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    Hey there every one who cares!<br />
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    So, first of all, I'm Zag. That's what I want to be called. Of course, you can do variations of it, like Zagy, Zaggy, Zaggeh, you know, the usual. <br />
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    Well, I'm a student. So I'm not on all the time. But, I don't have a life, so I am on most of the time. My time on gaia consists of playing zOMG (if I'm in one of my zOMG phases), Role playing, and that is basically it. My favorite term to use is "/Kuh'fail". I made it up myself. So proud.... /Kuh'fail.<br />
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    I have cats. They like to walk on my keyboard or lie on my stomach while I'm using my laptop. One's sitting next to me right now purring. I love my cats. Caaaats.<br />
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    My personality tends to vary on what part of the sight I am on. But if you really get to know me, you will see that I am a crazy bitch. CAPS LOCKS ARE FUN WHEN I'M EXCITED OR MAD. dcrhgbsvhl DAMNED CAT.<br />
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    So uh, I play flute and saxophone. I've been playing flute for about 5 years now, and saxophone for a little less. Maybe... 2 years? I don't know. But so if you like music, and not the silly pop stuff, like legit jazz and rock, talk to me. I play mostly jazz, some rock, and a little clasical. And I will go on horrible rants about how schools these days don't give a shit about the arts. <br />
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    I am not athletic at all. I have being active. I'm lazy to the bone bitches <3. Fucking gym I like nerdy things like Dr. Who. He's very clever. Sherlock Holmes is pretty chill too. I like to read. And stuff. If you have a good book that you want to recommend, please tell me. I get most of mine from my sister, who had pretty good taste. Though I'm still yet to finish some series... OH and I lovelovelove Harry Potter. I mean, who doesn't? I've tried to do a few role plays with it, but they've all crashed and burned. I tend to do group roleplays, then if I get bored, do onexones. /gotofftopic. <br />
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