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These journals are backwards, so if you want to read the story start to finish, go to the Archive and start at the bottom!
Part II: Chapter 1
::By the late afternoon, they finally reached the edge of the trees where the forest parted to make way for a deep valley in which was built the elvish city of Velnarre. As they moved down the path to the city, a young elf girl ran up to them, a broad smile on her face. She looked up at Kari:: Valkrie!!!

::Kari came to a stop and smiled down at the girl:: Terah!

::The brown-haired amber-eyed elf courtseyed before continuing:: Milady will be most pleased at your prescence!

::Kari grinned with kind eyes:: Make haste to her, then, and tell her of our coming. ::The girl nodded, bowed again, and ran off::

*Sane smiles at the site which beholds him. He could tell he was going to like this place.* Kari... She called you Valkrie... is that your elven name? *Sane raises his eyebrow and puts his bottom lip a bit foward in a questioning look.*

::Kari looked to him, her eyes still soft and slightly glowing. She was home again at last...:: Yes, Valkrie is my true Elvish name. I use Kari when I travel. ::As they moved down the path into the city, many of the Elves waved or bowed or courtseyed to Kari as they passed through. When they reached the Great Hall, the largest and most beautiful building in Velnarre, right next to the large waterfall that defined the valley, two young elves awaited to take the travelers' horses to the stables. Kari dismounted and patted her black stallion's neck before allowing him to be led away. She looked up at the grand building, her eyes alight:: This is the Great House of the Lord Celdir and the Lady Remeli...

*Sane stair in complete disbelief... It was the most beatiful city he has ever seen. He smiles and jumps off his horse giving it a pat on the head and giving it to the elves. He looks at the house which Kari was talking about. It was an amazing sight... really great.* Gosh this is just like the books I used to read as a small boy... It looks just like the pictures... I guess we made it without any real troubles.

::Kari shook her head, still gazing at the beaty of the city:: No...drawings do it no justice...

::Just then, a woman in a long, elegant blue dress appeared on the steps. A blue and silver wreath accented her long, wavy blonde hair. She and Kari ran to one another and embraced happily. They parted and the woman placed a gentle hand on Kari's cheek:: Oh, my dear cousin... We've all missed you so much!

::Kari grinned:: And I, you, dear Remeli! You've fared well, I hope?

::The blonde elf nodded:: We have, but come. There is time later for light words. You must come see everyone! ::Her bright blue eyes fell on Sane. She lowered her voice, speaking slyly to Kari:: Oh, Val! He's a cute one! It's about time you found yourself someone to settle down with.

::Kari cut her off, blushing:: No, Remi, it's nothing like that! Sane is just traveling with me... ::She looked back to him with a nervous smile, trying her best to keep her true feelings from showing in her eyes::

*Sane giggles at Kari's objection and winks at Kari, yet he feels a small pain in his heart. He shrugs it off and takes a short bow.* Lady Remeli, it is an honor to meet you. It was my pleasure to acompany your cousin on her journey here... *Sane looks at his feet and smiles... He felt kind of shy not really knowing what to say.*

::Remeli gave Kari another sly glance before smiling and nodding to Sane with a small courtsey:: Grace be with you, kind sir. Well, I will let you show him the city then, Valkrie. But we expect you to return at dusk. A great feast shall be held this night, honoring the return of Velnarre's greatest warrior! Welcome home, Val... ::She moved off back into the house and Kari turned around to look out over the city below::

*Sane smiles before he turns around looking at the city along with Kari.* The greatest warrior in Velnarre... *Sane looks over at Kari and smiles at her.* So is this where you were raised? I think it's positively the greatest city I have seen with my own eyes.

::Kari's eyes scanned the sights below:: From the time they exiled me from the village in which I was born, I've lived here. So you could say I grew up here...

*Sane looks at his feet... He looks over an Kari and than the city.* I didn't mean to bring it up... How about we just focus on touring this place... I wanna see all of it! *Sane laughs.*

::Kari laughed and smiled over at him, a glint of gold in her emerald eyes:: Alright, let's go! ::She led him through the city, introducing him to people and showing him around. She ended the tour at the falls, just as the sun was setting on the horizon:: And these are the great Ivelith Falls. This water is the lifeline of the entire valley... ::She sat down on the grass at the edge of the water:: I used to come here when I was young...just to sit and think...to be alone...

*Sane smiles. And looks at the waterfall, it was pretty peaceful, he could probably sit and think here as well. He looks over at Karis and scratches his head.* That was great Kari, I've never seen such beautiful buildings and the people... They were so nice. It's the greatest place I have been to... *Sane grins like a school kid and sits down next to Kari.*

::Before Kari could reply, Terah appeared behind them and spoke in a quiet voice:: Milady Vallirre?

::Kari turned to the girl:: Terah...what is it, child?

::The elf girl smiled:: My mistress requests your presence in her chambers. She said for your company to join you.

::Kari stood:: Alright, we come. ::she looked to Sane:: Come on...

::They followed Terah back to the Great Hall and to Remeli's chambers. The empress greeted them with smiles. She gestured to a door that attatched another room to this one and spoke to Sane:: Please, good sir. My husband awaits you.

*Sane nods and goes up to the door opening it. He steps into what seems to be a study in an elven carved chair sits a man with gray eyes. He seems young and smiles as Sane walks in. Sane stops and bows.*

Lord Celdir... A pleasure to meet you.

*Celdir smiles and motions for Sane to sit in a chair which he does. Sane smiles and opesn his mouth to speak but Celdir raises his hand as if to stop Sane.*

Celdir, " Sane... My wife told me of your coming... I thank you for going with Vallirre on here journey here. "

*Sane smiles* I hope she told you good things my lord...

*Celdir nods.* Yes they were good... but however she todl me of your mishap... I believe that you are in need of proper clothes for tonights feast are you not?

*Sane looks at his worn down clothes which he had on his back for gods knows how long now. He nods* I guess so my Lord. But I have no money to afford them.

*Celdir laughs* No need for money My Dear Boy I'll be more than happy to get some new clothes for you...

*Sane nods and smiles* I thank you with all my heart My Lord...

::Remeli closed the door between the joined rooms and turned back to Kari:: Now, I know you prefer your own clothes, but tonight is a special occasion. You must be dressed appropriately!

::Kari grinned:: And what do you have in mind?

::The empress's smile broadened:: I feared you'd never ask. ::She moved over to her bed and picked up a strapless crimson dress with a slit down each side from the hip down. Kari moved to her cousin, her eyes fixed on the dress. Remeli smiled:: Do you like it?

::Kari nodded, nearly breathless:: It's beautiful!

Well, go on! Put it on! ::Kari disappeared behind a changing screen with the dress and changed carefully into it. She emerged to face her cousin, a bit of a blush on her face. Remeli noticed the blush:: What's wrong?

::Kari fidgeted a bit:: It's just...a bit more revealing than I'm used to, that's all...

::Remi smiled:: Well, of course it is! You wear a man's cloth, for heavens sake!

::Kari laughed and found that she soon became comfortable in it. Her cousin also presented her with an intricate silver choker, armbands, bracelets, earrings, ankle bands, and a spectacular silver headpiece that wound through her head and draped gracefully across her forehead. She wore no shoes, as was custom. Looking over herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe the drastic change from her usual garb to this. Remeli stood behind her, a soft smile on her face:: How do you feel?

Nervous, to be honest...

::Remi placed her hands gently on Kari's shoulders:: Your people love you, Valkrie...

::Kari lowered her eyes:: They are your people, Remeli...not mine...

*Inside the study Lord Celdir pulls out a pair of black pants which fit tightly against the skin, a pair of black boots which use buckles to hold them in place on your feet, a fine red shirt and a black satin tunic. Sane looks at these and backs aways a bit*

My lord, I don't think I can take these...

*Celdir laughs and smiles.* But you must dear Sane you are my guest and these are the clothes I want you to wear... I will not take no for an awnser.

*Sane nods and goes behind a screen to put on these garbs. He walks out the black pants clinging to his muscular legs showing off their build his shirt tucked in and his tunic fit him just right. He buckles up the boots and stands smiling.*

Lord Celdir: So Sane, how do you like these clothes?

*Sane grins happily.* They are the finest clothing I have seen in my life.

*Lord Celdir laughs* Yet that is not all Sane... Men are expected to wear a dagger on there belt... I must ask do you have a dagger of your own?

*Sane nods and goes over to were he dumped his clothes pulling out a black dress dagger which his father gave to him as a small boy. It had silver studs on the handle and the Drewful Family crest, A Unicorn was etched into the blade. Sane puts this on his belt and stand looking into the mirror... With his hair combed he looked like a civilized person once more.* I thank you Lord Celdir...

Lord Celdir: Don't thank me Sane... It's the least I could do... Now what do you say we head for the feast?

::Kari turned around to face her cousin, smiling:: Should we go then?

::Remeli looked surprised:: This soon? ::She grinned slyly:: No, we two will be the last to arrive. It should only be a few more minutes. In the meantime, would you help me with my hair?

::Kari nodded and picked up a fine ebony comb, pulling it through her cousin's perfect blonde hair. She put a few braids in it and pulled a section of the silky locks back around her head, winding them into a beautiful bun at the back. Kari then carefully placed the blue and silver wreath back in Remeli's hair. When she was done, the empress looked magnificent. Remi stood and smiled:: Stay here, I shall go see if everyone has arrived yet. ::She disappeared into the hallway while Kari ran the comb thoughtfully through her own hair::

*Sane gets ready to go back into the room but Celdir stops him.* Hold your horses young man... Don't rush, just take it slow... We shall be on our way in a bit... Now please excuse me while I change...

*Sane nods and looks through the books on the shelves. He smiles at how clean and neat they are all in order.*

::Remeli returns, a broad smile on her face. Kari looks up:: And?

::The empress moves toward the door to the study:: All the guests have arrived. I'm going to go check on our escorts... ::Kari starts to protest, but her cousin has already disappeared into the room, closing the door behind her. She looks at the two men, not bothering with the fact that her husband was in the middle of dressing:: How is it coming?

*Her husband pokes his head out from behind the screen and smiles.* Well my love Sane has finished dressing and so have I. *Celdir steps out from behind the screen in a white outfit. He smiles and gives his wife a kiss on the cheek.* I guess we shall go now... What do you think Sane are you ready?

*Sane nods his head.* Yes My Lord... a little quesy... But I shall be fine...

::Remeli grins:: Excellent! Then Valkrie and I shall meet you both downstairs momentarily! ::She kissed Celdir and disappeared back into the bedroom. Kari stood on her entry and awaited the news. The empress's eyes were gleaming:: We wait only a moment for them to get downstairs. Then we make our entrance after they have been announced and introduced.

::Kari smirked amusedly:: You haven't changed a bit. Still keeping to your father's customs I see.

::Remi nodded:: They are the ways most recognized by our people. Besides, I would not know what to change them to! ::The two women laughed::

*Celdir opens another door in the study which leads down a set of stairs.*

If we take these and go down the hall we shall reach the dining area Sane.

*Sane raises an eyebrow* What of Lady Remeri and Kar... I mean Vallirre?

*Celdir smiles and pats Sanes back as they move down the stairs and into the hallway.* Don't worry they shall come after we are announced. *Celdir walks up to two doors which are opened by two elves. When the door opens Sane beholds a wonderful diningroom fillled with guests and food... All of the chairs are taken except four by the center of the table.*

Elf: You attention please... Guests Lord Celdir is within our precense with his honorary guest Sane.

*All the elves rise as Sane and Celdir walk into the room and go to sit. As they sit so does everyone else.*

Celdir: Don't worry Sane she'll be here shortly...

*Sane blushes a bit and tries to look away.*

::Remeli looks to Kari:: Ready? ::Kari nods and the two women proceed down the hall and the stairs. The doors are opened for them and the warm light of the dining hall floods over them. As they descend down the smaller stairs onto the main floor, they are announced by the herald:: May I present the Lady Remeri and the Lady Valkrie. ::Everyone stood, as they had for Celdir and Sane. Kari's eyes searched out Sane and she felt a blush graze her cheeks a moment before she turned her gaze away. After taking their places at the table, a hush fell over the crowd as they awaited their Lord's toast to begin the feast::

*Lord Celdir stands up and raises his cup.* I was going to say a piece on how lovely you all look this evening but I have decided to give a toast to our two honarary Guests this evening. Lady Valkrie who surpasses everyones beauty save that of my wife... *The crowd chuckles a bit* And to Lord Sane who accompanied our beautiful flower on her journey home. *He tips up his glass and takes a drink signalling the begining of teh feast as everyone else drinks too. We hear a clamor of people and voices. Sane turns to Kari and smiles.*

That dress... it looks wonderful on you Kari...

::Kari blushes a bit and looks at his new outfit:: You look rather stunning as well, my dear Sane...

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