The asswipes who have the station across from you in Technology Class make "AO" rated movies using a plastic horse and....this other plastic thing. Kindly referred to as Pokey & Gumby. And before you ask, yes they used chewed up paper as semen. O_O
They think anime is a type of condom.
Their definition of "manga" is Dragon Ball Z, honestly have people been living with their heads stuck up their asses for the past seven years? (No offense to anyone who -gasp- actually likes Dragon Ball Z.
They think Full Metal Alchemist is the work of the devil. I shall send Hughes after them! And before you ask, yes he will be armed with photos of his family, and there will be NO possible exits. twisted
Your cab driver thinks you were going to give him a 67$ tip when you said a six, no, seven dollar tip. Honestly, these people need to learn to speak English if they're going to live here, this is Chicago! I'd have less trouble getting around Ecuador!
Your 76 year-old aunt goes on a date with a man who's twenty years younger then her. Seriously, she still hasn't accepted my theory that all single men under eighty are cocaine smugglers.
Your family doesn't listen to you when you say that the "No Parking, Tow Away Zone" signs in New York really mean, "If you Park Here, Your Car Will Be Stolen And The Owner Eaten"
I think "Die b***h" conveys my feelings acurately today.
[Yes, I'm done with my rant, for today....stay tuned, tomorrow is You Know That Your Gym Teacher Is A Transgender When.... And no, I didn't mean to offened anyone with this, and for some reason, you're a plastic figurine or a seventy-six year-old lady, you can come to me complaining and I will have Rose show you the door.]
Community Member
They don't steal your cars...