• It was not a question of who I was or where I happened to be. It was not a question of what had happened or how it came about. What it was a question of, I had yet to understand.
    From where I was once known and once understood by those around me, was a time when nothing was of questions. Everyone was equal when I was a child and by my teens, things started to shake up. Where everyone understood everyone else, where technology was becoming more and more advanced, I was farther ahead than anyone else. I knew things before others did, I saw things others would only deny as nightmares. I wish I could only say that they were.
    I was seventeen when all this change of vision had occured. Recently, our people had decided that change was in order, but little did they know what they really had voted upon and I was left to continue with these hellish dreams. The more time passed, the more death and destruction I saw, and in these dreams, I began to wonder if even I would make it past the given date.
    Yes. 2012. It seemed so innocent a time, so far away a destination, yet the more the clocked ticked, the closer it came. And the closer it came, the more intense the dreams were. The more intense, the more aware I became of my surroundings.
    I was right to be cautious...

    As the days continued on, I tried as hard as I could to be as easy going and lighthearted as could be. What if I were to be wrong about what I saw? What if...
    These questions plagued my mind as I sat through class doodling my notes to pass the time as the teachers droned on, not knowing what was going on in my head. Sure, who wants to know what the thoughts of an average teenage girl are at seventeen? But considering who I was to some people, this was not such a simple question. I was just the average Jane, being in band to be with something I loved, I had my circle of friends, and above all, to some degree, I was content with life. However, I would know soon enough how much life would be lost within a short amount of time.

    Time. Time is a deadly word, especially when you come to know how much of it you have left. Whether set in hours or days, time can draw out of you like a serrated knife, slowly, painfully, catching each and every tooth of the blade on the ribs of your skin. There are occasions when Time cannot stand still, cannot let you catch up as it flies away out of your reach, so long as you know to stand on your toes. Other times, you are simply content, living life to the fullest, taking each and every day to the maximum. That is, if you know how.
    The clock that stood upon my mantel was my best friend and my worst enemy. Whether it told me it was time to work on homework or when my favorite show was to come on, it was always there, constantly ticking away the seconds I wasted or used wisely. Being what I am, a teenager, I wasted more time than used it, who didn't? I enjoyed watching the shadows of the afternoon dance on the wall as the sun began to set, or stare out into nothing as my mind sought a place of peace for the hell I was constantly in. Once in a rare while I would find it, whether be that of a thought of a young male friend who caught my attention in some way, or the music I would focus on learning as my education in the performing arts continued. There was only so much I could do in the space of time.