• Do you remember,
    When you were little,
    You would wait all year long
    to sit on his lap,
    That jolly man,
    And joyfully ask him for things,
    Everything was so magical.

    A red suit and cookies,
    Those things that meant miracles,
    Family from far and near
    came to be with you for one day,
    Everyone was so happy,
    And presents were abundant.

    Back when you tohught money grew on trees,
    A red nose and reindeer,
    Things of legend,
    Stories passed down; and the Christmas specials.

    Do you rmemeber?
    The mystifyingly wonderful feeling
    of Christmas day,
    Well; I can.

    So decorate the tree again,
    Now we're older,
    People can't always make it anymore,
    But bring the spirit back,
    For just ONE more Christmas,
    Place popcorn and candy canes on the tree,
    Eat happily with those around you,
    Send cards to the ones who meant to come,
    And remember that Christmas only comes once a year.