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Basically, it goes like this...
So, i want to post some stories up. some of them are my friends, but some of them are mine.

Oh, Maittus, she’s beautiful.”
Ameila’s voice flooded the small cavern as she gushed over her new baby girl. The small whelp, the first born in her litter and only survivor, was given the name Satis, meaning ‘enough.’ She, though the only one born, gave more than enough happiness to the young couple. Maittus and Ameila, both only a year and a half years old, conceived and gave birth to only one small pup – no others even formed in the young dame’s stomach. So, not only were they happy they had mated and created a family, they were even happier they lost none during the birth. And Satis was a strong girl: not only was she alive, but she was strong. The proud parents, though overwhelmed with happiness, knew how foolish they were for having conceived so young. Their attention turned solely on Satis, and the young girl grew up splendidly. She was treated like a queen. The small family lived together alone, away from pack life. Maittus and Ameila never told Satis why they did not live in a pack, but the true story is that they were banished for mating at their age. They, however, told their daughter they never enjoyed pack life and hadn’t since they were children. Little did Satis realize, however, was that her parents, though parents, were really still children themselves.
Almost her whole first year went by. She was a typical youth: spunky, filled with life and happiness, and always bouncing around. No one could possibly assume that she would turn out as she does. But, at ten months of age, she walked into her parents speaking to an elder looking wolf. She had never seen him before, and her parents never spoke of any outside wolf, so she, of course, was curious and confused. Her parents, though, quickly shooed her away, telling her to go play. She, as ADD as a pup usually is, put it out of her mind and went to play. As she was frolicking in the river nearby, her parents were given an ultimatum. The elder wolf was the Alpha’s advisor. He was giving Maittus and Ameila an opportunity to rejoin the pack on the basis that Satis is given as the future mate of Khrie, the Alpha’s eldest son. He was a full year older than Satis and Maittus and Ameila knew him from when they still remained in the pack. He was not a nice pup, and had turned out into not a nice adult. But they missed their old pack and all their close friends, so they agreed. Her fate was sealed and the family rejoined the Coigen Pack.
At a year old – or two months later – Satis was introduced for the first time to Khrie, her future mate. The two, regardless of her happy-going nature and his constant scorn, hit it off immediately. They became fast friends and even found themselves falling in love with one another. This whole process only took a month. And in the month Satis was not at home – for she was living in a special chamber of the Alpha family’s den – Maittus and Ameila mated once again. Their second litter produced three youths: Daille, a gentleman in a black and white tuxedo, the perfect ladies’ man, Noiv, a delicate and graceful little girl of purest white, and Hotha, a carefree, relaxed, ginger-coloured male. All three of the children were perfect and flawless and Maittus and Ameila found themselves head over heels for their three new children. Within the few months after Satis met Khrie, they discovered their personalities clashing more and more. They became rather evil to one another, and Khrie, returning to his sneering ways, had jumped Satis to attack her on more than one occasion. She had approached the Alpha, Khrie’s father, telling him that the two refused to be mates, and if that means being banished from the pack, she was willing to take it. The Alpha told her he understood. Satis was not the first potential bride for Khrie, and each situation was the same. The first month was perfect; and then everything fell downhill. So she was spared and she returned home.
However, at returning home, she found herself with three new siblings and two distant parents. And things did not get better. She became the omega of the family, often being shunned and dismissed for trying to gain too much attention from the pups – even though she only tried to have a decent conversation with her parents. She was a year and a half years old; her parents at a fully grown adult three years. She, however, refused to be dismissed and so went out on her own. During her six months with Khrie, she made many friends with the highly ranked members of Coigen. She approached one of her closer friends and requested to be trained. She hoped her efforts would call her parents back to her. But her tasks went unnoticed. She started by bringing home food: it started with rabbits, and then moved up to the sick, wounded, or young deer. But each time her parents noticed she brought home food, it was taken from her without a “thank you” and fed in large portions to Daille, Noiv, and Hotha. She was often left with the bones and marrow from her kills, and only that. She was growled at if she tried to take anything else. So she trained harder. She soon brought home full grown bucks, large and with far more meat than possible. But her efforts were still futile. Maittus and Ameila would not even thank her for the food.
Satis was becoming, at this point, a pretty bitchy wolf. Her life went from perfect to the scum of the family, and she was not happy. Since the good things, like hunting and helping her siblings, did not satisfy her parents, she turned to more extravagant measures. She strengthened her body and spent time meditating and concentrating on manoeuvres, and soon began challenging many pack members to fights, hoping a victory streak would impress her parents. When winning each challenger she faced did nothing to faze her parents, winning a spar was not enough. She became dark and deep, feeding more and more off evil longings. Her sparring turned into death matches, with her kill-count at double-digit numbers. But still, her parents only gave her negative feedback. When her challenge was sent out to Khrie for the Alphaship (as his father had recently passed on and he had taken leadership), he accepted and her parents finally turned to her. They begged her to step down, for them. They apologized profusely, promised her they wouldn’t leave her side, and tried all they could. But Satis was no longer content with her parents’ dedication. Her hatred had consumed her and she no longer fought for their approval. She fought for the power, for the strength. She only wished to kill. It was all her drive.
Her fight with Khrie was scheduled for a death match. It was a long, tiring battle for Khrie was taught by the best. However, it was Satis that had Khrie pinned at the end, with her jaws parted to snap his jugular. It was here, however, he chose to whisper in her ear, “You were my favourite.” She realized, then, that she had turned out exactly as she hoped she never would. It was too late, though, and Satis knew she never would return. Her parents, however, only saw her step down from the match, apologize to Khrie, and turn to them with a smile. They believed she had finally changed and became their wonderful girl once more. Khrie continued as Alpha, and Satis went to return to her family’s den.
At two and a half years of age, Satis was living peacefully with her family. She had mastered the outer happiness, though within she was never satisfied. She was never happy. Her hatred was always enforced on her three younger siblings. With her parents watching, and even without, she was always the sweetest thing to them. However, she was continuously plotting on how to get rid of them for good. She only managed to succeed with the middle child and only female, Noiv. The token guy-magnet, the blue-eyed, blonde-haired female was only a year and a half, but had been approached time and time again to be mated. In fact, if it wasn’t for her parents telling her about their mating at a year and a half, she too would have conceived and born children this young. But Noiv looked up to her older sister greatly, and admired her for all her strength. Often, Noiv would secretly follow Satis to watch her, study her, be like her. In every one of those situations, Satis would catch her younger sister. So Satis developed a plan. She soon began taking her sister with her, voluntarily. Noiv gladly followed. Satis, here, would teach Noiv things about the world – things like hunting, sparring, respect issues, and even how to use healing herbs. Noiv took it all in like a sponge.
It was on one certain lesson that Satis took action. The lesson was fishing. After showing Noiv what to do, Satis stepped back to let the younger female try. While leaning over the stream, Satis pushed Noiv into the water. She started flowing downstream, and Satis followed on the shore beside it, just to make sure Noiv did not get out alive. The river ended in a waterfall, and Noiv did not survive the fall. With her mangled body, Satis returned home. She explained to Maittus and Ameila what happened, how she fell, and how Satis tried to save her. The parents and brothers grieved for Noiv, and she was gone. While plotting how to deal with her brothers, fate took a turn for the worse – or, at least, what was worse for Satis. A male fell in love with her. By this time she was three years of age, and had grown into quite a beauty. This male, by the name of Patue, would give her anything she wished and tried as hard as he could to get her to like him. She, however, had no care for the male. He was Beta, the son of the previous Beta pair, and the best friend of Khrie. Khrie was all for their mating and held no grudge against Satis for their relationship. When Satis refused Patue, however, Khrie became angry. He told her to mate with him, or else she would have to spar with Khrie – whom had become even stronger and more powerful, and Satis knew she could not beat him again – or run away, leaving Coigen forever.
Satis chose to leave. And within her few months of travelling, Patue was only the first of many bachelors taking an interest in Satis. Her beauty began to shine, and Satis took it all in. She began to swim in all the appraisal and she found herself enjoying making many of the males feel like they are loved only to be shut down soon after. Her greatest thrill was making them hurt. She had always been a beautiful wolf, and this attention only increased her ego. She became cocky, having fun with everyone who walks by, if they are of the masculine gender. Females became a threat – they may take away her fun. And it was with this mindset she moved on from her most recent home.
And after that, she came to Taiyae. The first wolf she met was Anthem, who allowed Satis to join her Ankhame Band. But soon after she found out that Anthem had been killed, and it was then she met Sprite. After discovering the truth about Sprite and Ant's relationship, Satis swore off pack life to follow a Rogue's life with Sprite. She had fallen for him - hard.
But things can't all be good, and soon she was forced away. After a year, she had learnt to push away her usual evil ways and discovered in whom she had modeled her new, better lifestye - Sprite. She missed him terribly, and it was with that store of emotion and wanting to be with him, Satis left the home she had created by way of a Rogue and travelled back to the lovely valley, of which she truly considered her home. Once she returned, it took her much shorter amount of time to meet her love than she had thought. And now, she's with him, living a sweet and peiceful life.

NOTE: This is sort of a summary.

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