Username: infinite_mage
RPC Name: Kale Ethuriel
Age: 73
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Type/Race: Adrean (a type of deamon in tune wits shadows and darkness, they usualy can mold shadow to their will and fad into darkness.)
Personality: hates small spaces, inexperienced when dealing with social intricacies, has a strong dislike for any figure of athority.
Weapons: longswoard: sword , throwing knives(hidden)
Magic: Yes (sort of)

Username: Celina chaornus
RPC Name: leah Tasilan
Age: 4953
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Type/Race: elf
Personality: hauty, she looks down on the few elves that still live today as shadows of their former glory. has troubble seeing men as equal.
Weapons: two handed sword, Tarot cards (enchanted).
Magic: Yes

Biography: leah is one of the last of her people the last empress, long ago when the true elves ruled their empire streached from one corner of the earth to the other, Leah was born the sixth daughter of the previous empress, over her century long child hood she learned much of strife and polotics, as it was there was little chance of her taking the throne so she devoted herself compleatly to the service of their godess. now long forgotten, it was inthe fall of their empire as the humans rose and took control. the daughters rode at the head of the army. men in their culture where lesser and seved as pages and cooks, leah rode with an elite force of holy knights their power came from the goddess herself. the army was smasshed shattred and each dauter was killed one after the other until only leah and a few scatterd groups of warriors held out, as each of her knights fell. leahs faith wavered, as he beleifs waverd so did her power, when she could no longer continue, the five remaining knight dragged her fro mthe feild of battle, they made it back to te citadel the last home of the elves, thirty strong of the thousand strong army that rode out thirty desperate survivors struggled home. the empress soon died from the loss of her daughters, and the empire crumbled to dust as the humans drove forwards. leah, vowed before the goddess to survive, and made a stand with the five remaining knights on the steps of the temple and she watched as each sister fell before the onslaut and soon, the temple itself crumbled, the next few days passed in a blind haze, Leah fought and killed many hundreds, she was savage and brutal, when she cut free of the humans, she struck out on her own nothing but the armor and sword of the goddess, and bitter memories to pull he through the centuries......
Username: kamilra
RPC Name: Syrus Cythraul
Age: 5398
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: none
Type/Race: Darkelf
Personality: Syrus is cocky, and over confident. he dislikes women and in particular elven females.
Weapons: two handed battle-axe
Magic: Yes (demon sumoner)

Biography: Syrus was a crutial part of the elven downfall, he hated that the elves condemed him because of his gender, he struck back and organised the whole war. now one of the last few elves remainig from the original empire, he hunts down the elven survivors and has clashed with Leah several times over the many years since the destruction of the elves. he has lost the light skin and fair complexion that normal elves have he has been twisted by his hate......
Username: Kamilra
RPC Name: Annita Talisan aka "frost"
Age: 134, dead for 4900 years
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: N/a
Type/Race: undead
Weapons: longsword that freezes wahtever it touches. a dagger of elven make.
Magic: Yes
Appearance: Annita
Biography: the fourth daughter of the aincient elf quean, she died defending her mother when Syrus atacked the empire. she can vaguely remember, a burial ceremony, her own? and she slept for centuries. she was shaken awake by tremors, and soon the crystal that encased her broke open, and she was free to walk again.......
Other: in her life was called frost because she was the master of ice and watter based magic.
Username: infinite_mage
RPC Name: jadin crwydryn
Age: 29
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Type/Race: shifter (werewolf)
Personality: Jadin is reclusive and dislikes company other people werwolves especialy unerve him when they are near. he is easily startled. he wants companionship and really wants to be a part of a pack something that is near imposible for him to acheive as he is an albino wolf and generally looked upon as cursed......
Weapons: a long bone handled hunting knife.
Magic: No
Appearance: wolf form,

Biography: jadin was born a pure white color, and was driven away from the pack at a verry young age. dispite haveing no pack he has learned to survive and is a rather vicios fighter as a result. he dislikes company and conversation. he ocassionaly watched other were packs from a distance so as not to disturb them. the x shaped scars on his face came from one such pack he was caught sulking and the pack leader gave them to him as a leson not to stick around, jadin's life wsachanged when several large pack wolves, pused through his current home, they recruited and brought him along, he was told that a female from their pack went rogue and they wher huntinh her down he took this as a chance to prove himself to the pack in hopes they whould let him join......
Username: infinite_mage
RPC Name: Dewin Archaonix
Age: 743 looks 20
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Type/Race: human, (Archon type of magic user that imbues devices to make magical machines)
Personality: sarcastic, cryptic, prone to flashy spells and loves anything he dosent already understand.
Weapons: energy blades. drones.
Magic: Yes

Biography: dewin is hundreds of years old he was a mage doing great things amazing things. who cared if people got hurt? it was all in the name of progression. he had a huge tower and pesants who feared him enough to pay tributes of food and people for his expariments. he spent many years on his creations, building first the creature to guard his lab, the shell being kale as it now calls itself. he transfered the soul and life force of one of the people into the construct. but it didn't awake, dewin left for a time to colect his thoughts and returned to find his lab trashed and his creature gone, he abandoned the lab and moved on after much thought, and many years later he came across aincient texts pouring over the tomes he learned of a power long forgoton so old even the elves didn't know of it, the magical machine he mastered it as far as he could with ease. it was simple a thing he had been doing for centuries imbuing magical qualities into metal constructs instead of flesh ones. he set out now with his new knowledge ready for whatever life throws at him....
name: kale Ethuriel
race: human
class: mage
specialization: archane warrior/blood mage
homeland: Orlais
gender: male
ocupation: wanted malificar/ grey warden
weapons: a staff made from obsidian, flaming longsword

personality:will be revealed through story
talents/spells:combat magic, fade shroud, inferno, blood magic, blizzard, death cloud, blood control, cone of cold, stone fist, fireball, drain life, winters grasp, blood golem.
bio: kale was brought to the orlesean circle, at a verry youg age he was told that as an infant he had lashed out with pure magic killing his parents. at the circle he was taught to control the latent rage and magic inside of him, early study by the mages thought he had a dormant rage deamon inside of him upon witch he drew imence power. in the circle he never truly felt at home. one night durring a harrowing a posesed mage broke free of the harrowing chamber, and durring the confusion was knocked out of a window, calling out for help, he awoke the dormant deamon inside of him sencing that their lives where conected it granted him the powers of blood magic he was saved from death, the deamon left promising to return for he had let it loose in the world. dreading the demons promise, kale fled to shore, nearly drowned he was fished out of the watter by som nearby templars, who named him apostate, and malificar. dreading his fate he fled the templar's easily overcoming them with his blood magic. kale hid out near orzamar until the warden called them to help stop the archdemon, disguising himself he joined the battle, with the death and destruction of the archdeamon he sought to use his martial skill to join the wardens as a recruit. now a grey warden he hopes his past will leave him be and continue to serve as a warden....
name: darien shalia
homeland: free marches
ocupation:Grey warden/ archer
weapons:sorrows of arlathan(bow)

personality: will be reveiled through story.
talents/spells:device mastery, master archer, rapid shot, arrow of slaying, pinning shot, cripling shot, scatering shot, shattering shot, melee archer, critical shot
bio: he was a hunter among the dalish elves of the free marches. durring one hunt his party was atacked, it was over so fast he couldn't tell what happend, when the other dalish found them he was sole survivor, and the others where killed, it seemed by dalish made arrows, the blame fell to him, called kinslayer and murderer he fled dalish lands, durring her travels he came upon kale the lone wizzard and the outlawed dalish joined together surviving in ferelden. they hid near orzamar, until the grey warden called the march they joined in and when the blight was defeated the two sighned up as grey wardens, both survived the joining.....
Username: infinite_mage
RPC Name: Galein Lalonde
Age: 24
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Type/Race: human (deamon hunter)
Personality: detached, carfree, drunk,
Weapons: two smal handheld crosbows and a longsword.
Magic: No (he has charms with small mana pools he can cast basic spells from.)

Biography: Galein was born to a small town on the coast of france, it was a quaint little town and his father was a woods man and his mother was a seemstress he learned talents from both of them, on a day of selebration the vilage seer chose him to secseed him. Galein was told this was a great honor and he accepted while in the srevise of the seer galein learned how to harness mana from the natural world, and to stor it in charms. when Galin reached the age of 20 on one of his week long trips out into the forest the town he grew up in was atacked and burned, when he returned he found the town on fire and deamons running free in the streats, Galein personaly watched as his mother was dragged out of their home and butchered in the street Galin rushed ito town, stopping only to take his father two crossbows from their home, he fought his way up to the small hovel wher the old seer lived, the roof was colapsed and the door was askew, rushing inside Galein found the old seer dying a timber from the roof impaling him galin held the old man in his arms and cryed as he died. Galen doesent remember how long he stayed there, but when he woke the fire was out and the town silent. galein took the only thing he found undamaged a pure silver longsword, probably built for some passing wherewolf hunter. and the white garb his mother had just finnished sewing. he turned his back onthe town of his child hood to hunt the creatures that ended his peacefull life....
Other: ninja
name: kale ethuriel
race: dragun
personality: hauty, compassionate, calm.
wepons: dragon form: claws, teath, fire, human form: twin swords, minimal magic
powers: can transform into a powerful dragon, a small amount of magic.
what they are fighting for: to bring his wife back from the dead.
- fast (human)
- breaths fire (duh)
- can fly (dragon)
- strong scences (dragon)
- trained swordsman
- large
- bad vision (dragon)
- transforming makes him verry tired, he needs to sleep imediatly after turning back.
- dosent wear armor
- compasionate
apperance: human:


I was named:kale ethuriel
I was born into:elf
Isn't it obvious that I'm:male
My ancestors were:unknown (raised in circle tower of orlais)
My particular skills resemble: mage, blood magic and archane warrior
I have survived:26 years
I have chosen the path of: companion
A little about me: kale was brought to the orlesean circle at a verry young age he grew up never knowing his parents, having heard wispers that he had killed them with magic as an infant. he lived at the circle tower for training where he never truly felt at home. during an alarm where an abomination broke free of the harrowing chamber in the confusion was knocked out of a window, calling out for help, he was heared by a deamon granting him the powers of blood magic he was saved from death, the deamon left promising to return for the payment. dreading the demons promise, kale fled to shore, nearly drowned he was fished out of the watter by som nearby templars, who named him apostate, and malificar. dreading his fate he fled the templar's easily overcoming them with his blood magic. kale hid out near orzamar. for many years surviving by selling poultices and healing the sick. he adopted tha black robes of a dark mage out of his disdain for the circle.....
I was graced with:

I follow my heart and infinite_mage guides it
I was named: Regrael blackblade
I was born into: Disciple (darkspawn)
A little about me: i was a mindless drone a hurlock as i now know for almost five years of my life before i was freed fro the call of the old gods. my new sentience was given by those who serve, the disiples. i joined them as a leader of my people. we seek to guide them away from the old gods, but another blight is close at hand and we know not what will come of us if it does.......
I was graced with:

I will follow my heart but infinite_mage guides it
kale Ethuriel
Dark side
Dark side
once you take in the dark......

m y n a m e /IS ;
Kale Reladin Ethuriel
m y n i c k n a m e /IS ;
m y a g e /WAS ;
Kale Reladin Ethuriel
m y n i c k n a m e /IS ;
m y a g e /WAS ;
m y p o w e r s /ARE ;
✖ to form solid objects out of shadows
✖ to step into any shadow and step out elsewhere
✖ to cloak himself in shadows to render hiself invisible
✖ i can concentrate the shadows around someones eyes to render them unable to see
✖ to form solid objects out of shadows
✖ to step into any shadow and step out elsewhere
✖ to cloak himself in shadows to render hiself invisible
✖ i can concentrate the shadows around someones eyes to render them unable to see
✖✖✖✖✖✖ don't miss the light so much.
m y p a s t /IS ;
kale grew up originaly on the side of light, but all his atempts to do good as he was instructed, fell through. he was severly lonely an ousider even among his family. as he grew older the dark emotion thathad been growing iside of him finaly burst free, in a fit of blind rage he killed his parents. and stole over tho the darker half of the world, he served the dark with a siclky devotion. throwing himself body and mind into any task given to him, as on of the higher rankes servants of darkness he was brought to the wedding, where he was cursed. the curse enraged him. he hated imortality, because he hated life, now he serves to end hiscurse and die the death he wanted....
t h a t c a u s e d m e t o /BE ;
grim and sarcastic, kale hates life reveling in life threatening dangers and pain, all of wich serve to remind him he is still alive. his is a verry angry person when provoked wich takes almost nothing to acomplish. being imortal has nearly drove him nearly to insanity, so he uses his power in a very unpredictable way a danger to both enemies and alies.
c o n t r o l l e d /BY ;
kale grew up originaly on the side of light, but all his atempts to do good as he was instructed, fell through. he was severly lonely an ousider even among his family. as he grew older the dark emotion thathad been growing iside of him finaly burst free, in a fit of blind rage he killed his parents. and stole over tho the darker half of the world, he served the dark with a siclky devotion. throwing himself body and mind into any task given to him, as on of the higher rankes servants of darkness he was brought to the wedding, where he was cursed. the curse enraged him. he hated imortality, because he hated life, now he serves to end hiscurse and die the death he wanted....
t h a t c a u s e d m e t o /BE ;
grim and sarcastic, kale hates life reveling in life threatening dangers and pain, all of wich serve to remind him he is still alive. his is a verry angry person when provoked wich takes almost nothing to acomplish. being imortal has nearly drove him nearly to insanity, so he uses his power in a very unpredictable way a danger to both enemies and alies.
c o n t r o l l e d /BY ;
I shall be watching...

Ȟello Țhere
Șhall Ϣe ɠet Ρersonal
◈ My name is, kale Ethuriel.
◈ But you might also know me as, shade.
◈ I am clearly a, male. I am, 426 years old. Which means I was born on, march, 6 if you must know . In this town, town? I am an angel..
◈ Now I really like, Both.
◈ My families names are, I can’t seem to recall….. .
◈ Can you guess who I am? No? Well I am the, Guardian of Gravity.
◈ Some people might say I'm, a bit crazy and spontaneous. Sometimes a bit uppity and though I try to hide it sometimes my contempt for humans shows through. I have begun to have memory problems since leaving heaven. .
Șhall Ϣe Ϻove Țo Țhe Ρast
◈ Now I shall fill in some gaps for you, I was brought nit o being several hundred years ago making me a rather young angel, the I was hot-headed and stubborn as an ox. I picked fights in my younger days and was generally a nuisance, I was raised as a warrior first and my duty is my life I found solace and a balm for my angry soul in the duty and responsibility of being a soldier. Almost two centuries past in this fashion, I became more arrogant and generally I looked down on humans they where worms to our glory in my eyes, as I found this attitude was not generally accepted. And I was soon cast out for my views, for a sentence on earth among the humans I so scorned, this was torture to me living like a insect, but soon as they probably wanted the world humbled me or I just grew complacent as I aged now I have the task of watching over one of the humans I guess this could spell the end of my parole and maybe if this is done well I can go home…. .
Ȟow ɖo Ȉ Ƚook
◈ Now if you can't see. I have, golden colored eyes. While my hair is, blond .
◈ I stand, 6 foot 1. While I weigh, 165 pounds. Yet my body type is slender.
◈ What you can't see is, I have a black swirling tattoos’ al over my body everywhere accept for my face..
Ȉ'm Ȁ Ƚittle ɖifferent
◈ You see, I just love
☑ I love fighting, it brings a concentration.
☑ gardens nothing is better than flowers
☑ flying, the open sky and nothing to tether me to the ground
☑ the cold it challenges me to action
◈ While I just hate
☒ sickness, it disgusts me.
☒ the filth of humanity the corrupt and the evil ones
☒ useless wastes of time, I am an angel of action inaction makes my skin crawl
☒ demons they represent the filth and destruction, that is the worst of humanity
☒ Now you see, I'm very special. Why? Because I can, increase and decrease the flow of gravity around my opponents and other things I use my powers sparingly as any other use would be frivolous and a hate wasting time or power I can manipulate objects by affecting the gravity around them. .
☒ Now this is a big secret, because I like no one as of yet, I haven’t seen any angels in a long time and humans are defiantly not my type .
Just for Lunar
◈ I would love just a taste of what you can do. example
◈ Why do you want this role? i saw your forum and really loved the role-play idea and I’m am bored with gaia so you could think of this as a reason to stay online.
Ȉ Țell Ȳou Țhis Ϣith Ƚove
◈ For I am, infinite_mage.

Name: kale ethuriel
Age: 21
what are you: human
Height/Weight: 6'1 205 lb
Faction : shining blade merc band this is the logo just the symbol is gold and background is white
Physical Description: tall and lightly muscled.
Biography/History: kale was an orphan he never new his parents born outside of the vaults he grew up laearning the harsh realities of the wasteland. it made him stronger more driven to survive, he larned to talk his way out of almost any situation, each time he felt a semblance of peace something tore it away, mutants, mercs, raiders and ghouls. each time he was driven away he grew a little more resentfull. now kale leads a small band of mercs in the capitol wasteland. providing protection to traveling merchants and caravans. eradicating super mutant nests and ghouls, they ocasionaly get in the way of the brotherhood and are not on good terms with them.
Skills: speech, barter, lockpicking
Location/Well-being: in the destroyed capitol city. a modified police headquarters. moderate wealth
equipement: dammaged power armor (missing one shoulder plate and painted white.) a laser rifle well maintained. and a modified colt revolver.

name: kale Ethuriel
race: guardian/ reeper/ huaman
favored wepon: scythe/ archangel blade
Alternate appearnces: Wrath archangel of justice, wulf tan therin,
kale the reeper:

kaim the monk fighter:

kales story begins before his birth, with his father and like those who came before. his fathe nearing the end of his days traveld to earth to see kout a likely candidate to bear his child, after many long years of searching kale's father Emhile Ethuriel. met a lovely young lady and they fell in love, wracked with guilt Emhile later told his wife what he was and what whould become of their child, he is to grow up with no knowledge of his power or his role in life until he reaches the age of 15, on his birthday all of his power will awaken and he will be taken to the dark realm to hone his powers with the fragements of the universe. As kale was born his father wasted away and died for ther can be only one reeper at a time. kale moved through life in a sureal way the knowledge that the was somthing different about him drove him to question his mothe endlessly, but she held to the proimise she made to her dying husband, the lack of answers drove kale to anger and he became destructive, and tainted. on his 15th birthday as foretold all the power of the reepr awoke inside him the power was to much for his body to hold and he slipped into a coma. he awoke in the dark realm and began his training. for one year he trained to hone his power to perfection he grasped the tecnique and knowledge that was his birth right far faster than any other had before him. to the sages has was a prodigy, when he returned to his body and took up hi duties he preformed his task with such zeal and uncaring that the sages ang fragements soon began to take notice ang began to fear. what if th reepers spirit became tainted with evil? what if it became dark? fearing the inevitable the sages and fragements sealed away his power in the six idols of power, chaos, order, fire, water,darkness, light. and left him with only the power to bind spirits of the dead to his will. he teamed up with the dead Archangel Wrath, and returned to earth a seathing angry force. the sages took him to a monestay up in the mountains to have him train as a monk to harness his anger ang to diminish his darkness to furthe semsnet his casting out they striped him of his name and he bakame Kaim Ethria. he atacked the traing with as much zeal as his work and soon had mastered the darkness, the sages however refused to give him his power back, and forced him to remain on earth. he soon grew fond of the monestay and the monks who lived there, taking on an aprentic of hiw ow kaim trained Leah on the finer points of being a fighter monk and developed her powert wich was not verry different from his current weekned power. soon he received a notice from the sages they wher dying off, and they needed the reeper back so in order to prove he was ready for the power agin they gave him one last task.........
name:kale ethuriel
troop type: sniper, comander.
calsign:star1, M-12
age: 27
armor;EVAUA/HUL[3]black visor,CQC shoulders,collar/breacher[R],Tactical/UGPS,Tactical/Trauma Kit,FJ/Para
wepons:sniper, DMR, wrist blade
bio:kale was a fast learner, always the top of his class, he was inducted into the spartan program at age 18, kale has been the comander of star since his original squad was killed, on his first mission. since then almost every spartan put under his comand has died. he is called the comander of ghosts. now many years later he is assigned to a new star.....
armor abilities:active camo

name: kaim
race: elf
personality: calm noble, chivalrous, duty bound,
bio: kaim was born in the year 903 the same year as the great prince dagnarus born to the honnored king tamaros, as the king decread all boys born to noble families in that year whould be trained as the young princes elite guards, and so kaims trainning began, when he was 16 he was awarded the right to carry a blade as a kings knight, when he reached the age of 20 he was given the great honnor of becomming a dominion lord, he passed the trials and was blessed by the gods to bear the title of "Lord of sorrows" now he wanders the kindom searching for injustice and sorrow.

class:dominion lord
Username: Zephyr_infinity
RPC Name: Zojja
Age: 62
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Type/Race: Asuran
Personality: haughty and stuck up, seemingly hostile and easily offended. put up with him long enough and he will warm up to you becoming only cold and aloof. though loyal to his friends and since he is used to the competative nature of his people a dangerous enemy to have.
Weapons: control Matrix ( a magicla device that alows the user to control the golems keyed to it. a glom is keyed to the device by a gem matching set one on the matrix one in the golem.)
Magic: Yes
all Asurans have magical aptitude.
elemantal: lightning and energy based magic
spark: a worker spell not used for fighting often as the caster has to be touching his target.
Zojja with war golem
Asuran are short standing at maximum three foot tall. his grey skin is sensative to light, and he get sunburnt easily.
Asurans a rare sightabove ground, even rare are those who travel int ohuman or other creatures setlments. Asurans typicaly beleive that they are far superior to the other races. they isolate themselves even from others of their own race preffering to work alone each one is an inventor and powerful mage. Zojja is young and headstrong born like the vast majority of his bretheren in the great meating. a great event i nAsuran culture it comes about every decade or so, where every asuran worth his or her salt shows off their lates masterpeices, and soem hope to find a mate. Zojja is a measly 61 years old a child in the eyes of some but dispite or maybe because of his youth he is left alone by the sabotauge and infighting that paluges most other Asurans, as they are a competative people each one trying to out do the others by inventing and creating simply for inventings sake. Zojja like a select few others craft golems both for war and personal use. his competative nature drove him to the surface eager to learn new tecniques and skills as he was gettingbored in the lands belonging to the Asuran, a dangerous thing for many Asurans simply claiming ot be bored have wreaked havok across lands accidentaly destroying entire cities. Zojja travells with one war golem A knight model of his own design, he uses it both as his weapon and pack mule.