• My dog Lorry
    I was walking to school like I do every day
    of my life.
    Little did I know that that one morning was going to change my life?
    Well let’s start from the beginning.
    It was a hot summer’s morning. I longed to go in my paddling pool. But I had to go to school. So I walked down to the shops to meet my friends.
    They were all already there, Ellen, Jemima and Louise. There were 2 ways to walk to school, past a river or just by the main road.
    We decided to go past a river. On our way we saw rabbits, lots of dogs and even a mole.
    We were walking past the river where Max our friend who just happens to be a boy was waiting for us.
    We were coming up to where the main road is. There was a dog standing in the middle of the road it was a whippet. It just stood there; it looked quite a young dog about a year old.
    A lorry was coming everyone was screaming. The dog did not move. Without thinking I rushed out in front of the lorry, picked up the dog and ran. The lorry hit me. Then I put the dog down and it was a bit injured but I think it ran away. Then everything went black.
    I heard my form tutor ringing my mum and dad at work. I heard an ambulance in the distance. Someone was holding my hand. Crying. I opened my eyes it was Max. “Thank you”. I whispered.
    “No, thank you, you saved that dog’s life”, He whispered in my ear. “Please don’t go” he cried.
    Before I knew it I felt myself being lifted onto a stretcher. “Who is going with her”. I heard a paramedic ask.
    “I will” said My form tutor.
    “No please sir I want to go”. Exclaimed Max.
    “Sir, you are not her dad”. I heard another paramedic say.
    “No, I’m not, I’m her form tutor” says my form tutor.
    “What are you to her then”? said the first paramedic looking at Max.
    “I’m her boyfriend”! He said.
    “Ok you can go”. Said the second paramedic.
    Now Max was not my boyfriend before. Maybe he thinks I can’t hear what he’s saying. I think my form tutor must have told my mum and dad to go straight to hospital.
    O my god where is the dog
    Where is the dog
    I woke up
    All my family were around me crying.
    My mum, dad , nanna, grandad, Great granny, auntie, uncle, cousins and even my 3 year old cousin was hanging onto my bed.
    Chloe my 3 year old cousin saw my eyes opening. She looked at me. Smiled jumped on my bed. And shouted “Jasmine” and cried all over me.
    My whole family were crying tears of happiness.
    I sat up straight and screamed “where is the dog”! And then burst into tears.
    My mum and dad came up to me “never mind about the dog”. Mum said.
    “We are just glad that you’re alive”. Dad cried.
    Chloe ran outside and screamed “she’s alive”.
    Everybody came in and cuddled me and cried on me. By this time I was soaking wet. Then Max came up to me and kissed me on the lips.
    “I’m her boyfriend”. I said mocking him.
    “Oh you heard that, I thought you might” he said.
    “Was it true”? I hoped.
    “If you want it to be true”. he replied.
    “You’re on” I said.
    “Nothing will slow me down not even a meteor” I shouted trying to stand on my bed.
    There was something heavy on my arm a pot.
    “I said nothing”. I shouted.
    Then at that very moment I fell off my bed onto the floor. I landed I laughed and said “ouch”!
    “Well that is enough excitement for today”! says my favourite nurse.
    “Yes”! I replied.
    I was planning to discharge myself. I got up at 5:00am. I got dressed. I Walked down the corridors dodging loads of nurses. Finally the door. Luckily for me the cleaner had just come in and left the door open. So I started walking in my school uniform. I had been walking for about an hour it was about 6:30. This was where I got hit my blood is on the road. I wonder if some of it is the dogs. It can’t have gone far. I wandered all over.
    Then down an alley way I heard a soft whimpering.
    I looked there it was, the whippet. I took it to the vets and paid for its treatment with my holiday money.
    I then sat with it in a forest. I was playing with it. It was Male. What name should I give it, Maybe Rex, Miles or Jake. NO!
    How about LORRY! Yes it is perfect. I then walked to my Nan’s and bought a dog lead on the way. Lorry seemed to be already trained.
    I walked into my Nan’s. I left Lorry outside just to be safe.
    Because the family dog Belle doesn’t like other dogs.
    “What are you doing here”. Nanna shouted.
    “I discharged myself”. I said.
    “Oh you naughty girl” she says bringing me in.
    “Nanna, I have the dog”. I said proudly.
    “WHAT, WHERE”.she shouts.
    “Lorry he is just outside”! I said excitedly.
    “Oh, this is the dog that nearly got you killed”! She said nastily.
    “No Nan it was my choice to save the dog”! I screamed at her. “I want to keep him”. I said as calmly as I could.
    She looked at Lorry. “It will have fleas”! She said disgustingly.
    “Already dealt with”. I said.
    “Well, what if it attacks belle” She said anxiously.
    “Belle is normally the one who does the Attacking”. I answered back.
    “Oh well”, She hesitated “You can keep it for now”
    “Yes”! I shouted.
    “But you can feed it and walk it”, She smiled, “and pick up its poo”
    “Ok, I will, my dog lorry” I shouted to the sky.
    I walked home with Lorry. When my parents came home the doctors had called them to tell them I went missing.
    They cried and said “you really scared us” Dad said. I smiled.
    I have brought someone home with me. They both looked at me baffled.
    “Is it that Max”,Mum said, “He was nice”.
    “No mum, Lorry”! I exclaimed.
    They looked at me as if I’d gone mad.
    “I think you need some rest”. Dad said to break the silence.
    “No, I’m on about the whippet”, I said, “Lorry, I’ve named him Lorry”.
    “Ok, you do need rest”. Mum said looking rather worried.
    “You don’t understand”, I sighed, “Lorry come here boy”.
    Then I heard faint pattering footsteps from upstairs. We all looked upstairs. Then the shyest face peered around the corner.
    “Ahh”! Said dad. “Isn’t he cute”, I exclaimed, “I know you’ve always said that Belle will be the only dog in our life but..........”
    “Yes you can”. Mum and dad said looking at each other.
    “WHAT”. I said baffled. “Yes you can keep the dog”. They said.
    “Sweet, I’m going back to school tomorrow”. I said innocently.
    Tomorrow is going to be brilliant. I will be the hero saved that dogs life.
    I wake up to Lorry nudging my arm. “Is it time already”! I asked. He had his lead in his mouth. “Sorry boy, I’m afraid that I haven’t got up early enough to walk you this morning”. He looks at me and brings my school uniform over and chucks it on me.
    “Hey”. I shouted. “Get off me”. He can’t come to school with me. Or can he.
    “Stay”, I told him, “be a good boy”. I went downstairs came back up and all he’d done was lie down. He looked at me and let out a loud woof. Then he looked at me with puppy eyes. “Ok you can come, just promise me you will stay out of trouble”.
    “Ok let’s go”. I said excitedly. I slipped out the house no problem. “Hey wait up”. I shouted after my friends.
    “Oh Jasmine we’re sorry we didn’t know you were back at school”. Jemima explained.
    “That’s Ok”. I said. I explained to them that this is my new dog and his name is Lorry and I just have to bring him to school he won’t stop following me. “He will just have to stay outside the gate”. I said.
    My friends looked at me. Jemima giggled. Louise looked at Ellen. “Jasmine and Max on a hospital”. Ellen sang.
    “K.I.S.S.I.N.G”.They all sung.
    “First comes love”. Sung Jemima.
    “Second comes marriage”. Sung Louise.
    “Third comes a baby in a golden carriage”! I sung just to join in. Then as we turned around to set off walking, who was lurking in the shadows, Max. I turned bright red because I was the one who said the baby line.
    “You know we’re not legally allowed to have kids until we are sixteen”. He explained even though everyone already knew.
    “Oh well you’ve only got two years to wait”. Jemima butted in.
    Max must have seen the look on my face.
    “Don’t worry we won’t have kids at sixteen, I swear we will be at least nineteen”. He said with that trustworthy look on his face.
    “No matter how much Jasmine begs and pleads you”. Louise said with a cheeky smile on her face.
    “Will you guys shut up”. I said angrily.
    They all said sorry one by one. Max hadn’t noticed Lorry yet. “Hey isn’t that dog....”he started. “Yes it is a whippet”. I exclaimed.
    “But isn’t it that...” He started.
    “No it isn’t a greyhound”. I said.
    “Jasmine let him speak”! Ellen said. “Isn’t that that beautiful dog that you saved”? He said glad to have finished his sentence. “Ok yes it is”. I said thinking that they would not like it anymore just like my nanna.
    “Great I’m glad you’ve got him”. He smiled.
    I then decided to tell them about my fear about people not liking Lorry. We were nearly at school now. On the field I found Lorry a nice shady spot in the bushes.
    “Stay be a good boy, I will be back soon”. I said to a sad looking Lorry. So I had to go to double English with the world’s worst teacher, but on the Brightside Lorry was going to be waiting for me when I come out. Miss had put together a big test for us to do right about a tragedy made up or real. “I am going to do about my near death tragedy”. I said dramatically trying not to show off.
    Finally the test was finished and outside I went. There Lorry was right where I left him.
    “Oh you are a good boy”. I said pleased to see him still there.
    “What are you doing talking to the hedge”? Alisha sniggered with two of her friends.
    “Oh Alisha do shut up”. I said quite annoyed.
    “Make me”! She said nastily.
    “Alright I will”! I said without thinking. Alisha came walking forward in bad strides. What had I said if she knows that Lorry is there she will hurt him. People were shouting fight all hoping me to win. All of a sudden I heard a soft whimpering and so did everyone else. “Who is this then a little doggy”? Alisha said in a nasty tone of voice. “I wonder if he’d like to meet Mr Knife”.

    “You wouldn’t”! I said very shocked.
    “Oh wouldn’t I”. She mimicked.

    She started walking towards Lorry with the knife. NO I AM NOT GOING TO LET HER HURT HIM. She was so close to hurting him and I couldn’t move.
    I suddenly with no warning launched myself towards Alisha and scratched and punched her as hard as I could, no way would she ever try that again. My form tutor was pulling me away from the scene by my tie.

    “Why did you attack Alisha like that for”? My form tutor said as if he knew the reason. I was in such a bad mood I said, “because she’s a ignorant b***h”.
    “Ok I totally agree with you but what did she do to make you do that”. My form tutor said as if he knew there was more to the story. “She pulled my hair”. I lied. He gave me a stern look. “She tried to hit me”. I lied again. Then another stern look. “She tried to kill me”
    I would lie till my tongue goes black but never tell him about Lorry. “Jasmine I want the real truth”. He said getting rather annoyed.
    “She tried to knife Lorry”, I screamed, “Lorry, where is Lorry”. I screamed running out of the room.
    There Lorry was whimpering under the hedge. My form tutor had followed me. I sat down in front of lorry and cuddled him. Lorry looking reassured stopped shivering and whimpering. “Jasmine, you can’t bring dogs to school”. He said as soon as he saw Lorry.

    I was in such a bad mood because of what Alisha was going to do to Lorry.
    I said in an angry voice, “Well how come Alisha comes to school”.

    “Ok we will keep this our secret, because I know you won’t stop arguing with me”. He said with no worry at all.

    So does that mean Lorry is kept a secret?

    Find out in Lorry part 2!