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View User's Journal

These journals are backwards, so if you want to read the story start to finish, go to the Archive and start at the bottom!
Part II: Chapter 6
::A few minutes later, Kari stood in the hot spring and stepped out, wrapping a thin white bathrobe about her. She turned back to Sane, having sensed his unrest, and spoke quietly:: Sane... I'm Elvish.... and I can sense that there's something wrong... please... tell me...

*Sane steps out of the pool and shakes his head.* Nothing Kari... It's okay, just somethings that I was thinking about. Nothing too important... *Sane forces a smile and give Kari a hug.* No worries... Trust me.

::Kari knew he was lying, but decided she was best to let it be. It seemed he didn't wish to talk about whatever was bothering him, so she left it to his mind alone. A few minutes later, they had returned to their room to change into fresh clothes, set out for them once more. Kari dressed first, emerging from behind the screen in a flowing crimson skirt with slits on each side up to the hip, along with a matching red strapless top that cut off a bit below the bust and showed off her abs. The gold jewelry that she had been given before had been exchanged for silver. The gold wreath had been replaced by an intricate silver band with numerous winding pieces. All the cuffs had been exchanged for silver ones that wound up her arms in extravagant Elvish patterns. Her necklace closely matched the headpiece, and fit about her neck, with a few pieces winding down across the bare upper parts of her chest around her collarbones and such. She smiled to him:: Your turn!

*Sane steps behind the screen and begins to change. After a few minutes he steps back from behind it wearing a white long sleeved loose shirt which buttoned up to what looks like a chinese collar. On top of that he had a black vest with gold embroidery on the back. His pants were loose around the thighs but than contracted and were tight around his claves. He smiles and looks at his feet which are cover with black shoes. He looks at Kari and gives her a wink.* Shall we go? *He walks up to Kari and gives her a quick kiss.*

::Kari nodded, kissing him back:: Yes, we should go... ::She led the way to the archives, a large, dusty room in the dungeon-like basement of the Great Hall. Kari began going through some of the record books of residents of Velnarre:: You can go through whatever you like, my love. Perhaps you can find something about Lestat...

*Sane nods and goes over to the back of the room looking over a few books. Nothing too intresting... He goes over to a section of the library where the books seem to be a bit more dust worn and takes down a book opening it and sitting down on the floor reading it. He looks over at Kari and smiles*

::Kari didn't notice Sane watching her and she continued to scan through the logbooks until she found one that had a record of the comings and goings of travelers through Velnarre. She opened it's dusty cover and flipped carefully through the pages until she found an entry that interested her. She subconsciously read it aloud softly:: An Elf maiden from the Golden Wood, acompanied by a seemingly human man...with a child... 1227 of the Third Age.... that was the year I was born... ::She fell silent in disbelief, her face pale, her eyes quivering, threatening to shed tears::

*Sane sees her reaction and gets up from his place on teh floor rushing over to Kari and putting his arm around her. His lips form into a worried smile.* Are you okay Kari? What's wrong? *He brushes a strand of hair away from her face and hold her close.*

::She turned to him with a small smile, her eyes still glistening:: They were here... ::She turned to another book, titled with 1227 on it's cover. It was one of the journals of the old Lord of Velnarre, Kari's old mentor, far before she came to Velnarre on her own:: She opened it and scanned quickly through the pages, eventually finding an entry which she read aloud again:: Second day from the Fourth Black Moon... The Elf maiden is named Terah Nalive... she is the daughter of the Lord of the Golden Wood... with her is a strange man, seemingly human, but having odd gifts as if blessed by the Gods. He holds fire in his hands and a sword on his back.... ::she skipped down a ways:: ... Terah asked me to bless her child... being a daughter of my cousin, I was willing to comply to her request.... the baby girl, adequately named.... ::she stopped short, her breath caught in her throat:: ....Valkrie....

*Sane smiled and hugged her close to his chest.* That's wonderful! I mean you actually found records about your parents... Maybe you might be able to trace their steps through their lives with this. *Sane kisses her forhead and gives her another hug. He smiles and shakes his head.* At least one of us has some luck...

::Kari sighed, still staring at her Elvish name printed in the journal:: ...Valkrie... ::She turned to Sane, closing the journal and clutching it close to her as she stood:: We can come back tomorrow with one of the Hall Historians... It's getting late and we are expected at the Gather. ::She placed a hand gently on his cheek, saddened that he had not had any luck of his own:: I promise you'll find something soon. There must be something here for you... ::She kissed him softly and took his hand, leading him up the steps and out of the archives. Night had fallen, and many elves were moving down into the valley where a large fire was being built. Music echoed in the distance, and torches were lit everywhere. Kari instructed one of the Hall squires to take the journal back to their room. She then looked to Sane:: Come on, we should go lighten our moods. ::She led the way down to the Gather::

*Sane followed by her side he forced a smile. She was trying so hard to make him happier, he might as well try harder himself. Being with her brought joy to him... still... he had a mission as well. He was torn between his love for Kari and his family's honor. Yet for now he stayed here...* Sure it shoudl be fun after a long day of work. *Sane flashes a smile and looks at Kari intently. She was perfect to him no matter what others thought.*

::Kari noticed his unease, but continued through the night trying to cheer him up, pulling him into dances and showing him the traditions of the Elves of Velnarre. As was custom, she was pushed and prodded until she consented to playing a few tunes on her mother's fiddle. When she was done, she managed to escape the crowd and pull Sane aside:: Walk with me... ::She took his hand and led him down the riverbank to the bridge that crossed the river in front of the falls. She stopped, turning to face him. Her eyes were dim, her voice quiet:: I know you feel you should go... I would not have you stay against your will...

*Sane shakes his head* No... I enjoy being here... With you. But than I feel a duty that I must fufill to my family... You do not keep me here against my will. Because my will is to stay, yet in these few days here I have begun to realize I still have my quest to complete... I don;t knwo what to do Kari... I wish to stay yet I must also revenge my family... *Sane shakes his head and looks at the ground than at the falls smiling slightly. He loved her...*

::She knew what had to be done... it broke her heart, but she knew what had to be said. Her gaze fell to the water as she leaned over the stone railing of the bridge:: You have to go... you must avenge your family and restore your blodline's honor... there is no other choice... you must go....

*Sane shakes his head.* I can not leave you... Yet I can not ask you to acompany me... You have family here. *Sane looks at the water and closes his eyes taking in a deep breath.* If you want I shall stay one more day... I must head off after that however, even if my heart tells me not to. *Sane tips Kari's chin up and kisses her deeply* I'm sorry...

::She forced a smile and looked up into his eyes, swallowing her tears:: I understand... You must go... I will not ask you to stay any longer... but I cannot go with you... ::She took a step back from him:: My place is here... ::Kari felt her voice breaking:: ...I'm sorry... ::She turned and ran from the bridge, disappearing into the night::

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