Another Day in the Life....
Another sleepness night, and it's midnight now.. The wind howls as it rushes past the house, yet will never knock it down..... I'm at a friends house, a sleepover to be exact... Her house smells of cigarettes, and the moon is invisible past the closed blinds..... I am concealed in this darkened room, only the light of this monitor to guide my hands as I type this message... Like anyone will read it execpt you... My imaginary reader that my mind has created. Perhaps even you find my writing drawl and boring, like the Lemony Snicket books at where he describes ever itty bitty detail...... This may be a one of the kind post, yet I suppose it ought to stay that way, for who would want to read such writing that I, a 14 year old, might have the chance to type.... Oh perhaps you, my imanginary reader, will read on, or perhaps you aswell will leave this page unseen by curious eyes.... It doesn't matter, as my writing is coming to a close for the day, though I long to type more........ So long my imanginary little friend, reading these last words as I type them, ttyl and i wish thee a good night...