• There was a once a bunch of kid that were in The Midnight Society, They told Stories, but this one was true.Time before the kids Micheal's grandfather had been in it as well, his grandfather and their group had brought an evil power to their world. There was a traitor among them but they didn t know who, so one of them hid the sapphire someone safe and out of harm. He wrot down clues on each on handing them out to all of them. the next day he suddenly just died, then and another and another, only one of them lived.

    After their grandfather died (Micheal's) his grand mother gave him his grandfather's peice, with the story, he had to finish it and end the terror of the sapphire, you see it was the devil's demon. it would vanquish the person if u said he/she was the enemy.They tracked down every single memeber, for some it was difficult, there was a boy popping in and out, trying to scare them off. Finally they found all the pieces. Can you guess where it was, heres the clues
    -listen to the music
    -not all the eyes are brown
    -know your true enemy
    -go up and down
    Figure it out yet?
    okay couple more seconds.....
    okay heres the answer its the merry-go-round.
    they looked at all the horses eyes trying to find the horse with no brown eye. then they found it, as one and another touched it it glowed, then they tried touching it all together, and it poped out. Then the kid suddenly apperd, and so did the so called "traitor" As soon as the kid saw him he said "call that man an enemy and he'll be gone FOREVER" micheal kept thinking who was the true enemy then he knew it! first he looked at the man and said "you are the " then he looked at the boy and said "ENEMY!" all the souls were released and put to rest

    THE END... or not