• The Night Winds Blew Through The Everglades Sending Fallen Leaves Flying Through The sky, a shiver of cold crept down his spine as Edward Mason stood at the foot of his parents grave, he took a deep breath in, with his head in his hands he feel to his knees, he looked up to his mothers grave then to his fathers, he wiped the tears from his eyes and placed a single black rose on each of their graves, he sat quietly paying his respects to his parents before he rose up and turned to walk away, as he headed off someone or something grabbed his arm, he turned around and holding onto his arm was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, her eyes were the colour of blood her hair was as dark as the night skies her skin was as pale as snow on a frosted window pane and her scent was as strong as freshly cut grass on a hot summers day, she stood in-front of him wearing a short black dress holding a single black and white rose, she was their to pay her respects to the only two people who ever cared for her.
    She let go of his arm and placed the black rose on the fathers grave and the white rose on the mothers, she knelt for a few minutes before rising up she didn’t look at Edward instead she turned the other way but in her quietest voice she said to him, “Young sir do you remember me?” she waited for his reply, but when she realized she was getting no reply she spoke again “Because I remember you... Edward” when she said his name he flinched he was in shock at how a stranger knew who he was and who his parents where, he wanted to ask so many questions but instead he just asked one, “Who are you?” he demanded to know, she didn’t answer like he hadn’t Edward wasn’t happy by this, “Tell Me Who You Are Miss” he was more demanding now, the young girl never replied instead she just disappeared their was a faint whisper in the nights wind, “in time you will remember me Edward ... in time”, Edward was anxious know, he wanted to know how this most magnificent, beautiful girl knew who he was, and knew who his family were, he wasn’t going to give up, he would search for as long as he must until he discovered who she was, he swore on his parents grave that he would discover the mystery that was thy lady, thy lady of the night winds.

    It’s been two years since that day, Edward thought to himself, two years and each year he would go back to his parents grave, pay his respects and wait to see if that girl would re-appear, he hoped every day for those two years that she would appear, but she never did, he began to wonder to himself, he wounded if she was real, and what she meant by “ you will remember me in time”, he decided not to give it much thought and just get on she would appear again when she needed to talk to him, but that didn’t mean anything now a days if she needed him or not, the point was she was their the day of the funeral the day he paid his respects the day for the lose of his parents, theirs one thing he wasn’t sure about, one other thing that is still a mystery to this day, how, how did his parents die, no one not even the doctors knew what killed them, he will find out the cause of their death, and he would research that girl, that girl from two years ago, to this day he still remembers what she looks like, he had never seen anyone with blood coloured eyes, or as pale as her, she was a fascination to him, his own little mystery.