• My story begins here, in small town of Baskinville, Idaho. I'm sitting down, reading my book. A terrible commotion sounds from outside. As I look out my door, I see a large Chesapeake Bay Lab. He seems to be fighting off about twelve other mutts. My yelling and screaming didn't help, but my coat sure did. After I gave the old Chesapeake Bay Lab a bath and some food, he trudged mournfully out the door when I noticed something on his neck. It was a makeshift collar. The tag read 'Max'. As Max went down the street, I decided to get a dog. The very next day, I went to the pound and found about fifty dogs barking up a storm at me. As the keeper yelled,only one kept barking. She was a mix of Rottweiler and Yellow Lab. Her fur was a light brown, chestnut like. She had a pink nose. I named her Rose. After meeting Max and getting Rose, I knew what I wanted to do. I sold my dreary one floor house and bought some property just outside of town. I assembled a garage for my new shelter and a few rooms and stalls. I took the money I had out of my account and bought enough supplies to fuel an animal shelter. I also bought a horse trailer. I asked my brother to watch Rose. I then traveled around the whole west coast, taking in abused or neglected animals. When I returned, I came back with three horses, 9 cats, 10 dogs, 3 birds, and one kinkajou,a ferret like creature. My shelter was up and running. Then, when I went to go get Rose, My motorcycle was hit. I lost a leg. In a frantic effort to find a new home for all my animals, a rancher from California came up to me and said, "Sell me your shelter and animals, I will take good care of them for you. They will stay right here." so I sold them to him and I kept only two of the animals. I kept a cat, whose name was Pip, and the kinkajou, whose name was Shades. Then one day, I received a check from the rancher. He said that I needed more than he did. I sent it back. I said. 'Go buy some food for the horses.' Pip and Shades were good friends. But none shared the bond I had with Rose. As I neared the age of fifty, Pip got hit by a car. Rose stood by me as Shades died. The Bond could not be broken, even by death. This is the type of bond shared by man and his dog.