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My Fantasy World
A place to store my various characters, plots, world history, god descriptions and other stuff related to my RPs.
Divine Pantheon
It's doubtful that this list will ever be fully completed, so this isn't all the Gods in my universe. I know it's jumbled around and seems sporadically laid out, but there will be a time when I organize things a bit more. Also, I may not be the only one adding/changing/subtracting gods from this roster.

Click blue names to see the pictures that depict the Gods and Goddesses, made by mortal man from various accounts. I'll get around to drawing the rest eventually.

The "Recognized by:" section refers to which race the god or goddess is recognized as the "chief deity" of their pantheon. Only the Dire Wolves recognize all Gods and Goddesses and the only place where any more than two Divine energies can be present or where two gods can be summoned, is the temple of the Gods in the center of the eastern continent.

The names of each god is different for different races, in the real world people could relate "God" and "Yaweh" as the same "person" and both gods of subsequent religions might have different names but theoretically could be the same god. IE: Azeroth is the Dire wolf name for the chief deity of the divine pantheon, all names listed are the Dire wolf names for each god, while the human and High Elven names mostly coincide, there are often differences when it comes to Falmer and Bosmer, among other races. When a name is not included in the recognized by or the names section, whichever race was left out either does not recognize the god as a deity or simply uses the same names as dire wolves. Dire wolves will not be listed because they believe in and recognize all the gods of the pantheon. Sanmer will often not be listed or have an addendum next to their description because of their strange belief/worship system.

In Arcea there are a lot of Gods that the various races and cultures worship, though unlike in this universe, they have corporeal forms and interact with the world in a very obvious and deliberate way. This entry is to highlight some of the Gods and Deities that exist in the world and give some details about who worships them, what they did to become Gods or Deities, what their powers or trademarks are and what they're Gods of. Some of the Gods will mirror the Deities and Daedra of the "Elder Scrolls" universe because, well, I really like that universe and I like basing my stuff on it. It's also really easy to mold different RP characters around because its so vast and expansive, but if you've never played the Elder Scrolls games, don't bother trying to relate them to anything, just read them for what they are.

The Gods and Deities are classified by two separate monikers, "Demon Gods" and "Divine Gods", the titles sound fairly self-explanatory but I feel I need to elaborate, nonetheless. There are three realms of existence, the Higher Plane, Arcea, and Oblivion (Heaven, Earth and Hell) but the only real difference is that the typical laws of physics don't really apply in the Higher Plane or Oblivion, other than that the actual experience when one goes there is completely dependent on who's Realm you visit, which Gods version of "Heaven" or "Hell" you happen to be in. Demon Gods were born into the Planes of Oblivion, Divine Gods were born into the High Planes and they combined their powers at the beginning of time to create Arcea, a place for them to rule together. They're all related somehow, like the Gods of Greek and Roman mythology, but many are married and have children, some even have children with mortals as well.

The first Divine Gods who sprouted into existence were Azeroth, and Kyne, a brother and sister who gave the law of time and life (respectively) to Arcea, developing all the races, animals and plants who now live on the planet together. After their birth, the first Demon Gods were born, Demethos and Sithis, who gave the gifts of the earth and seasons to the planet, thus coming together to create Arcea in its complete capacity. Other Gods were born later, adding their own bit of ingredients to the melting pot, developing the races and plants, giving laws to the planet and creating empires in the pockets of civilization.

Azeroth (Azz-ur-ah-th)
Bosmer name: Azean
Falmer name: Azean
Were name: Azman
Type: Divine
Plane: The Eternal Halls
Description: His plane of the Higher is a courthouse where scholars and the greatest of knowledgeable pursuits are held, people who follow the teachings of Azeroth and enjoy learning for learning's sake usually find themselves placed here after worshiping the Chief God.
Recognized by: Humans, Bosmer, Falmer, Werewolves, Altmer
Rule: Time
Physical Form: Old, White-haired man garbed in robes
Azeroth watches over all living things and Judges their souls when they die, if they were worthy in life and hadn't promised their souls to another God, they were given passage to Kyne's Fields as a default or another God's realm to be rewarded for eternity. Kyne's High Plane is the iconic "heaven" where any and all desires are fulfilled. If they were unworthy, they were sent to Purgatory to wander until the end of time, where Demon Gods could sway them to join their planes in Oblivion. This is not common as Demon Gods will usually try to coerce mortal souls before they pass into the void. He rarely takes a visceral form in Arcea, but the temples and shines dedicated to him will often dissuade those around it from committing crimes. People bearing his mark will often find themselves walking a more lawful path, often worn by Judges and Town Guards, scholars, wizards, mages and others following the footsteps of a noble. High Elves pray to him more often than other races but he is equally recognized among nearly every race as the Chief Deity, though Blood elves view him as a Traitor, responsible for taking away their nearly Godlike powers. Some Blood Elves remain who were alive when that particular cataclysm began at the dawn of time.

Bosmer name: Kynareth
Altmer name: Kynareth
Falmer name: Kynna
Type: Divine
Plane: Fields of the Higher
Description: The fields that Kyne looks over is often patrolled by her brilliant, birdlike avatar that flies in front of a parade of other, colorful and exotic birds.
Recognized by: Humans, Bosmer, Altmer, Falmer, Werewolves. Blood Elves recognize her existence but they do not see her as a God worthy of worship.
Rule: Life and Souls
Visceral Form: Big, human-sized bird with brilliant, rainbow feathers.
The Fields of Higher, where Kyne typically likes to reside, is the almost literal translation of what Heaven is supposed to be: a huge, endless expanse of colorful and pleasant-smelling flowers where anyone who's granted passage can live out whatever their heart desires. She's a peaceful God who, like her brother, rarely visits the worlds below hers and blesses her shrines and marks with her gift of life. Some men wear her pendant when attempting to impregnate their wives or when they wish for their sons and daughters to be fertile. Farmers build shrines to give blessings to their crops and livestock and ward off sickness. Many people pray to her with offerings of flowers and honey.

Human name: Demon (The origins of the classification of Demon-Gods came from the human's name for Demethos.)
Bosmer name: Demi
Altmer name: Demethos
Sanmer name: Demithas
Falmer name: Demi
Were name: Demon
Type: Demon
Plane: The Forever Desert
Recognized by: All Races
Rule: Arcea (The physical dirt and rock) and Emotion
Visceral Form: Gigantic, black-shelled sea turtle
Demethos created the ground upon which all creatures walk and the water in which all life swims, he is the brother of Azeroth, Kyne and Sithis, the second-oldest of the four and the only one of whom will often interfere within the affairs of mortals. He likes to create Jealousy and Envy in the hearts of men and watch as the events unfold, usually causing death and putting more souls into the Forever Desert. His schemes are often times incredibly complicated and long-term, it isn't uncommon for them to expand centuries beyond when they are begun, bringing into question whether or not the God had ever done anything in the first place. Shrines to him tend to prevent earthquakes and other natural disasters, but will usually have a high rate of crime involving his love of Envy. People bearing his mark will usually live life without accidents and have plenty of luck in all aspects but will undoubtedly be envious of everyone they meet.

Human name: Sithe (Sai-th)
Bosmer name: Sithis
Altmer name: Sithis
Sanmer name: Cetus (See-tus)
Falmer name: Sithe
Were name: Sithe
Type: Demon
Plane: The Torrential Sea
Recognized by: All Races
Rule: Weather (In some cultures he is represented as Chaos)
Visceral Form: A three-headed snake with the body of a scorpion, though he has also taken the body of a bull with three reptillian heads, all with a different number of ruby-red eyes.
Sithis is a relatively neutral God, regardless of his standing as a Demon God. He doesn't typically involve himself in the affairs of mortal men and is directly responsible for rainfall and floods, or lack thereof. When his brothers and sister were creating the races, he was often approached by all three for input on how he thought the world and its creatures should be. He responded with silence for the first thousand years, then, finally, told only Demethos his short reply, wishing to contribute the chaos of the wind and tides to Demethos's many rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Shrines to him often involve tributes of burning incense and lavendar, Farmers and Shipping Merchants will pray to him for safe passage through the seas and for beneficial floodwaters and rains. When he does associate with mortals, it is usually at the behest of one of his siblings, sometimes for good and sometimes for evil. People bearing his mark are more likely to catch fish and have safe passage through the seas, though they may find themselves unnaturally unlucky in other aspects of life.

Hircine (Hear-Scene)
Human name: Hircine
Bosmer name: Hircine
Falmer name: Hircine
Were name: Hircine
Type: Demon
Plane: The Eternal Wood
Recognized by: All but Sanmer and Altmer
Rule: The Hunt, Forests and Werewolves
Visceral Form: A white stag with black antlers, though he's been known to appear as a hunter bearing a strange crossbow, however this form is said to be very rare.
The plane of Hircine is one of the only Realms in Oblivion where most of the laws of physics and time are accurate in comparison to Arcea, having been created right after the planet. It is said to be an unending forest of pine and shrubs, small rivers and streams, the occasional lake, and innumerable animals and game. People who end up in his Plane of Oblivion are typically hunters and Werewolves. He is said to have been born of Demethos alone, a fragment of the Demon God's being left over in the earth after its creation gaining sentience and ascending to Godhood, this may also account for Hircine's obsession with the mortal world. This theory is disproven though, for the Goddess Azura has been recorded claiming to be Hircine's direct Sister, and has no ties to the Demon God Demethos. His shrines are rare to find, bringing mostly nothing but the increased growth rate of trees and herbs, bringing up springs of water and increasing the fertility of animals in proximity. Hunters pray to the God for successful hunts and bigger game, often offering cooked meat and honeyed ham to his shrines, however this practice is not looked on in a divine light, people often assuming those that worship the God to be a werecreature of some kind. As the planet grew and the races expanded, Hircine grew impatient with only a few people praying to him and decided to spread a curse among mortal men and mer, causing them to take the image of the wolf, his favorite animal, and bearing its primitive mind but keeping a slice of their humanity. For centuries the curse plagued man and elfkind alike and was eventually quelled somewhat when the Goddess Azura, confining the curse to only the cycles of the moon. Those who'd been cursed before her intervention would remain in their wolf forms for eternity, as Hircine had designed the curse to do, but granted them back their humanity and memories. The original infected became their own race, procreating and continuing on their lineage, unfortunately, spreading the curse as well. Eventually, after enough time, the infected forgot their old lives or died out, leaving behind those that knew only the life of an animorphic werewolf, and thus the race was born.

Human name: Azura (Ash-oo-ruh)
Bosmer name: Azura (Az-oo-rah)
Were name: Azura (Az-oo-rah)
Type: Demon
Plane: The Midnight Palace
Recognized by: The High Elves and Blood Elves do not recognize either Hircine nor Azura, believing them to simply be avatars of the Gods Demethos and Kynareth respectively.
Rule: Sunrise and Sunset, as well as the Dire Wolves
Visceral Form: A large, black-and-white Cat with Blood-red eyes
Azura is one of the Demon Gods not considered to be evil, having given the sun and moon to the world, shedding light even in darkness and allowing the tides to rise and fall without Sithis's input. When she fought with Hircine in the beginning of time to cure the world of the Wolf Curse, she had created her own race of Wolves with the sole task of keeping an eye on Hircines creations, existing along side them with a similar affliction. Dire Wolves were given a human form and the gift of speech, one of the only animals blessed by multiple Gods, though not all Wolfs carry this trait. Shrines to Azura often ensure clear skies and warm winters, Farmers will offer burning cups of spiced oil to gain her good graces during the cold, wet months of winter. Women pray to her for strength during pregnancy and for fertility, the Dire Wolves pray to her out of inborn love for their creator. Azura is the Chief Deity in the Dire Wolf and Pure Werewolf cultures.

Azura is known to have been the influence behind the Pure werewolf culture, regardless of Hircine's involvement of their creation. The stories state that she appeared to them as they founded their first nation, having said to have planted the first Yggdrasil cutting on the bleak, coarse earth of Hecricse Noor (The Center-most Continent), turning it into the lush and verdant forest it is today. She gave the gift of humanity to the feral beasts and made them into the accomplished society they are today. Their clothes made from silk, their claws a bit duller and their swords the sharpest in all of Arcea.

Story of the Werewolves

Werewolves were originally created by Hircine, his favorite animal being the wolf, and he would often bless the hounds of hunters with the gift of higher knowledge. When Hircine grew bored one day, noticing his Plane of Oblivion was notoriously empty, regardless of the Shrines dedicated to him, he created a curse that plagued mortals who would be bitten by Wolves to take their form forever after. In a matter of months the plague spread to many people of all races, turning them into half-wolf, half-mortal abominations that were considered unholy. When these creatures died, they joined Hircine on his plane of Oblivion and hunted with him for all of time. Azura was born along side Hircine and took notice of the acts of terror against mortals and, being one of the only Gods to like mortals other than Kyne, took action. She entered Hircine's Realm and fought him to cure those afflicted and free those who'd been trapped onto his plane. In the end, she didn't win but beat Hircine down enough to coerce him to limiting his rule over the beasts, allowing Azura to lessen the effects of the curse, only turning into the creatures once a month, on the night when her powers were weakest, the Full Moon. Thus the curse of the werewolf was born. Though Azura had won in a sense, she still needed some kind of assurance that wolves would no longer spread this curse, so she gave the gift of Speech and human form to a group of Wolves, putting them in charge of the original werewolves and those afflicted with the curse, calling them Dire Wolves. The two races of half-animal, half-men exist side-by-side even now, living mostly in legend and myth, the fuel for ghost stories and the reason to fear the darkness. When the Goddess created these Dire Wolves, most of her immortal powers were sacrificed in the process, and on the nights the Werewolves turn, she lends what is left of her strength to all of the Dire Wolves, so the plague of Lycanthropy can be contended with to some degree by her creations.

Human name: Meridia
Type: Divine
Plane: The Great Temple
Recognized by: Humans and Dire Wolves
Rule: Worship and Divinity
Visceral Form: A Winged Woman with a blindfold over her eyes
Meridia was born into the world with the Gift of Holiness and the idea of Worship, she is the Goddess of Light and is the figure paladins fight behind, priests teach under and acolytes pray to. Shrines to her are built in every church and temple, bringing answered prayers and basically acting as a middleman between the Gods and Mankind. She was created by Azeroth for all to receive her blessing, however none of the elven races seem to recognize her authority or even her existence. Those who bear her mark find themselves with divine protection against Demonic Influence. She despises the undead, creatures born in the planes of Oblivion and cults dedicated to Demon Worship. Some humans have claimed she despises the Dire's and Werewolves as well.

Golieas (Goll-ee-as)
Type: Demon
Plane: The Battlefields
Recognized by: All Races
Rule: War
Visceral Form: Eight-armed woman with no mouth, often depicted holding two crowns, however her avatar is not often seen in Arcea.
Golieas is the Goddess of War and conflict, Shrines to her bring strength to soldiers and prowess in battle. Those who bear her mark will find their wounds heal quicker in battle, their blades cut deeper and their arrows fly straighter. She was brought into existence by Demethos and Meridia, Demethos wanted to spread more than just jealousy and envy to the people of the world, and Meridia brought Paladins into the world through Golieas. Every race and every culture recognizes her and calls her by the same name, it is said that when the Goddess contacts the mortal world, she does so with much flair and tenacity, spreading her name and the idea of war to everyone she meets.

Thellasia (Thell-Ah-shya)
Human name: Thella
Altmer name: Thellasia
Sanmer name: Tel'asha
Type: Demon
Plane: Hall of Mirrors
Recognized by: Human, Altmer, Sanmer, Dire
Rule: Deceit and Revenge
Visceral Form: Seductive woman with pale skin and almost always dressed in red. It's said she appears differently to each person she visits, embodying their deepest desires.
Thellasia is the Goddess of deceit and revenge, she often influences people of all statuses in society, making great and small changes to the social order and never really good or evil, mostly selfish and much like Hircine, does things for herself. Sometimes that can be beneficial to mankind, but is often just a nuisance. She was born of Sithis and Golieas

Zsun (Soo-n)
Human name:
Bosmer name:
Altmer name:
Sanmer name:
Falmer name:
Were name:
Type: Divine
Recognized by:
Visceral Form:

Human name: Karden
Bosmer name: Kardaine
Altmer name: Kardaine
Sanmer name: Karden
Falmer name: Karden
Were name: Karda
Type: Demon
Plane: The Realm of Dosasahas –Reffered to as the Shadowlands
Recognized by:
Rule: Shadows, Nightmares, and Despair
Visceral Form: Sometimes depicted as a shadowy wraith, or a large black panther with three eyes, but usually seen as a hooded man.
The ruler over a plane that most Gods can’t even enter without his permission, Karden only ever takes part in the world within his realm of shadows and fear. He feeds nightmares through to humans while they sleep, and lives on the eternal suffering of those that he’s dragged out of every-day life. He is a God that can be both good and evil, though he is usually a chaotic evil. It is said that a millennia ago, he blessed a certain line of Mages so that they and any and all decedents would be able to come and go from his realm as they saw fit or needed. These few blessed are often feared as evil, but more often than not, in the beginning anyway, were no different than regular people. These rare few bloodlines were also the only ‘humans,’ that saw the God of Shadows as anything but maniacal. He can be both gracious and loving, but only if he sees you as one of his own. Any fools he finds in his realm are usually tossed to the demons or various other races that live within the shadows, and ripped apart repeatedly for an eternity. He created one of the first rules of magic, crows, and owls, who are also considered guides to his world from time to time, and within certain cultures.
Coincidently enough, he also created –before the Mages– a race of werecats –otherwise known as the Shereca. This race is perpetually immortal, and they look like children –from ages eight to twelve– when in their human form. In their transformed state, they could be anything from a shabby old tabby to a feline the size of a horse, and though the appearance of species changes, the one thing that doesn’t is their eyes; which are always black. Karden created this race as a way to ‘even out the scale.’ In the beginning, even before the Dires and Cursed, before the creatures of the Earth had great cities or impossible communities, he recognized and admitted that his evil did sometimes lead the susceptible down the wrong path. So he created the Shereca. Their purpose was to watch the other races, and lead those who were truly corrupt into his realm, where he would deliver due judgment upon them. In a way, they became the unseen guard against complete evil, though after some time had passed, they weren’t able to integrate themselves into certain communities. And still they complete their duties, feeding their creator despair and fear, while keeping at least a small portion of the world’s populace good.

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