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My life... my pain... my death...
True Potential (Part 1)
True Potential (Part 1)

This is a Rp done in Pm by me and Samurai_Sword

as for chracters

Anix = Samurai_sword
Hitomi = Me

(all other characters are voiced by both of us and used to make the story, but Anix and Hitomi are our actual characters)

and even though it doesn't say who said what, now that you know the characters, and who voiced who, you should be able to tell, now onto the story

And sorry to Samurai_sword... but i just copyied and pasted it from his journal to mine!



*Anix had found Hitomi exhausted by the side of the road and saw that she crried weapons. She said she was after revenge, but she had no idea how to fight. Anix took Hitomi as an apprentece, but swore it would be hard. Hitomi said she wouldn't quit. After a little bit, it seemed like Hitomi might go back on that, so Anix had to see if she could stick it out.....*

"defend yourself" commanded Anix

"What if i don't feel like it?
what are you gonna do then?" asked Hitomi

"simple *readies sword* find a new apprentice " replyed Anix

no.... you wouldn't... " said Hitomi with a nervousness in her voice
*prepares to defend herself*

"try me" said Anix *Anix the charged at Hitomi using only 1/4 strength of his strength*

"ok" replyed Hitomi
*just simply steps outtathe way*
"You never said how..."

*kicks you from behind* "is that all?" asked Anix

"Hey now... " said Hitomi who was worried now

"attack me then *stands in what seems to be a defensless stance* show me a will to live" ordered Anix

*Hitomi shrugged and prepares to attack*

*Anix smirked at Hitomi's attempet *

*Just simply stands there*
"You win, i can't beat you anyway. Why am I still here?"

"Fine, let's make this easy, do you want to follow me or not?" asked Anix who wanted to see if Hitomi would still be willing to be here.

well yeah...
but at the same time No...
do you see where i'm comin' from?" asked Hitomi

"i see you standing there, but thats about it"
said Anix
" and what do you mean be a guy?"

"Ummm as far as i know you are a guy right
Well never min it take way to long to explaine... " said Hitomi

*Anix grabs Hitomi's hand and twists it and takes her sword* "Well i think we're gonna have time to talk now" said Anix

"Hey geez no fair... we were talking...
You can't just take a girls sword.. even if se doesn't know how to use them properly!" complained Hitomi

"Well then" said Anix who just grined and starts playing around with Hitomi's sword "how about you tell me the story and then we'll see about you getting the sword back."

"But i don't wanna" said Hitomi, but then she looked at sword then Anix "... Fine...
Its that every guy i've ever seen has this little aditude that 'Ohh i'm better then her because shes a girl'... thing going on and it drives me though the roof.... i hate it and just becasue i'm your apprentice, you think and i know you are better then me but that doesn't change the fact that the tone in your voice was just all i'm better then you!" Hitomi finished now slighty outta breath

"Oh, well, you ever consider actually beating them?"
asked Anix who then tossed Hitomi her swords back "follow me, ill show you something"

*Hitomi picks up the sword*
"Umm where are we going?" she asked

"there are some guys i want to show you" replyed Anix who entered a town

"Ummm why?" asked Hitomi

"Hey you yelled a voice" said a voice from far off

"Oh did i forget to tell you, women arn't supposed to be here with wepons" said anix as he jumped on to the top of a building "the exit os over there, good luck" *anix sits down and gets comfortable*

"Ok dude thats totaly ******** up" said Hitomi

*Hitomi just kept walking pulling out her other sword incase she needed it*

"You said you were tired of men feeling supierior around you right?" asked Anix from above "Well now you can show me how supierior you really are"

"Fine.... Geez see this is why i don't tell people what i think beacsue it alwasy gets me in s**t!" said Hitomi as she still continued thought the maze of men "So tell me why i shouldn't be here?"

"Don't know, city rule. Never liked this town myself. Well i do got to say, you arn't a little weakling, you are clearly superior to all these men." said anix as he watched Hitomi kill from above "Theres just one more guard by the exit, but well......... you'll see."

"NO what tell me.. god don't make me have 2 find outttt... geezzz
why wont you tell me?" complained Hitomi
"I wannna know i demand to know!"

"Well fine" answered Anix who had grown tiered of it "its that all the guys you've faced so far were level F, but the exit had a level D. If you can beat him, you'll show every guy that you cant be pushed around, unless its me of course ."

"Hmmmmm just greeeeeat... I'm soo going to get you back for this i swear! I'm not going to let this pass you will pay" said Hitomi

"Yea yea, just get through him." said anix "youll feel better, and youll prove your worth to be my apprentce"

"Yeah yeah... fine i'll try..." answered Hitomi as she kept walking towards the last exit

"Oh dont worry" said Anix as he stood up "if you need help just say so, ill be right here "

"Allll right... what ever.... Geez why do i tell people things?
I mean i could have, Great now i'm talking to myself....
Seee you've got me all confuzzled now dude..... " said Hitomi to herself as she walked around the corner she saw the Last guy "Geez"

"This is what happens when you complain. i make you get rid of your complaint"
said Anix
"Dont worry, hes only 2 times bigger than you"

"that makes me feel better... yeah that deffeinaly makes me feel a lot better!
Remind me never to complaine again!" yelled Hitomi as she got somewhat ready to face the huge guy that looked like he could break her in half with a flick of his huge finger.

"I beliveve you can take him, now go" said Anix

*Hitomi looked up at him*
"All right i'm gone." said Hitomi, and with that she was as she started to move really fast while she fought the guard

*Anix stood and watched the blurr that was Hitomi. A normal eye would have lost her, but any fighter with a rank C or higher would have said she was kind of slow. However, for having no training, she was moving with the speed of an experienced D. This was nothing compared to Anix (he was an S) but still very impressive*

*Hitomi stoped outta breath and looked at the guy that was uncounicous on the ground*
"Happy?" she yelled up to Anix as she walked outta the stupid town full of sexest men, who thought women couldn't fight!

"Ha ha, well congradulations, now whenever you feel that superior additude from someone, you can show them whos really better" Anix told her "well except me, do that to me, and youll just get hurt"

"Thanks i think....." answered Hitomi "soooo...
what do we do now"

"Well you could help me on my quest as you train" Anix suggested

"All right before i agree.. refresh my memorie of this quest!" said Hitomi

*Anix explained that the emporer, Haki Koti, was one of the most evil man, but Anix had usually ignored him. But one day, he did something that showed me how cruel he really was. I saw how the world was suffering so I promoised that I would stop him, even if it costs me my life."

"Ohhh I see... I suppode I could help... just no more leading me into a town full of sexest males please!" said Hitomi

"Dont worry, if it happens again, ill stand by your side the whole way." assured Anix "just be prepared to fight, the emporer has heard of my quest, and we'll have alot of enemies on this journey."

"Great can't wait" said Hitomi "I don't care if you don't mean to do it just don't walk me in there and leave on porpose!"
*Hitomi looks at Anix*
"Sooo mmm do you have any clue where were going?" she asked

"Well it would be suicide to just go knock at the front door. they have thousands of guards, trained level B's led by some level A's. And then the emporer himself is an S, not to mention his hand picked body guards who he trained to become S's. So i sugest that we dont knock, we should just fight our way in " joked Anix

"Kwel... i wont be to much of a help though becasue i'm still learning how to use these things" said Hitomi indacationng to the 2 swords on her back

"Your right, charging in with an F by my side would hurt more than help. Then I have a new plan. First you must train, at least until you are a level C or B then we must find others who can fight by us. This small group can infiltrate the HQ and we can beat Haki" finished Anix

"Allright sounds good.... sooo umm telll me exactly how his ranking thing works.... i understand it a little..." asked Hitomi who didn't understand the level system "and just where do you think were going to find people willing to help?"

*Anix started his explination

The ranks are simple starting from the bottom they go: F, D, C, B, A, and finnaly S

Untrained people, often villigers who happen to own a sword, are ranked: level F
(Hitomi, your here)

Those who use a sword often, like low ranking slodiers and henchmen are: level D

Here is where the danger starts, at this level are those who have recived better training, such as officers in the army and guardians of a village, are: level C

This level is filled with assasins and bodyguards, mainly those who can add their own style with the one they were trained with: level B

The second highest level there is, these are the generals in an army and contract killers with high reputation, these are the ones who are seen commanding C's and B's: level A

Finnaly there is the highest a warrior can attain, these are those who live by the sword, people like myself and the Haki plus his bodyguards, those who attain this rank often serve no one so many of them are wanderers: level S

There is also legend, of a level superior to S. It has never been seen before, but the legend has it that any person who can attain this level would be nearly unstopable, its been named: level Z*

"As for the people, well there are those who also hate the emporer. He kills there faimilies and burns their villages. Should we help these people they may agree to assist us. I would like to have a good group with C's and B's, and some A's to lead them. I also hope that you could attain the rank of A (or a low S if your lucky) so you can be my right hand woman. So now that you know, let us start training." finished Anix

*Hitomi just stared at him the whole time while he answered her question taking in every word*
"All right sounds good...." said Hitomi

"so did you get all that?" asked Anix

"yupp i think so..." answered Hitomi "just don't make me repet it becasue i wont be able to say exactly what you want!"

"Well then, shall we start?" asked Anix

"All right..." answered Hitomi

Training time

*training level F* CARAVAN

*discription: a caravan carrying supplies to the emporer was sighted travling down the road. Anix decides this would be a good time to restock supplies......*

*events: Anix and Hitomi appeared, weapons at ready. The few men by the caravan were terrifide, and reluctantly drew their swords. Since Anix could tell these were level F fighters, Anix mainly stood by and allowed Hitomi to take care of them. Only helping where needed, the men soon feel and the mission was a success*

*Training level F* BYSTANDER

*Description~ A gang of men on the side of the street decided it would be fun to take on 2 people walking near by!*

*Events~ There was a group of about 20 people on the side of the road as Anix and Hitomi walked by.... Outta the blue they decided it would be fun to attack... noticing that they were there Hitomi reacted and pulled out her Swords.. and begane to defend her self... Anix just kinda stood near by and watched... Helping when need and stoping them from attacing him!*

*level F* 1st GRAD

*diescription* Anix and Hitomi walk into a bar to relax, but all was not well. A group of drunk soldiers approuched them. "Hey, beautiful" grinned the leader "whats a girl like you doing with this sword, you should leave the fighting to us soldiers" the leader was making a grab at hitomi when suddenly he flew across the room, and Anix, who had delivered the kick said "i thinks its time for us to leave. "Not so fast" said the leader "no one makes a fool of me in front of my men. Get em boys, oh and try to get the girl alive, i another form of punishment for her "

*objective* kill the leader of the soulders (Hitomi only, Anix must give minnimal assistence)

*Description~ Hitomi pulled out her sword and Slashed the first 2 guys in her way.. attemting to get to the leader... As she walked closer to him one by one she took on his men.. taking then down and making the space between the leader and herself samller and smaller. When she finaly reached him she pulled out her second sword... Attacking from the left and hitting his cheek.. Then quickly changing to the right and then from behind... Kicking him in the head... as he fell to the ground she said in a low voice...
"No man is Supperior to me...." then she walked bcak to Anix...
"Except for you.. becasue your well your you..." she wisperd making sure he knew that she didn't think she was better then him."


*discription. As a change, Anix was to test Hitomi's body. He set up what seemed to be an easy training course. Weights, swimming, track, ect. But what seemed normal was deciving. There were a seirs of events Hitomi would be graded on*

1. Lift 100lbs bar 1000 times, no stoping = Grade A- got to 990 before stoped

2. Run track 50 times cutting up all objects along the way and finish under 20 min = Grade A+ Finished with time of 17:33

3. Swim 500 laps in full armor and timed 25 min, no stopping = Grade B took
26 min, didn't stop

4. Hit tree with fist till it breaks = Grade B+ tree seriously damaged, didn't break

5. Sword play, hit Anix while Anix has one hand tied behind his back = Grade A- Grazed clothes, but never able to land a solid hit*

Continues right after training

*Hitomi stopped outta breath*
"... ok.... are done for today?" she asked "Cause man am i tired.... "*Yawns...*

"Ha Ha, by the time im done with you, youll be able to do all this without trying, but rest if you must." replyed Anix

*and it continued like this until Hitomi became an high level C*

Well done, youve come a long way" said Anix " now then i think its time 4 us to start our journy to collect volunteers."

*At that moment a masked figure droped through the trees*"im afraid Lord Haki wouldn't aprove of that" said the assasin, a level B. "Here you will die"

"Hitomi, if you truly want to show me your greatness, take care of him" commanded Anix "This scum should prove that you are a level B."

*Hitomi nodded her head and pulled out her sword...
running at the Assasin and slashing him... dodging his blows...
Hitomi fell to the ground.. and slashed the back of his knees, forcing him to the ground*

*'She's gotten better' anix thought to himself 'when i founder, the swords were more for decoration than fighting, but now............' the battle raged on*

*As the man stood up Hitomi stabbed her sword though his Torso and puled it out.. the blade dripping with blood*
"Still think I'm gonna die here or will it be you?" Hitomi asked
*She looked at the man curled over and holding his side stomace...
She then continued to ending his life buy stabbing him in the heart and leaving him to bleed to death*

"Very nice, but if you value your life" said Anix as he threw a dagger into the trees, which was followed by a grunt and a man with a bow and arrow falling through the floiage "then you'll never think that its ever just over. But thats good enough for now, you've become a full fledge B. We can now move, but we must be quick, these wont be the last we hear from Haki." *And with that they set off to the nearest town*

"Soo... what are we doing now?" asked Hitomi

"well trouble is bound to follow us right?" asked Anix

"Yeah pretty much... at least as far as i've seen it has" answered Hitomi as she had some flashbacks of some of the training

"Well we'll be getting more trouble from the emporer now." said Anix "and he isnt subtle about his attacks. Which ever city we go to, he'll surly send an army to destroy it."

"Ohh great... and can you remind me why i agreed to go with you?"
Hitomi asked as she continued down the street

"Before i do, let me finish" replyed Anix "when the army shows up, they won't just ask for us, they'll just attack the city and kill everyone. Its this time when we will rally what fighters the city has to offer and fight. When we win, we tell them our plan of fighting back, and with some luck they'll join us andour forces will build quickly."

"All right sounds fair enough... but what if a city/town has no fighters in high rankings... we don't really have time to train them all." said Hitomi

Anix replyed with a slight tint of evil in his voice "every army needs there cannon fodder^"

((^ cannon fodder = a large group of weak fighters, often thrown at the enemy in largy quantities, fatality rate high, but they often wear out the enemy))

"Okay... so how many people are we talking?" asked Hitomi

"Well we want a group that will be large enough to distract most of the emporers capital garrison while we go for the heart of the infistation, but small enough so that we aren't a big target as we move around. So around twenty should be fine." said Anix

"when you say "we" You mean me and you...? I mean the dudes like an S i wont be of any help." said Hitomi

"Don't worry, he wont send a fellow S, even ge doesnt control too many of those" Anix reasurred her "we'll have the men get the A's B's and C's and you and me will go for the leader."

"All right... Why would you take me? I mean I'm pretty sure that we'll run into some A''s and there better then me... also i tend to bring feelings into fights!" Hitomi said... bringing herself down, now feeling that she had no place at Anix's side.

"don't you think i've thought of that?" asked anix, cool and collected in the face of hitomi's breakdown "but you have one thing that they dont have: you have my trust"

Hitomi looked up at Anix, wondering if he truly ment it.
"And how did i manage to earn that? You seem like a guy who trust nobody."
She said ganing a little more confidence with Anix's words.

"I don't." replyed anix "but your different, you know my plan, almost near suicide, you have listened to my every command, went through my training, and yet your still here. And i trust that you'll be there when it counts."

"I plan to be anyway. Wait is that why you put me through all that training? Not just to for me to improve, but to see how far you could push me before i left?"
Hitomi said looking up.

"Its a trick i learned, you all ways push everything to the limit." explained Anix "i could have put you into an easy training, and you would still be good. But then how would i be sure you'd be there when it got hard?"

Hitomi said now loking down at the balde she heald in her hand.

"And thats why you have my trust" concluded Anix "well at least my physical trust"

"And there are how many types of trust?"
Hitomi asked now kind of confussed at Anix's words!

"Just two, but i trust that you'll be there to fight, not that theres a personal trust" explained Anix "after all, your still a stranger, remember?"

"Ohh right.... I guess thats true... so is this your way of asking me to tell you who I am?"
Hitomi asked.

"If thats what you think" replyed Anix "but we still have a days walk until we reach the first town."

"So does that mean you want me to tell you my story as we go? becasue to tell you the truth its not really all that interesting!" said Hitomi

"Like i said, its your choise" said Anix as he walked off "we better keep moving, i want to be in town before night."

*Hitomi runs to Catch up with Anix*
"Ok seeing as i have nothing better to do...
Well you know my name is Hitomi, I'm 16. I left home because my father, or more specifically, because I had to watch him die... I swore that I would take revenge on the man who killed him and that leads me up to my swords I took them from the man he had droped them so i took them with me. Then it leads to the fact that I couldn't fight only defend and I couldn't do that very well eaither, so i was pretty much screwd. Then theres you and you know the rest." explained Hitomi

"Who killed your father?" asked Hitomi

"I don't know his name... all I know is that he was wereing a black mask covering half his face! Its pretty stupid I'm trying to take revenge on a memory i don't even know the guys name." said Hitomi

"It is" assured Anix "you ran after a highly trained killer with some weak sword skills, no supplies, and no clue who you were chaseing."

"Ummm yeah pretty much, Wait you know him?" asked Hitomi who now had a hint of hope

"no, i do not, but i feel we will meet him in our journey" said Anix

"Oh great just what I need, I gave up looking fo him about a year ago. "
Hitomi sayed while she continued to walk beside Anix...
"so now that You know my story... tell me yours!"

"you don't need to know more than you already do" replyed Anix

"Okay, why wont you tell me? I trusted you enough to tell you..."
Hitomi said, stop dead in her tracks.
"Do you not truly believe that I will not leave?"

*Anix walked on* "no, i believe that you will not leave" he said

"Then why wont you tell me?"
Hitomi askd rushing to Anix's side.

"you said it yourself, your already over emotional already, so y should i give you more to worry about" asked Anix "just know that you can trust me, after all, i was right about you staying, wasn't i?"

"Yeah I guess you were but still... what if i promised not to let it bother me? No matter what it is." said Hitomi

"ha, i would say i dont trust you" replyed Anix

"Fine then be that way... Don't tell me about your past tell me about your self... like how old are you? Do you have any passions... besides fighting? Are you in love? I dunno Just anything to make this walk a little less boaring!" said Hitomi as she started complaining again.

Im 19" said Anix "and i know where to cut someones through so they cant ever speak again, but they'll live. Do you want to know more? "

"Ummm sure, why not unless you want me to shut up? So after all of this stuff is over will you tell me who you are?" asked Hitomi

"You ask alot of questions for a 16 year old." answered Anix "besides, we're her, now lets find an inn, we have at least a day before we're found."

"Yes I do ask a lot of questions, but what does age have to do with it? All right" Hitomi said after it was clear this wasn't getting any where "Looks around, geez its so peaceful and quite!"

"Yea, it happens around 11, its called sleeping, but now you woke every one up...." said Anix

"Hey i did not i was talking in a normal voice, like a normal human."
Hitomi said keeping her voice at a normal level!

"yea, thell them that" Anix replyied in his quiet voice "come'on, lets get some rest, we have work to do tomarrow"

*Hitomi followed Anix without a word*

*Anix and Hitomi walked into and inn. The maneger saw their weapons* "hey you, don't start no trouble, or else you'll have to answer to our champion, Kazi. He's a level A."

"A level A u say. Well, we'll make sure to remember that, right hitomi?" said Anix

"huh oh yeah..."
Hitomi said snapping out of daydreaming mode...

"Amature" muttered Anix "now as for rooms..... um well......"

"Well ummm... I guess we never thought about that did we?" asked Hitomi

"we only have enough for a one person bedroom" explained Anix

"Ummm.... well then I guess we could get a room and figure it out later, but its totaly up to you."
Hitomi said looking at Anix.

"Fine" said Anix as he turned to the maneger "we'll take one room"

*anix and Hitomi walk into the room to dicover that there is no privacy in there. There is just one room, and in this room was the bed, bathroom, and kitchen*

"Ummm all right life just doesn't wanna be easy! You can have the bed."
Hitomi said as she sat down on the couch in the room.

"Right now, its not the bed that im thinking about, but ok" said Anix

"If its not the bed you were thinking about then what was it?"
Hitomi asked...
"cause all i want to do is sleep."

"I ment how the hell are we gonna go to the bathroom, but thats for tomarrow" said Anix as he got into bed "just do me one favor..."

"yeah and that would be?"
Hitomi asked.

"If your gonna mastubate, do it quietly " said Anix as he drifted to sleep

*Hitomi just rolled over and fell asleep igroning Anix's comment... *


*Rolls over almost falling off the couch... but caches herself...*

"you should be careful" Anix called through the darkness

"Yeah... all right." Called back a sleepy Hitomi.


"Geez now i can't get back to sleep." she mummbled under her breath.

"Hey, wake up" Anix said as he appeared beside her

"I'm awake..." she mummbled as she pulled herself up.

"Really is that so?" Anix asked right before he threw a bucket of cold water on her

"Okay now I'm really awake... your such a jerk..." she said pushing him as she stood up.

"Oh, jerk am i? Well next time i won't tell you that the emporers army will be here in an hour. Next time this jerk will let you sleep as this place burns. Is that ok with you?" asked Anix "now hurry up, we have to find Kazi. He should be able to tell us who can fight."

"fine then..." said Hitomi
*Hitomi begins to moke him when he turns around, then she stuck her toung out..
But none the less she walked out of the room dripping water everywhere!*

"you'll dry off as we go, now lets move" said Anix as he ran out

"Ok i didn't expect you to give metime to dry off..."
Hitomi said grabbing her Katana's and running out after him!

"here, lets ask this man where he is. excuse me would you happen to know where Kazi would be?" asked Anix

"why yes, kazi took the village fighters out to the river for some training excercises" replyed the old man "thanks to things like that this town has remained peacful."

The River?! thats where.... we have to go hitomi, now! if now, they may all wind up dead" ordered Anix

"Geez..." Hitomi yelled as she ran out the door after Anix....
and chucking the keys to the room at the owner of the Inn...

"Don't you see, thats where the army is comming from." said Anix "If they meet, a battle will surly ensue"

"I know why were going... Its just that i just woke up!" said Hitomi

*Anix and Hitomi ran through the forest, looking for the training grounds. They both hoped that they would reach them before the army did. When they finnaly found the site, the were met with mountians of bodies, wearing both uniforms and civilian clothes*

"Its already happened, we're too late." said Anix

Hitomi looked at all the bodies... then she looked at Anix...
"So what do we do now?" she asked

*Before Anis could reply a small group of men protecting one who was severly cut up, appeared.*
"Oh no, they're back, every one get ready, we must protect Kazi" commanded one of the six men who were there

"Kazi?" asked Anix "Wait, hold, im am not your enemy"

"Yeah we came to help..."
Hitomi said to the men!

"No, your with the army!" said the man

"Wait!" yelled the ingered man who as being protected "They are not dressed in uniform, that means that whoever they are the aren't with the army. Now tell me who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is Anix" replyed Anix

Hitomi just looked at the man,
'Geez it took them that long to figure that out?' She thought.

"But this is not the time for introductions" explained Anix "as we speak an army marches toward your town. I ask all who can fight to join me in repelling this threat"

"But" another of the six still standing "their leader is a level A who was able to beat Kazi! The rest of us are 2 B's and 4 C's, how can we win?"

*Hitomi giggled..*

"I honestly don't think that will be a problem."
Hitomi said while looking at the remaining men.

"Oh, and why is that?" asked one of the men

"Why don't you tell them Hitomi, tell them why we can win" said Anix

"well You see... Anix is a level S and I'm a B so if you guys help we can get rid of them in no time!"
She said with a smile.

"No...way... a level S?!" remarked one of the level C's "What are you doing here?"

"I'll explain later" replyed Anix "for now, i ask that all those who can fight to come with me."

"But what about Kazi?" asked a B

"What about me?" asked the wounded Kazi "I may be wounded, but im still the leader dammit! No file up, we're gonna go with this S back to the village, is that understood?!"

"SIR, YES, SIR" yelled the men

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 01:24am
it took me a while, but its pretty good xd

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 02:39am
takes a LONG time for me to read it but it was awesomely great!!!!!!! luv ya sista

Community Member
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