[Title: Tattered Storybook - Yuvawrius]
Yes, another fine, dramatic title to start another dramatic entry off... Which nobody will read! If i'm gonna kill time, then damn it, i'm gonna over-kill it.
Yuvaw, Kulame, Orphious, Imakune, Aisho. All are significant personalities in here. And all have a true history in my real life. But when they're not physically romping about, terrorizing and romancing the unsuspecting masses of the world - they're inside, living a "storybook" life. Each one has a detailed story, I guess you could say fabricated, though to them i'm sure it's quite real. And the stories strike me as interesting. Go figure!
So, i'm going to jot down a little bit about each one. At some point. Starting with Yuvaw, since he's oh-so special. And since he's been on my mind (OMG a pun) as of late. Now, how to start...
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Yuvaw, Extigonian. Sub-branch of the Eftigonian race. His father - Orphious - is a pure Eftigonian, and makes his resentment of Yuvaw fairly clear. But this isn't about Orphious!
Because Yuvaw is of the sub-branch, he lives a somewhat weaker and shorter lifespan than an Efti would. He looks more aged than Orphious, even though Orphious is obviously older than him. And for the past three years has been coming to the end of his life.
This translates in literal terms as - Yuvaw is slowly dying off. I can feel it, strong as he is, he's fading off in this head. So, I understand why he lives each -real- waking moment in this real world as though it'll be the last he gets. Sad.
Anyhoo, Efti/Exti are a cold-logical type of race. They accept everything that is, and don't try to fight it. The universe is the way it is, no sense trying to change it. Just exist with it. So, things such as Art - Religion - Science, just doesn't make sense to them. They have a knowing and understanding that it is something that's done, but they can't grasp it. It seems utterly pointless - and they frown on anyone who would spend their time on something so useless.
This translates in literal terms to - Almost all personalities, live or dead, have thought on these lines. My 'Inner Universe" runs mainly on those beliefs. Myself not included.
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Hmm... Actually, this isn't coming out right. Instead, i'll post a conversation held between me and a friend about this subject. All about this subject - and how Yuvaw links into it. It's long, be fore-warned.
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AgarHeavenly: What do most evans think about earth
AgarHeavenly: and humans
AgarHeavenly: furhtermore, is earth the only one of its kind
AgarHeavenly: are humans only bound to this planet
yuvaw: Big questions, bucko!
AgarHeavenly: lol
AgarHeavenly: sorry
AgarHeavenly: i'm just thinking outoud
yuvaw: Alrighty, answer fest >_>
yuvaw: Most eveans think Humanity/earth is almost an insult
yuvaw: They don't like us, they don't like what we do, how we are
yuvaw: They make jokes specifically about humans!
yuvaw: "You stink like a human!"
AgarHeavenly: we are the universes blondes
AgarHeavenly: XD
yuvaw: XD
AgarHeavenly: are there any who respect us
yuvaw: Respect? Hmm....
yuvaw: Closest you get is Blanques
yuvaw: The "Sister planet" in eve
AgarHeavenly: The lunarians onced lived in harmony with us
yuvaw: Mhm, and now they're so few >__>
AgarHeavenly: is that why?
yuvaw: They gave humanity a shot! Eveans did
AgarHeavenly: we are children to them
yuvaw: Yes, yes
yuvaw: But as much as they resent humanity
yuvaw: They can't help but be interested
yuvaw: Allow themselves to get confused by us
AgarHeavenly: so they know as much about us as we do them
AgarHeavenly: we dont even know about ourselves
yuvaw: Well, hard to explain
yuvaw: Some, -very few- have taken the time to try and learn about humans
yuvaw: Why we do what we do, how
yuvaw: Yuvaw being one
AgarHeavenly: Yeah
AgarHeavenly: He seemed, or acted like he had some respect
yuvaw: And though they have learned/watched for a long time, and they know everything we do, they don't fully understand
AgarHeavenly: Yuvaw... is different from the rest of his kind though.
yuvaw: Yeah, Yuvaw does have different taste
yuvaw: But not respect for us, I don't think
yuvaw: More like...
yuvaw: Letting us be level with him
AgarHeavenly: can you relay messages to eve?
yuvaw: Not respect, and not prejudice
yuvaw: o_o Sure, specifically to one person?
AgarHeavenly: yuvaw
yuvaw: Can do~
AgarHeavenly: well
AgarHeavenly: did he take a specific interest in us?
AgarHeavenly: like
AgarHeavenly: you me, jessie, jelly
yuvaw: xP That's not a message! But I can answer
AgarHeavenly: yeah
AgarHeavenly: sorry
yuvaw: Also hard to explain
yuvaw: He did take interest in specifically us. Like a mental note was made. But it's like...
yuvaw: If you see a fruit fly - that lives and dies within a day - you can take note of it if you want
yuvaw: And for the rest of your life remember taking note of that one fruit fly
AgarHeavenly: so
AgarHeavenly: we are experiments
AgarHeavenly: he had no relationship to us
yuvaw: Nooo
AgarHeavenly: on a emotional level
yuvaw: Experiment implies he tested us @_@
AgarHeavenly: he stuck a stone on my forehead and gave me a gun that destroys souls
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
yuvaw: Alright, we might not form an emotional attatchment to that fruit fly
AgarHeavenly: and constantly bit me
yuvaw: But Yuvaw being inhuman could do that. He could look at the fruit fly - us - and while making that mental note to carry with him, keep any emotional attatchments he held to it
yuvaw: Even if it did just live and die within a day
yuvaw: And he let that fruit fly - us- be equal in his eyes to himself
yuvaw: It's saying alot @_@
AgarHeavenly: I understand
AgarHeavenly: earlier, I watched a pillbug climb to the top of my balcony rail... and I was going to flick it, but I saw the effort it took to get there and empythised with it
yuvaw: Understand why all the other eftigonians would look at someone as being insane or insulting for letting themselves get attatched to a human? xP
AgarHeavenly: instead I thought how and why and what drove it to do that
yuvaw: Mhm, not alot of people look at the world that way, either in eve or earth
yuvaw: I believe Yuvaw's logic is "Everything has a great, expanding history" that he wants to know
AgarHeavenly: I think I saw something so special in yuvaw then, because we think a like
AgarHeavenly: I wonder, if he saw the same thing in me
yuvaw: o.o You never know. Think you saw that in the pillbug?
AgarHeavenly: Is Belgroths stone, and the reaver... gifts?
AgarHeavenly: I saw a story behind that pillbug, how it was different from the rest that live in rocks, it faced danger and went of the statis quo and climbed to the top, it had a goal or a dream to me
AgarHeavenly: if I where to flick it, it's dreams would have been shattered and efforts in vein
yuvaw: Yes, but that happens all the time.
yuvaw: You could have just ignored it completely
yuvaw: But instead of destroying, and instead of utterly ignoring it's existence, you...?
AgarHeavenly: observed it
AgarHeavenly: and let it be
AgarHeavenly: let it play out it's own destiny
AgarHeavenly: do bugs have souls?
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
yuvaw: o_o I think they have... uh...
yuvaw: Like, the gaia
AgarHeavenly: I always believed bugs and plants dont have souls
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
yuvaw: I think they're all just part of the big gaia spirit
yuvaw: Which either means they're below our souls, or above o_o
AgarHeavenly: I see.
yuvaw: More connected with a larger thing than us alone
yuvaw: But then the whole "Inner Universe" thing comes in and I get confused @_@
AgarHeavenly: lol
AgarHeavenly: nobody will ever know all of these questions
yuvaw: xP If you wanna be technical - based on what I know of the Efti way of logic - everyone already knows all these questions
AgarHeavenly: well
AgarHeavenly: you know what I mean
yuvaw: Nobody will ever realize it~
AgarHeavenly: yea
yuvaw: o_o We gots a theory that Imakune did realize it all
yuvaw: He's hard to figure out...
AgarHeavenly: do you think one of my abilities is seeing the potential or the personality of someone?
yuvaw: Their what?
AgarHeavenly: I am usually a great judge of character
AgarHeavenly: just by observing someone
yuvaw: So, can you see their... uh...
AgarHeavenly: traits of their soul?
yuvaw: There's a good word for it @_@
AgarHeavenly: ask yuvaw why he gave me the stone and reaver
yuvaw: o_o Hmm
yuvaw: Take another moment!
yuvaw: If you had two things that could amplify the abilities of that pillbug, that would possibly make it able to talk to you, would you try it?
AgarHeavenly: yea
yuvaw: So, it's not gifts?
AgarHeavenly: no
AgarHeavenly: but if i where to do that
AgarHeavenly: i would develope a relationship with that pillbug
AgarHeavenly: sperating it from the rest
AgarHeavenly: making it special
yuvaw: Special to you, or special to all the others?
AgarHeavenly: Special to me in the fact that, that pillbug was the one I found interesting because I saw empathy for it, special to the others in the fact that it now is more powerful
AgarHeavenly: so
yuvaw: Aye, both xP
AgarHeavenly: did yuvow empathise with me?
yuvaw: No, that would emply that he saw you as less
yuvaw: He saw you/everyone else as equal
AgarHeavenly: then why the enhancements
yuvaw: Exactly
yuvaw: Why you?
yuvaw: You could have found any other pillbug to help up
yuvaw: You could have found any other pillbug to lift up, far above that first pillbug in a single moment
AgarHeavenly: with the reaver, I see a theory... perhaps, he saw that I couldn't destroy someone's soul, and entrusted me with such a device...as a keeper
AgarHeavenly: That pillbug just stuck out
yuvaw: So, maybe you just stuck out xP
AgarHeavenly: oh
yuvaw: Made yourself stick out
yuvaw: And, maybe he didn't see that trait in you
yuvaw: Maybe he didn't know you couldn't take a soul
yuvaw: You couldn't know if that pillbug would take a soul
AgarHeavenly: if i could read minds maybe
yuvaw: xP If pillbugs have minds?
AgarHeavenly: truwe
yuvaw: >_> Note: Eftigonians, some of them suggest we don't have minds
yuvaw: And when I see my sister, I believe they may be right
AgarHeavenly: i feel the same way
AgarHeavenly: some humans disgust me
yuvaw: Mhm, that's why they find humanity to be almost an insult
yuvaw: "You dare say they are equal to us?"
yuvaw: Because that would imply that you're equal to that pillbug
AgarHeavenly: Whos to say I'm not?
yuvaw: Ah! Yuvaw's thinkin', there
yuvaw: Because to Yuvaw, that pillbug and you -would- look very much the same
AgarHeavenly: creatures
AgarHeavenly: living and breathing
yuvaw: All made of the same energies, in different portions
AgarHeavenly: I guess... seeing it from a different special standpoint
AgarHeavenly: Hes not human
AgarHeavenly: I have to remeber this
AgarHeavenly: he may not think the same as me
yuvaw: He doesn't
yuvaw: He can't
AgarHeavenly: right
yuvaw: But he tries
AgarHeavenly: and thats admirable
yuvaw: Like you could try to think the same way of that pillbug
yuvaw: And you could give it two 'gifts' to make it easier xP
AgarHeavenly: lol
AgarHeavenly: but I dont see why the reaver and the stone
AgarHeavenly: and I dont see why I stuck out to him
yuvaw: He might see those two things as something different than we see them
AgarHeavenly: the first night we met he attacked me
yuvaw: xP And you almost flicked that pillbug
yuvaw: So, why -did- he see you as different than a pillbug...
AgarHeavenly: I dont know
yuvaw: It's like choosing between a grasshopper and a cricket
AgarHeavenly: its like... how you can think bugs are gross, but butterflies dont count, they are pretty
AgarHeavenly: is that why yuvaw sent me moths?
yuvaw: Could be o_o
yuvaw: I'm sure he's got some grand reason explaining why he chose you, but it's beyond me @_@
AgarHeavenly: XD
AgarHeavenly: how do you think he would answer
AgarHeavenly: if I asked?
AgarHeavenly: Why I stuck out from everyone else
AgarHeavenly: I'm very curious
yuvaw: I've no idea D':
AgarHeavenly: ask 'em
yuvaw: @_@ Will try, just a moment
AgarHeavenly: ok
yuvaw: Huh
yuvaw: There's more to it, but the -very- basic answer is "Unlike the other, he responded back."
AgarHeavenly: hmm
AgarHeavenly: whos the other?
yuvaw: Apparently if you wanted to put your finger down in front of a pillbug, in it's path, it would walk over it instinctively - not even considering/knowing that it was being helped up by the finger
yuvaw: The other = everyone else, I assume o_o
AgarHeavenly: I learned, puillbugs arent insects...they're crustacions
yuvaw: XD
AgarHeavenly: I see
AgarHeavenly: So... because I relised he was there, instead of just flaking him off as imagination
yuvaw: Anyhoo! While most of them would just walk over that help like that, obliviously - one of them would acknolege the help
yuvaw: I don't know, it might be something else you did that he saw as acknowlegement
yuvaw: Something you don't even realize you did o_o
AgarHeavenly: yeah
AgarHeavenly: I wonder...
AgarHeavenly: Hmm
AgarHeavenly: at anyrate
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
AgarHeavenly: I think we are just proving yuvaw is a good person
yuvaw: xP 'Tis a deep rabit hole
AgarHeavenly: XD
AgarHeavenly: hesa big 'ol softy
AgarHeavenly: -waits for a bite-
AgarHeavenly: >.>
yuvaw: XD Crazy
AgarHeavenly: either that
AgarHeavenly: or a geek
AgarHeavenly: XD
yuvaw: He's either brilliant beyond comprehension, or totally insane
AgarHeavenly: Einstein said
AgarHeavenly: Am I crazy, or are all the rest of them
AgarHeavenly: perhaps... yuvaw is sane, and the rest of them are crazy
yuvaw: o_o Could be
yuvaw: He seems to think that way
yuvaw: Or, he lives as though he thinks that way
AgarHeavenly: who knows
AgarHeavenly: he could think the same of me
yuvaw: He completely ignores the 'rules' of the rest of the races
AgarHeavenly: would yuvaw be safe to bring to earth?
yuvaw: If he goes ballistic, he could wipe everything out
AgarHeavenly: I remeber a conversation with him, he was so interested in our technologies, even something as simple as a sword
AgarHeavenly: he was facinated
yuvaw: Mhm
AgarHeavenly: like I'm facinated with the powers and spirituality of them
yuvaw: Something simple to them is interesting to us
AgarHeavenly: what triggers a ballistic rage?
yuvaw: Hard to say, could be anything at all
yuvaw: A nudge on the shoulder, or a direct slap in the face
AgarHeavenly: x.o
AgarHeavenly: what if he jsut visited
yuvaw: Kinda like saying, if you tripped, you could kick over an ant hill
AgarHeavenly: i showed him some suff
AgarHeavenly: then he went on his way
AgarHeavenly: think he would be interested?
AgarHeavenly: like a vacation
AgarHeavenly: or feild trip
yuvaw: Well, apparently he's been here before
AgarHeavenly: when?
yuvaw: Way back when
yuvaw: Hm, few thousand years ago?
AgarHeavenly: wow
yuvaw: He came with the other eftis?
AgarHeavenly: I see
yuvaw: o_o You remember?
AgarHeavenly: no
yuvaw: D':
AgarHeavenly: but
AgarHeavenly: its so different now
yuvaw: Mhm
AgarHeavenly: we change faster than they could even blink
yuvaw: xP Indeed
AgarHeavenly: to him
AgarHeavenly: a year for us is a milisecond
yuvaw: I think they feel time the same way we do
yuvaw: Just that it doesn't weigh so much on them
AgarHeavenly: well
AgarHeavenly: they live longer
AgarHeavenly: I'm sure they adapted to longer life
yuvaw: xP
yuvaw: But even if you lived for like only thirty years
AgarHeavenly: how long does a efti live?
yuvaw: and you saw a pillbug for one day of that
yuvaw: you'd still feel that one day as you do now
AgarHeavenly: yeah
yuvaw: Supposedly they live for as long as a sun does
AgarHeavenly: wow
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
AgarHeavenly: thats long
AgarHeavenly: maybe they are true celestial beeings
yuvaw: But that's only if they die of old age
yuvaw: They are born of the universe, and hold the nova energy in them
yuvaw: But they're called the "Cancer of the universe"
AgarHeavenly: thats why his power is like magma and heat
AgarHeavenly: i can see why
AgarHeavenly: to otheres they seem violent and unstable
AgarHeavenly: powerfull and arrogant
yuvaw: They bring death to so much
yuvaw: They take from the universe around them
AgarHeavenly: Why?
yuvaw: They can't help it
AgarHeavenly: I know that
AgarHeavenly: but why?
yuvaw: o_o Evolution, basically
AgarHeavenly: just a curse
yuvaw: The whole cosmic energies just flows in them
yuvaw: And converts to death
AgarHeavenly: so...
AgarHeavenly: if he where to come to earth
AgarHeavenly: and be near me
AgarHeavenly: I could just die from his presence
yuvaw: If he were to stop paying attention for a bit
yuvaw: Then he could sap the energy out of everything in his path
yuvaw: He's said it before - Everything here is so deilcate
yuvaw: But then, he doesn't just drop his attention easily xP
yuvaw: He doesn't have to sleep or anything -at all-
AgarHeavenly: efti + add = DOOM
yuvaw: And he has a great capasity
AgarHeavenly: Well
AgarHeavenly: he's tough
yuvaw: But!
yuvaw: He could replace everything he takes
AgarHeavenly: hmm
yuvaw: They all can @_@ Just apparently something about what happens to what they replace is supposed to be death
AgarHeavenly: So..
AgarHeavenly: they are like cars
AgarHeavenly: they burn fuel
AgarHeavenly: and give off pollution
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
AgarHeavenly: can't you change their motor?
yuvaw: xP
yuvaw: They burn fule, and give back fule - but the fule they give back is different somehow
yuvaw: Like, it doesn't burn
AgarHeavenly: entropy
yuvaw: Or something, I don't get it
AgarHeavenly: all energy is converted to heat
AgarHeavenly: heat is the only unusable form of unergy
AgarHeavenly: it's also the final form of energy
AgarHeavenly: all energy turns to heat, the end of the universe is when all energy is used
yuvaw: Mhm, Eftigonians are burnin' hot
AgarHeavenly: They are giant entropy generators
yuvaw: They produce such intense heat within themselves
yuvaw: Cold does -absolutely nothing- to them
yuvaw: But if you hold a match to them, they do get hurt, it burns them
AgarHeavenly: yeah
AgarHeavenly: hmm
yuvaw: Fire's their weakness o_o
AgarHeavenly: Ultrahot blooded
AgarHeavenly: thats good to know
AgarHeavenly: ^.-
yuvaw: xP
AgarHeavenly: so a nuclear missile would do damage
AgarHeavenly: thats some intence fire
yuvaw: As far as burning them, yes
AgarHeavenly: radiation probly does nothing to them
AgarHeavenly: XD
AgarHeavenly: they probably make radiation
yuvaw: Nope xP
AgarHeavenly: I can see why they are called the cancer of the universe... because they are basically spells of energy burning to nuthing
AgarHeavenly: but
AgarHeavenly: that is probably their purpose
AgarHeavenly: So, are they the highest on the food chain
yuvaw: Yeppo~
AgarHeavenly: So...
AgarHeavenly: like
yuvaw: o.o
AgarHeavenly: what about other people we know
AgarHeavenly: why did some of them take interest in us
AgarHeavenly: same as yuvaw?
yuvaw: Name someone? @_@
AgarHeavenly: Yuvaw is practically a god compared to us
AgarHeavenly: Cathrine
yuvaw: Hmm
AgarHeavenly: the only person I can think of right now
yuvaw: I don't think cathrine took interest so much
yuvaw: Just acted
AgarHeavenly: and her stalker sister
AgarHeavenly: ohh
AgarHeavenly: man oh man
AgarHeavenly: So it would take a lot to befreind a evean
AgarHeavenly: beeing human
yuvaw: You'd have to really awaken somethin' in yourself @_@
yuvaw: To reach out to an evean, and have them actually reach back
AgarHeavenly: like the heath
AgarHeavenly: XD
AgarHeavenly: I dont even know how powerfull my heath is
AgarHeavenly: For all I know it's a superconducter for divine energy, or it's a measly little beam of light I can weild
yuvaw: xP
yuvaw: Well, if it's made to take out eftigonians
yuvaw: Should be pretty high up there
AgarHeavenly: but if I have to go up agasint eftis, I hope its number 1
AgarHeavenly: yeah
AgarHeavenly: XD
yuvaw: xP
AgarHeavenly: whats the second strongest beeing
AgarHeavenly: or the anti-ef
AgarHeavenly: could that be humans?
yuvaw: o.o Aside from them?
AgarHeavenly: are we the anti-biotic of the universe?
yuvaw: Something like that
AgarHeavenly: like a pill, dissolving
AgarHeavenly: in the vat of time!
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
yuvaw: Take out the ol' cancer xP
AgarHeavenly: if that really is our destiny
AgarHeavenly: it's a shame
AgarHeavenly: because, I hate to deny life
yuvaw: But apparently Eftigonians are already dead
AgarHeavenly: eh?
AgarHeavenly: Zombies?
yuvaw: All energy that goes to them is already damned, it's a dead end
yuvaw: No sleeping, no eating, no heartbeats, no breathing
AgarHeavenly: like a cirus
AgarHeavenly: virus*
yuvaw: They just exist, their bodies live and burn with energy, but they... blah
AgarHeavenly: but they think
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
AgarHeavenly: they have souls right?
yuvaw: That's a really tricky question - they don't even know
AgarHeavenly: I see...
AgarHeavenly: "I think, therefore I am"
yuvaw: But that's it
yuvaw: They look like they think, right?
yuvaw: But apparently their 'thinking' is just instictive actions
AgarHeavenly: maybe
yuvaw: As complex as it may be
AgarHeavenly: Who knows
yuvaw: Explains why they can never understand religeon, or art
AgarHeavenly: true
yuvaw: even though they - yuvaw - tries
yuvaw: Which is utterly sad xP
AgarHeavenly: maybe...
AgarHeavenly: yuvaw wants to be alive
yuvaw: u_u Indeed
AgarHeavenly: hes searching for a cure for himself
AgarHeavenly: what would happen if you where to kickstart a efti heart
AgarHeavenly: make them breath
yuvaw: o_o Their hearts to beat sometimes
yuvaw: Depends on certain things
yuvaw: Which differ from efti to efti
yuvaw: I forget what makes yuvaw's hearts beat
yuvaw: They breath on instinct to stir up their spores when they need to
AgarHeavenly: bbut I mean to breath
AgarHeavenly: I breath air
yuvaw: Like, really breath?
AgarHeavenly: like we do
AgarHeavenly: to make them live
yuvaw: I don't know o_o
AgarHeavenly: Has anyone made a efti live
yuvaw: Not that I know of
yuvaw: Most eveans don't try things like that
yuvaw: The universe is the way it is - don't try to change it
yuvaw: Science and technology don't make sense
yuvaw: Yuvaw of course refuses to accept that
AgarHeavenly: O.o;
AgarHeavenly: you know
AgarHeavenly: I think I figured yuvaw out
yuvaw: o____o
AgarHeavenly: something jsut clicked
yuvaw: You'll have to clue me in later!
AgarHeavenly: way down in me
yuvaw: I gotta go @_@
AgarHeavenly: bah
AgarHeavenly: loser
AgarHeavenly: XD
yuvaw: xP
AgarHeavenly: I should sleep too
yuvaw: Ileavenow!
AgarHeavenly: I think tonight was good progress
AgarHeavenly: see yah
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Of course, you don't have to believe any of this. :'3 There's -a lot- more to it, but I doubt anyone outside my tight little circle would take the time to learn it all. And, i'm probably bullshitting all this, for all you fine folks know, right? @__@; Bah well.
In any case, now we know a little more about why Yuvaw is the way he is. And the utterly sad fact to him, is that no matter how hard he tries to learn the whole of Art, Science, Religion - he just never will fully understand it. Despite how truly hard he tries. And while i'm sure he knows that very fact, he still continues to try.
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