same time. he sought to build himself a new body, and did but the body was not his nor was the mind. the creature relished in its power to destroy, the creature traveled days until it came to a smal town, the populace atacked the creature on sight, and it learned pain, it struck out in anger and pain, and the vilage burned, the old man had built a creature magicaly and physicaly superior to almost all other creatures.
it learned, from the vilage it learned clothing and home, it learned words and to read, it gave itself a name kire, he for that is what it was. he grew in knowledge and power, becoming sentient instead of an animal. it soon grew bored with the tresures from the burnt out vilage and he moved on burning and destroying what he will, taking what he wished, it was many years later almost a hundred, and he was well hated and notorious.
he killed many humans slaughtered any demon or nonhuman folish enoght to come for his aid. he cared not he wished only to kill however inteligent he was the only seeking death, his hall was deep in the mountains of his homeland built upon the corpes of the tower he awoke in, his throne built rom the bones of those he killed, and a self inflicted scar on his body for each kill he made. he passed the years as a greater demon ruling over a small country he conquered. however as the years grew longer he grew bored and moved on, but not before burning every last village and killing every last citzen.
he arrived in the kingdom, at this time it was ruled by the old kings father, andafter aprolonged fight kire was subdued, and imprisoned. the long years of imprisonement messed with kire's mind turning him more human, his power and logic split leaving him as kale, who remembered nothing from before being split. he beleived that he was only several decades old while instead being several hundred years old. kale had little magical power as most of his streangth was sealed with his darkness, he too kon a more human form loseing the gray color to his skin. when he was fataly wounded at the party his mind over powered and burnt out the bariers transforming him into a pure represantation of anger and hate, a primal beast similar to how he was when he first awoke. now kale is remembering his life before as kire. and the dark runite magic that was his to comand. he hopes to retain his goodness but wishes to return to who he was before. he met someone from his past an elf named Leah, he remembered a time when he was her sworn blade and has taken up his duties, he has found several extreamly powerfull wepons that he was built with, the lens wich can chanel and amplify magic, the sword made from his escense. and the eyes wich can see int othe mind of others, it makes a copy and implants the memories and thoughts onto kales mind, he risks becoming the person each time he uses this power......
Kire: (the tall one inthe back)

kale the broken:

kale full power: