I begin my research on a blueprint. The diagram or wheel of sectors pertaining to the life. Though I managed to list them, the descriptions are complex in order to state.
Therefore, I shall explain fully my research draft the best way I can possible. Starting with social aspects, is how the person communicates. For these the action is a matter of interpretation though these two words explain how one speaks to the way one understands. Sometimes the response is thrown in and is a reaction of it to our actions influential in effect based on knowing of translation in how a person also can know what the other states.
Whether it is spoken by voice of the mouth, or symbolic to the individual through hand signs is in fact based on the thoughts and the attitude to the age and functioning from developmental factors.
Thus, one can study the mentality through memory subjects or the proof of educational progression to the communicative treatment is based on theological emphasis or assumption to the reactive effect. To explain this in similarity there are aspects to belief yet sometimes the term religious is associated mainly to practices aside from this.
The drastic of it unless being of environment is a form of cultism or cultivation as to grow, rather than pertaining to sacrificial groups. Though, mainly others involve some sort of deity. The aspects of man can associate to being though if a man is honored more, it is mainly humanism or the nature to the point mankind takes in moralistic or a set of principles.
This leads us to the philosophy and faith of our heart. Which is separate from the truth that pertains to knowledge leading to it. How man should in act that truth though an assertion to law, is legalism or order of that natural world compared to what mankind thinks of God or figures which in fact is idolism.
Ultimately, if one believes in existence they honor or dishonor yet believe in a form or origin point of creation. And a difference in this statement describes the individual heart or those of disbelief who accept the potential percentage or accuracies of reality unless witnessed in totality; though there could be an alternate story as to interpret why the individuals would rather disacknowledge the realistic practicalities or relational effects in nature.
Life in regard has a pure standard set in a wicked mindset of a world, or that which suffers the core disciplines of the truth to it of much is not to be commanded by the law of mankind by inappropriate nature, but to be balanced among the purity.
For if there is no foundation stone to first origin of mankind, nothing would be possible. An example of this, is a law of attraction or that explaining in biblical principles what is so to define a mate. To those whom deny and prevent the world for the knowing of truth and conduct inappropriateness through impractical culture means to disrespects.
Without valid excuse it does not explain the sickness to be the proper assumption to support. A man and woman are different, yet it should not take biblical aspects or nature as the opposite sex to explain what is ones’ body.
Though there are birth defects which in fact is a shame of the doctors to the most medical of surgeons. Under this case, it is up to the parent and mostly the child as a grown adult. Yet, to hide this in the medical field and promote an agenda, is strictly man-slaughter to genocide of the straightness and acceptance of sickness such as the acts of homosexuality in individuals.
Women could naturally be bisexual based on not wanting to be pregnant by a man and hang around peers, but it results in lesbianism or pride whereas women should not hate men for the way they are designed, but rather the practicalities of being treated improper by their opposite sex.
A similar concept is stated where the man is confused to that cannot associate to women.
This is not to describe children to teenagers but adults. Though, more aspects, also known as research is taken into this account on the basis of is it better to be alone, or is it possible to make it through life without witnessing the sickness of thought to the practicalities of marriage.
Though if found proper in the eyes of parents and type by mankind, it could be acceptable or so not, yet strictly up to the individual who they love as a partner. This does not guarantee happiness all of the time but truly the attitude adjustments take time to it is better if life had been loyal to one partner without divorce; unless that partner were not good for them.
Experimentation is unacceptable through genetic alteration or medical fields unless there is a problem with the human gene or body or type situation, to the psychology is a deeper science and I prefer others being described as their own sex, due to agendas and inappropriate conduct by individuals.
This is known as a developmental structure from the birth processes of life and the physical body aside from the spiritual soul which is formed from thought and emotion in some regard. The component of soul in how it forms is based on existence from its birth within the female counterpart, if able to appropriate of nature or mankind.
Thus, this is a structure of the life basis, and there is life progression. The formalities of this are the application where the individuals need personal care from age to era and the outcome is the result to questionable whether society is pleased with the individuals to that of the family.
Though a biological mother to go through labor or the treatment of children should not be taken as a curse but a blessing unless it brings pain to the point the mother would rather have a baby and abandon after having irresponsible relations or a situational problem. Of respects to care for them to others and not just the self is a form of hospitality to nurture. Which this is countercultural to the aspects of abandonment and that of child-labor.
In terms of work, the assumptive is this in my mind, that one day money will become useless, and that is due to a the-aught or influx by improper managements. However, these are based on working efforts of people. Yet there needs to be a reserve system and purpose for people to enjoy or conserve for living rather than to destroy themselves and the environment around them. Thus, the situations are a charity cause and determines where the intentions of such individuals support the heart to health through physical exchange.
It leads to the assurance of survival from those of no shelter, to homes and safety from harsh conditions. Though there are outer influences of the life and sometimes they are not always positive interactions or feelings. To cultivate the land is questionable and a point mankind has gotten lazy or the work is non-productive to the health of human beings and decisions of over production in major corporations and rudeness of interactions.
Yet the basic needs of life are: food, water, and shelter. Where law and management should protect is from the harm of individuals to wildlife that must be preserved. Otherwise, nature cares not for itself leading to certain types of crimes. Yet mankind loves to express power it above all is weakness if used improperly for such the reason the pride as a contradiction of sanity. This could be discrimination of nationalism, sex, and race, to mannerism which is grudge or assumption of human beings with inappropriate and valid reasons conduct. The worse is vandalism to that of crimes without excuse leading up to protests, violence, and punishment, along with dictatorships and countervalues of law.
Even if some are peaceful in their means, it of such is determined as an argumentized case to how much time is wasted compared to improved the situations to solve. Therefore, it leads to a lost reality and others could be sent to prison for even trying to follow the laws yet have no income. Thus, to avoid rogue management and control.
Leading to the wants it is better to describe some of the needs as it is nothing besides greed without explanation. In a lazy generation people choose not to work because they are not being paid enough. Well, the question should be what do we invest in that affects others and how much is wasted to how should we be as people towards them?
Yet, this would be a bad example if one were using a means of investment for wrong purpose or if someone did invest in a social network yet also the site was dead. It is not the site that would be considered rogue if dead unless inappropriate, yet the people that make it manageable, to depending on how the cliental treat their employees or clients and to others a mutual respect.
Because of technology, there is less of interactions among the populace of human beings, or the opposite where nothing is impossible some say to there is nothing that cannot be learned unless discovered or copied. A real interaction is better than an online treatment from the cruelest because there will be minimal to few who abuse it, and knowing that some of us cannot read though understand terms.
Those who hurt others have a need to grow with their sanity and not be intellectually judgmental to physically abusive and could result in a conflict. To those who are of an administration knew better and yet they did no avail and fail society to an economic populace.
Yet, we remain hopeful and satisfied that there is a peace still. Yet, what is it that we want, that interprets that manner or effect of peace? Or is it chaos to be supported from injustice? Rest assured, there is righteous reasons for needs or wants in justice leading to appropriate aspects of growth:
Our need of perseverance to survive, conservation to retain known as preservation, leading us to prosperity of inherited or earned material through efforts and not negative intention, so we must have a production stance and protect the value to integrity of reputations, and we must find that purpose which leads us to the peace to contain solitude.
A rest within a working atmosphere, sometimes not knowing and seeking the advice given leads to the truth and that will not be knowing an answer of where one is headed, be that person satisfied to grow in life continuously or to the fullest.
Their purpose is longing for a LORD or that which they may never reach yet are satisfied. Others may have a different intention or goal they want to reach in life for completion. Thus, before this, was pretermination which leads to the description of the sectors and the sub-categories.
They are universal, planetary, microscopic, spiritual, and accessibility. Though to explain identifications of life are the classifications, binary values, subject matters, relational description, environmental position, mannerism, and form & genetics, to also go into deeper study such as organic, its opposite, and elemental.
Anything that is anti-matter would expose mankind to darkness and distance from what is incompatible with the domains to that of systematic interruptions and observations beyond the distance as to have an eyesight of the unknown.
Similar but more down to world scenario would be a technical man dealing with cultish behavior online in ten or so years, which is a generation within a decade, compared to of life to offline being bullied due to being a teacher’s pet and mind healing or being in a regular life situation and blaming themselves for the world and because of much a situation manifested due to sadness and manifestation.
But such requires counseling and sanity within as to ask us to love ourselves as we treat others equally the way we want to be treated as kids or adults growing. It is not the mankind I am against, but the spirit binding the man unless it guards them for reasons.
Not to defend against the good of them, but the wickedness to sadness. Even a shell can grow a heart and therefore with emotion or thought first a soul, it indeed becomes human inwardly to outward empowered. Those who want to travel, solve the mysteries behind the world or try to preserve the life with also knowing the situations of so their professions.
For some which are questioned by greed, others to prevent what was once so chaotic; to was the situation also preventable if someone had done something earlier. We take into perceptions of mankind, to value the life, rather than to steal from or challenge. In this, I ask myself questions and not to blame but to discover my ethical bounds or policies.
It is to live without the law also, a man has known how to follow it, for having the mutual respect of mankind, and an understanding of the origins of God to respect of mankind’s freedoms.
Also, of this how life treats a creature, is how they should truly treat their fellows or the mankind, and not treat one worse than the other, but equal. The sectors are a pie.
And for me to list them in deeper study some are old issues, yet I could not explain the inner circle or the triangle bits. Yet, others would hopefully understand, that I invented a circle diagram to summarize life?
I sometimes wonder, where my mind takes me to that of others have what satisfies them with entertainment and talents. smile
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Samuel's Poetry & Thoughts - I'm an open book. Clear conscience. Just, days are sort of not knowing what to do. So, why not. Maybe someone can give me advice despite my clueless and dogma. - Very blunt yet obscured.
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