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These journals are backwards, so if you want to read the story start to finish, go to the Archive and start at the bottom!
Part II: Chapter 4
*Sane catches her as she falls and takes her into his arms. He looks around trying to see which way the town was. He trusted his memory and began to run towards the town not even stopping to catch his breath the adrenalin pumping in his blood. He finaly reaches town adn stops by the nearest house setting Kari down and knocking on the door. THe door is opened by an older looking Elf who has a grin on his face.* Sir... you... must... help... Kari... *Sane stammers this as the Elf's mouth fall open upon seeing Kari injured. He lets them in a motions for Sane to set Kari on the bed in the corner of the house.*

Elf: What happened to her?!

Sane: Ferus... Ferus attacked me... she took the hit for me... I don't understand...

*The elf nods and goes over to a chest opening it and taking out a small flask.*

Elf: These are the tears of a pheonix... they will heal her wounds. It was your fault she ended up like this... You must be the one to give it to her... make her drink it.

*Sane takes the vial and opens Kari's mouth giving her a sip of the substance.*

::The liquid seeps down Kari's throat and after a long moment, she opens her eyes slowly. Her vision was blurry, but as it cleared, she could make out Sane's figure near her. She looked to him and managed a weak smile:: Sane... ::She let out a surprised gasp of pain and gritted her teeth as the liquid began taking its full effect. She bit her tongue as her flesh mended itself, sending a searing pain through her body. Once all her wounds were healed, she let out a choked cough and started trying to sit up, the defiant gleam back in her eyes::

*Sane shakes his head.* You should rest Kari... *Sane looks at the ground.* You should have let him attack me... now look what happened all this trouble... I didn't know if you were going to make it... *Sane looks into Kari's eyes and forces a smile... Why had she put her life on the line for him?*

::Lying back, she reaches a hand up to gently touch his cheek:: You worry too much...

::The elderly Elf spoke up, kneeling beside Kari:: Milady! Why on Earth would Ferus attack you?

::She turned to him, her expression saddening:: Jealousy, I believe... I think the demon inside him finally surfaced...

::He exhaled loudly:: Well, that much can be confirmed later. How do you fare now, Milady?

::Feeling a bit better, she sat up and placed her feet on the floor, sitting upright:: Well enough, good Sir... You have my deepest thanks for your help. ::She stood and closed her eyes, her knives appearing in her hands after a quick gleam of light in each palm. She sheathed them and turned to the elderly Elf, removing the golden wreath from her head. She placed it in the old man's hands, a soft smile on her face:: For your kindness... ::He stood there, shocked. Such a gift was generous beyond compare. Kari made her exit, moving out the door of the house::

*Sane followed her out of the house and grabbed her by the shoulders turning him towards her and planted his lips on hers kissing her passionately. After what seems an eternity he pulls away.* Kari... you had me scared to death... *Sane grabs hold of her hand and kisses it softly placing it on his cheek a tear of hapiness sliding down his cheek.* I was afraid to lose you...

::Kari was caught a bit offguard by the kiss, but accepted it willingly, returning his fervor. Her gaze fell to the tear on his cheek and she gently brushed it away with her thumb:: It was worth it... he would have killed you...

*Sane shakes his head.* Nothing is worth you dieing... I would have willingly given up my life just so that you would live... *Sane looks at the ground and kicks up a rock.* Ferus... that b*****d... what did you do to him... He fell like a ton of bricks...

::She turned, took his hand, and started walking again as she replied:: Just a simple spell. He's only unconscious. While we rolled, I managed to touch his temples and mutter a short incantation. It will wear off in a few hours. ::There was a silent moment, but then she spoke again, pointing to a small stable. A woman out front waved to Kari:: That is Eleni, a good friend of mine. She will lend us horses. I fear I am too weak to make it all the way back on foot. ::They approached the Elf woman and Kari embraced her::

Eleni: Valkrie! It's so good to see you!

Kari: And you, my friend... I wondered if we could borrow two steeds from you, just for the day?

Eleni: Of course! Take those two there. ::She pointed to two white stallions, and then eyed Sane:: I hope your escort knows how to ride bareback...

::Kari smiled, taking up the horses halters:: I'm sure he'll manage just as well. ::She held out one lead to Sane and thanked Eleni before mounting::

*Sane takes the stead and mounts it by jumping on its back. He smiles and winks.* I rode bare back a bit in my days as a child... I should be able to do this well enough. *Sane looks at the horse patting its neck.* Off we go than I guess... *Sane kicks his stead into a trot.*

::Kari leaned forward and spoke softly into the horse's ear:: Norheirrim mahsunaieth... ::The stallion whinnied softly in response and took off after Sane. They reached the falls in about an hour and came to a stop. Kari dismounted and patted the horse's neck, speaking gently to him in Elvish once more. After a moment, the steed took off back in the direction of Eleni's stable. Kari turned and moved out onto the bridge that crossed the river very close to the falls, humming softly::

*Sane followed behind her taking her hand in his.* Kari... I want to ask you something... What did Ferus mean when he said you were promised to him? *Sane looks at the ground as he speaks this.*

::Kari stopped humming when he asked, her own eyes falling to the ground. Her hand slipped from his and she crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself somewhat. Her eyes dimmed:: ...When I first came to Velnarre, I was very young... Remeli's father, Gerili, took me in, since I had no parents or known relatives... Soon after, I started my training with Ferus. Ferus's father, Terim, demanded that Lord Gerili promised me to his only son. Such would prevent Ferus from worrying about courting, and as his wife, I would not be any threat to him when the time came for a leading warrior to step up. As his wife, he could have control over me and keep me from being seen in battle, and therefor he would claim the status of the Guardian of Velnarre... When the Daemons attacked, both Terim and Lord Gerili fell at the hands of the monsters. When confronted, Ferus turned tail and ran. I stayed and held my ground. I suppose he was still hoping that he could claim the status given me after the battle. He could still marry me and take over my position, shutting me away from everyone to keep me from the position appointed me... When he saw you, I think he realized that I wouldn't give in to such conniving treatury...

*Sane's eyes widen as he hears this tale.* How can you run when a village is in trouble? I would have lost my life rather than have ran away... Yet a coward shall be a coward. *Sane smiles.* I'm just glad you are okay... But worried at what Ferus might do when he wakes up...

::Kari shook her head:: No... I saw him at the banquet. He saw us dance. I think today he just lost his head. In his right mind, he'd be far too afraid to confront me. He knows I am more skilled than he is with blades... though things may have changed... That spell... it was one of the hardest that Lord Gerili taught us, and Ferus never mastered it... but today, he performed it with no effort whatsoever... I fear he may have become much stronger...

*Sane looks surprised.* Rage makes us do things in a bit of a more clearer way... it makes us concentrate on what we want to do... but if you say he has gotten better we are all in trouble. *Sane looks at Kari.*

::Kari turned back to him:: Yes, I suppose. But we should be wary nonetheless. I've known Ferus for a very long time. He doesn't often give up on something he wants. He is tricky. He will try to use his conniving ways to get at us and drive us apart. We must be on guard against his falacies.

*Sane nods.* I don't think the gods can drive me away from you... *Sane smiles once more and hugs Kari* Im sorry I'm just still glad you are okay...

::She smiles, melting into his arms. After a moment of silent thought, she speaks:: Sane... could we stay here a while? Here in Velnarre, I mean... It's been so long... and this is the only place I can really call home...

*Sane looks into her eyes and swallows.* Yes... but of course... I was hoping to stay a while after all like you said it is you home. *Sane smiles and holds Kari to him.*

::Terah appeared behind them and spoke softly from the riverbank:: Milady Valkrie... will you be returning to the Hall soon?

::Kari turned to face the young elf maiden:: Yes, we shall.

Terah: Would you have me bring up some food to your room then?

::Kari nodded:: Yes, that would be fine. Thank you Terah. ::The girl bowed and moved off back up the hill toward the Great Hall. Kari looked back to Sane:: Come. Night is close at hand. We should retire.

*Sane nods and follows her once more. It seemed like he was always following her... Maybe he needed that because all his life he had been alone.* Sleep... something we all need after this hectic day *Sane yawns*

::They made their way up to the private wing of the Hall and into their room where a small table of food had been set out for them with two chairs. Kari sighed wearily and sat down, beginning to eat. She ended up not eating much, and stood soon after, wiping her mouth with a white cloth napkin. She moved behind the screen and changed into the nightgown once more while Sane ate. Moving back into view, she carefully removed her jewelry and placed it on a bedside table, hanging the dress over the screen::

*Sane takes off his shirt and pants putting on his nitewear (i so just made up a word lol) and stretched a bit. He smiles and goes over to Kari giving her a soft kiss and smiling.* I guess we should better turn in for the day...

::Kari smiles and kisses him back, then moves over to a silver basin filled with what looks like water. She cups some into her hands and drinks it. The half-elf maiden dries her hands on a silk towel, her mouth now freshened by the strange clear liquid. She moves back to Sane and gestures toward the basin:: Fresh water, if you like, my love. ::Just then, a soft knock came from the door. Kari moved to it and opened it::

::Terah stepped into the room, acompanied by two other young Elven maids who gathered up the remainder of the food and wisked it away. Terah stayed a moment and spoke with Kari, a bit of a worried expression on her face:: Milady...I heard disturbing news... ::She was obviously hesitant to, but the girl continued:: I heard you were attacked...in the Marketplace this afternoon...

::Kari smiled kindly in reassurance to the girl:: Be at peace, young one. I am fine. It was a brash move of a man out of his normal mindset.

Terah: I heard Ferus attacked you... I heard you were wounded...

Kari: Yes, both are true. Though have wounds ever hindered me before?

::Terah grinned:: No, of course not, Milady. ::She bowed and was about to leave when she turned back to Kari:: Milady? None of the Blademasters will have me as their apprentice... They say I am too young... they mock my gender and assume me weak. I know I am far too bold to even consider asking, Milady, but I must... Would you teach me to fight? At least until you leave again?

::Kari smiled and placed her hands gently on the girl's shoulders:: I would be happy to. ::The girl became suddenly flustered with excitement, and Kari continued to calm her somewhat:: But Terah, know that I do not take pupils lightly. My training will not be easy. I will push you to your every limit.

::Terah nodded:: Yes, Sensei. I will work as hard as you require.

::Kari grinned:: Very well, meet me tomorrow at quarter sun in the East Temple.

::Another eager nod from the girl:: Yes, Sensei. ::She moved off quickly, closing the door behind her. Kari turned back to Sane, shaking her head amusedly:: That poor girl doesn't know what she's in for... But I think she might just have what it takes...

*Sane winks* I'm sure she can handle it... We all have our tribulations in life this is going to be hers... *Sane moves over to the basin and cups his hands drinking to cool liquid. He smiles and turns to Kari.* I don't get why no one will take on a girl as an aprentice... She's young I can see but the younger you are them more you learn... *Sane goes over and gives Kari a hug.* She was right to be worried about you though Kari... We almost lost you today... *Sane gives her a kiss* Nevermind that you too have a long day on the morrow and you should rest up... *Sane yawns* And so should I...

::Kari smiled and nodded, moving over to the bed and climbing under the covers. It didn't take her long to fall asleep::

*Sane climbs in next to her and closes his eyes. He sighs kisses Kari's forehead and smiles as he closes his eyes and drifts off into a world of dreams.*

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